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Ferticare Hydro 6-14-30 25kg

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Ferticare Hydro 6-14-30, soluble in water with a low chlorine content, contains magnesium (Mg), sulfur (S) and trace elements.

Thu-Sun2O5-K 2O 6-14-30 with trace elements The fertilizer is suitable for use as a watering fertilizer (also in drip irrigation systems) on an inactive growing medium (stone wool), hydroponics and peat substrate in greenhouses, and for watering low-nitrogen plants (strawberry, blackcurrant) and spraying through leaves in open ground. Since the product contains all the necessary micronutrients, there is usually no need to add additional micronutrients.


Ferticare Hydro 6-14-30 + trace elements have been developed primarily for fertilizing inactive growing substrates (stone wool, hydroponics), but it can be used for all types of substrates. The product is successfully used in drip irrigation and sprinkling systems. For the manufacture of the product used raw materials that are completely soluble in water. The nitrogen content is relatively low. The product contains only nitrate nitrogen and can be used mainly on low-fertile substrates. Ferticare Hydro and calcium nitrate (YaraLiva Calcinit) can be used to create different (with different nitrogen N to potassium K) watering fertilization programs to fertilize many different crops. If it is necessary to regulate the ratio of nutrients in the program, then all the products of Krista's product group can be used for this.

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Granulated chalk (soil for liming) 25kg

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Granulated garden and lawn lime is a fast-acting overactive granulated chalk meal used to reduce the acidity of mineral soil and lawn surface and eliminate calcium deficiency in plants. As a result of the addition of lime, the pH of the soil rises, the solubility of nutrients improves, and the activity of soil microorganisms is revived. Liming inhibits the growth of moss in the lawn.

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Long-acting fertilizer Ekote 25kg

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  • Universal long-acting fertilizer for all potted, balcony and amplitude plants, roses and other perennials and decorative plants.
  • Also suitable for various coniferous species (i.e. spruce, tree of life, fir, pine, yew, cypress, larch, tsuuga, etc.). for fertilization.
  • A special polymer coating of fertilizer allows plants to gradually assimilate nutrients over a period of 3 months.
  • Accelerates the onset of flowering and promotes the formation of new flower buds.

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MATCH Golf Autumn 8-5-16+2MGO 20kg

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Match Golf Autumn is a low-chlorine granular NPK fertilizer containing organic and mineral nutrients for fertilizing golf, sports and beauty grasses.

N-P2O5-K2O 8-5-16+2MgO+1Fe (1.5% methylene carbamide)


Organo-mineral NPK fertilizer for fertilizing golf clubs, sports grounds, green spaces and home garden grasses, the composition of which also includes magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe) and sulfur (S). Lawn fertilizer Match Golf Autumn is available in 1-3 mm "all-in-one" granules. The fertilizer contains nutrients with both a quick and long-term effect. Due to the high content of organic matter, the structure of the soil and the state of humus are improved. Fertilizer is free from pathogens and weed seeds. Advantages:
  • Contains organic matter that increases the microbiological activity of the soil
  • Gradual release of nitrogen
  • High sulfur content
  • Better rooting
  • More beautiful coloring
  • Organic and mineral nutrients
  • Free from pathogens and weed seeds
  • Does not smell strong and does not create a lot of dust
  • Low consumption rate thanks to "all-in-one" granules

Original price was: 39,99 €.Current price is: 36,99 €.
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MATCH Golf Spring 16-5-8+2MGO 20kg

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MATCH Golf Spring is a low-chlorine granular NPK fertilizer containing organic and mineral nutrients for fertilizing golf, sports and beauty grasses.

Thu-P2O5-K 2O 16-5-8+2MgO+1Fe (4% methylene carbamide)


Organo-mineral NPK fertilizer for fertilizing golf clubs, sports grounds, green spaces and home garden grasses, the composition of which also includes magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe) and sulfur (S). Lawn fertilizer Match Golf Spring is available in the form of "all-in-one" granules with a diameter of 1-3 mm. The fertilizer contains nutrients with both a quick and long-term effect. Due to the high content of organic matter, the structure of the soil and the state of humus are improved. Fertilizer is free from pathogens and weed seeds. Advantages:
  • Contains organic matter that increases the microbiological activity of the soil
  • Gradual release of nitrogen
  • High sulfur content
  • Better rooting
  • More beautiful coloring
  • Organic and mineral nutrients
  • Free from pathogens and weed seeds
  • Does not smell strong and does not create a lot of dust
  • Low consumption rate thanks to "all-in-one" granules

Original price was: 39,99 €.Current price is: 29,99 €.
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Monterra Bio chicken manure 25kg/40l

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Organic chicken manure fertilizer improves soil structure and invigorates the work of soil microorganisms. Chicken manure provides the plant with strong growth and abundant flowering, as well as increase yields. A high content of organic matter helps maintain soil fertility and improves the soil's ability to retain moisture. The granules contain in their natural form all the basic and micronutrients that plants need.

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0 out of 5

Perlka on looduslikest toorainetest toodetud aeglaselt vabanev lämmastikväetis puu- ja köögiviljadele.

Perlka on toodetud söest, lubjakivist ja õhulämmastikust ning koosneb: 19,8% lämmastikust (N), 50% lubjast (CaO), 1,5% MgO ja ditsüaandiamiidist, mis on tuntud nitrifikatsiooni inhibiitor. PERLKA
  • vähendab nälkjate arvukust ja nende mune;
  • täiendab kasutatavate herbitsiidide mõju, mille tulemusena on tõrje efektiivsem;
  • hoiab ära mulla kaudu levivaid haigusi, nagu kapsanuuter, ristõieliste mustmädanik (Phoma) ja valgemädanik (Sclerotinia);
  • hoiab ära traatussi kahjustused kartuli mugulatel;
  • aitab vähendada lubja kasutamist;
  • parandab mulla viljakust.

