Aafrika saialill 'Taishan Orange'
Tagetes erecta L.
Aed - Rõngaslill SILVER CUP
- See kaunis üheaastane taim õitseb rikkalikult ja pikalt ning on lihtne kasvatada.
- 'Silver Cup' sordil on suured õied ning taim ise on põõsasjas.
- Kõige paremini tulevad nad esile rühmadena istutatuna.
- Aias sobivad nad suurepäraselt taustataimedeks, eelistades tuulevarjulist, sooja ja päikesepaistelist kasvukohta.
Alpi-Lõosilm BLUE BALL
Kompaktne ja rikkalikult õitsev mitmeaastane taim, mis sobib ideaalselt pottidesse, rõdukastidesse ja aedadesse. Eelistab niisket ja poolvarjulist kasvukohta.
Apteegi Kummel
- Üheaastased ravim-, dekoratiiv- ja meetaimed.
- Korjatud õied tuleks kohe kuivatada, sest ainult hästi kuivatatud õitel on rikkalik aroom.
- Parim kasvukoht on kerge, hästi haritud muld, mis on umbrohuvaba.
Argentiina raudürt 'Finesse'
- Kõrgekasvuline lillade õitega kaunis suvelill.
- Õitseb kuni sügiseste külmadeni.
- Meelitab aeda liblikaid ja mesilasi.
Festuca ovina Glauca
- Mitmeaastane, taimed püsivad dekoratiivsed kogu aasta jooksul.
- Moodustavad sinise hõbedase varjundiga kobaraid.
- Vähese hooldusega, teevad roheluse ja lillede vahele istutatuna suurepäraseid aktsente.
Aster 'Fan'
Great cut and bed flower! A mixture of different colors. Height: 50-60 cm. Medium-sized double flowers with bright yellow cores. Flower diameter 5-6 cm. Fusariosis-resistant variety!
Aster 'Gala'
Great cut and bed flower! A mixture of different colors. Height: 80 cm. Large filling flowers of bright shades with a diameter of 8-10 cm. Strong stems. Prefers a sunny place of growth, fertile soil.
Aster 'Princess'
Great cut and bed flower! A mixture of different colors. Height: 70 cm. Large flowers with yellow cores. Flower diameter 8-9 cm. Strong stems. Hardy, also tolerates more humid growing conditions. Prefers a sunny place of growth, fertile soil.
Aster Matador
- Great cut and bed flower! A mixture of different colors.
- Large, lush flowers with a diameter of 10-11 cm.
- Prefers a sunny place of growth, fertile soil.
- Height: 80-90 cm.
Aster Standy
- Great cut and bed flower!
- A mixture of different colors.
- Height: 75 cm.
- Large flowers with a diameter of 8-10 cm.
- Resistant to fusariosis.
- Prefers a sunny place of growth, fertile soil.
Aubrieta hybrida
- Perennial, 10 cm tall, carpet-shaped, long-flowered flower.
- The flowers are small, 1 cm in diameter, bloom profusely.
- Planted in cemeteries and rock gardens, balconies.
- Grows best in dry soil, in a sunny place.
- Seeds at a temperature of +15 °C germinate in 18-22 days.
- Aubrieeta does not need covering in winter, for many years can grow without changing.
- Easy to reproduce.
Balsamiin - Lemmalts
- Üheaastane, 50 cm kõrge, vähenõudlik taim pika õitseperioodiga.
- Silmapaistev täiendus igale aiale, olgu see siis lillepeenras istutatud või toataimena eksponeeritud.
- Need lilled on külmakartlikud.
- Eelistavad kasvada hästi valgustatud paikades, kergemates mullastikes.
- Nendes tingimustes kasvavad nad jõudsalt ja õitsevad rikkalikult.
Begoonia 'Flowerball H Pink'
Begonia semperflorens hort.
Bridal nod 'Giant Coral'
Great cut and bed flower! Large bright coral-pink filling flowers with a diameter of 10-12 cm attract butterflies. Strong long stems. Height: 100 cm.
Bridal nod 'Giant Lime'
Great cut and bed flower! Large lime green filling flowers with a diameter of 10-12 cm attract butterflies. Strong long stems. Height: 100 cm.
Bridal nod 'Giant Wine'
Great cut and bed flower! Large dark purple-purple filling flowers with a diameter of 10-12 cm attract butterflies. Strong long stems. Height: 100 cm.
Bridal nod 'Oklahoma'
Great cut and bed flower! A mixture of different colors. Bright half-full and stuffed flowers with a diameter of 4-5 cm attract butterflies. Long, strong stems. Height: 90 cm.