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Qrop Complex Top K 12-6-24 25 kg

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  • Sisaldab kõiki makro- ja mikrotoitaineid tasakaalus kultuuri vajadusega.
  • Peamine koostisosa kaaliumnitraat on põllukultuuri kasvuks ja arenguks eelistatud kaaliumiallikas.
  • Sisaldab lämmastikku nitraadi (75%) ja ammooniumi (25%) kujul. Nitraate omastatakse koheselt ning need parandavad koheselt toitaineliste katioonide (K+, Ca2+, Mg2+ ja mikrotoitained) omastamist mullast. Ammoonium on mullast kättesaadav pikema perioodi jooksul.
  • Sisaldab taimele olulisi toitaineid kaltsiumi ja magneesiumi.
  • Toodetakse rangeid kvaliteedistandardeid järgides. Iga graanul on kõrge toitainete puhtusastmega ja praktiliselt ei sisalda saasteaineid, kloori, naatriumi ega raskemetalle.
  • On väikese sulfaadisisaldusega. Sulfaadi kogunemine mulda võib põhjustada soolastressi.
  • Omab suurepäraseid käitlemisomadusi, toote mittehügroskoopsed graanulid on vabalt voolavad.

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Sügisväetis Plantena Max 3-8-20 25kg

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Sügisväetis Plantena Max N-P2O5-K2O    3-8-20

  • Granuleeritud NPK sügisväetis Plantena Max 3-8-20 sisaldab kaltsiumit, magneesiumit, väävlit ja boori ning sobib eelkõige mitmeaastaste aiakultuuride sügiseseks väetamiseks.
  • Sügisväetis Plantena Max 3-8-20 on eelkõige mitmeaastaste aiakultuuride sügisväetis.
  • Aitab muuta taimed haigustele ja talvekülmale vastupidavamaks ning valmistada ette järgmise aasta kasvuks, rikkalikuks õitsemiseks ja saagi moodustumiseks.
  • Sobib hästi ka aia rajamisel taimede istutamiseelseks väetiseks ning  pinnase ettevalmistamiseks muru rajamisel, kui muru külvatakse sügisel.
  • Kevadväetisena sobib kasutamiseks vähese lämmastikutarbega taimedele (maasikas, mustsõstar, kiviktaimla taimed. Põhiväetisena sobib ka vähese lämmastikutarbega aedviljadele (näiteks kaunviljad) ja seemnekartulile.
  • Väetise toime on kõige tõhusam, kui väetis külvatakse niiskele mullale.

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YaraMila Cropcare 11-11-21 25kg

0 out of 5

YaraMila Cropcare 11-11-21 is a granular chlorine-free complex fertilizer that contains sulfur (S), magnesium (Mg) and micronutrients in addition to nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

N-Sun2O5-K 2O (Mg S) 11-11-21 (1.6 10), with trace elements


A universal fertilizer with very good solubility, intended for basic and pre-sowing fertilizing and for additional fertilizing during the growth of vegetables, fruit trees, flowers and all chlorine-sensitive crops. YaraMila Cropcare 11-11-21 contains all the micronutrients necessary for the normal growth and development of plants and has been specially developed for fertilizing chlorine-sensitive plants such as potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, strawberries, raspberries, currants, peas and other vegetables, fruits, lawns, herbs.

Original price was: 44,99 €.Current price is: 36,99 €.
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YaraMila Cropcare 8-5-19 (8-12-22) 25 kg

0 out of 5

YaraMila CROPCARE NPK(S) 8-12-22 (31) on mikroelementidega NPK-kompleksväetis klooritundlike kultuuride - köögiviljade, kartuli, marja- ja puuviljakultuuride ning dekoratiivsete kultuuride - põhi- ja lisaviljeluseks.

  • Sisaldab kaaliumi sulfaadi kujul, vähendades seega noorte taimede soolastressi.
  • Suhteliselt madal lämmastikusisaldus ja kõrge kaaliumisisaldus muudavad toote sobivaks sügiseseks kasutamiseks - mitmeaastaste marja- ja puuviljaistanduste rajamiseks ja dekoratiivsete istanduste täiendavaks väetamiseks.
  • 88% osakestest on 2-4 mm suurused ja hügroskoopilised, mis tähendab, et see lahustub kergesti kokkupuutel niiske pinnasega.
  • Graanulite mehaanilise tugevuse ja ühtluse tõttu sobib see eriti hästi kasutamiseks puukoolide istutuskastides.


  • Väga hea lahustuvusega universaalne väetis, mis on ette nähtud põhi- ja külvieelseks väetamiseks ning köögiviljade, viljapuude, lillede ja kõikide klooritundlike kultuuride kasvuaegseks lisaväetamiseks.
  • YaraMila CROPCARE 8-12-22 sisaldab kõiki taimede normaalseks kasvuks ja arenguks vajalikke mikrotoitaineid ning on spetsiaalselt välja töötatud klooritundlike taimede, nagu kartulid, tomatid, kurgid, maasikad, vaarikad, sõstrad, herned jt köögiviljad, puuviljad, muru, maitsetaimed, väetamiseks.

Original price was: 39,99 €.Current price is: 35,00 €.
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