Bridal nod 'Zinnita Rose'
Low and compact bushy variety. Height: 18-20 cm. Dark pink filling flowers with a diameter of 5-6 cm attract butterflies. Planted in flower beds, pots, balcony boxes.
Bridal nod 'Zinnita Scarlet'
Low and compact bushy variety. Height: 18-20 cm. Bright red filling flowers with a diameter of 5-6 cm attract butterflies. Planted in flower beds, pots, balcony boxes.
Bridal nod 'Zinnita Yellow'
Low and compact bushy variety. Height: 18-20 cm. Yellow filling flowers with a diameter of 5-6 cm attract butterflies. Planted in flower beds, pots, balcony boxes.
Calendula 'Bon Bon'
Easy-to-grow one-year-old summer flower. Low and compact. Height: 30 cm. Filling flowers of bright orange and yellow shades. Blooms until autumn frosts. Planted in flower beds, pots, balcony boxes.
Calendula 'Touch of Red Buff'
Easy-to-grow one-year-old summer flower. Great cut flower! Filling flowers of a peculiar salmon-orange color. Blooms until autumn frosts. Height: 60 cm. Planted in flower beds, pots, balcony boxes.
Calendula 'Touch of Red Orange'
Easy-to-grow one-year-old summer flower. Great cut flower! Bright orange filling flowers. Blooms until autumn frosts. Height: 60 cm. Planted in flower beds, pots, balcony boxes.
Calendula Touch of Red Yellow
- Easily grown one-year-old summer flower.
- Great cut flower!
- Bright yellow filling flowers.
- Blooms until autumn frosts.
- Height: 60 cm.
- Planted in flower beds, pots, balcony boxes.
- Prefers a sunny place of growth, with more moist, friable soil.
Common calcareous stick
Gaura lindheimer's
- Perennial, inflorescence 80 cm long, with beds and complex flowers.
- Blooms all summer.
- The plants are bush-shaped and compact.
- Grown singly or in a group.
- Grows well in combination with other flowers.
- Suitable for growing in a pot.
Common whirlwind head Stala
Common whirlwind head
- Excellent honey and ornamental plant.
- It is also grown as a catch crop for the purpose of improving soil fertility.
- Blooms long and abundantly.
Cosmos 'Casanova Mix'
- Low and compact beautiful summer flower.
- Simple to grow.
- Seed mix of pink, red, and white flowers.
- Flower diameter 8cm.
- Blooms until autumn frosts.
Dahlias Garden Pride
- One-year-old long-flowering summer flower.
- Low and compact.
- Height: 30 cm.
- Spectacular different-coloured half-full flowers.
- Dahlias bloom until the autumn frosts.
- Planted in flower beds, pots, balcony boxes after the night frosts have passed.
- Prefers a sunny place of growth on fertile, humus-rich soil.
Dekoratiivne Harilik Riis
- See rohttaim kasvab kuni 40 cm kõrguseks ning on tuntud oma tumedate lillakate lehtede poolest.
- Kuigi see on mitmeaastane taim, kasvatatakse seda sageli üheaastasena.
- See taim armastab niiskust ning sobib ideaalselt kasvatamiseks nii pottides, lillepeenardes kui ka erinevates lillekombinatsioonides.
- Eriti kaunis on see veekogude ümbruses.
- Dekoratiiv riisi saab kombineerida ka heledamate õitega taimedega ning sobib suurepäraselt ka lõikelilleks või kuivatamiseks.
Penstemon Hartwegii
- Kaheaastased lilled.
- Armastatud oma erksate õite pärast.
- Õitseb esimesel aastal pärast istutamist ja jätkub kuni esimese külmani.
- Lilli võib korjata.
- Võib kasvatada kobaratena ja sobib potis kasvatamiseks.
Felt-cruciferous 'Silverdust'
Decorative seasonal plant with spectacular lacey silver-gray foliage. Height: 25 cm. Grown in flower beds, balcony boxes, terrace pots, cemeteries. Especially beautiful in combination with brightly colored summer flowers. Remains decorative even after the first night frosts.
Felt-cruciferous New Look
- Decorative seasonal plant with spectacular silver-gray foliage.
- Height: 25 cm.
- Grown in flower beds, balcony boxes, terrace pots, cemeteries.
- Felt-cruciferous New Look is especially beautiful in combination with brightly colored summer flowers.
- Remains decorative even after the first night frosts.
Flower grass 1 kg
- A mixture of flower seeds consists of various annual summer flowers.
- A beautiful flower field that blooms for a long time and gives a diverse and colorful flower field for the whole summer.
Flower grass 100g
A mixture of flower seeds consists of various annual summer flowers. A beautiful flower field that blooms for a long time and gives a diverse and colorful flower field for the whole summer.