Dill, Seeds, Vegetable seeds
Aedtill 'Mammoth'
0 out of 5
- Aedtill 'Mammoth' is a very yielding shrub dill.
- At the beginning of growth, a low-growing and abundantly leaf-giving variety, which later grows very tall.
- The leaf mass is delicate and fragrant.
- Suitable for use both fresh and dried, in preserves and as a seasoning for dishes.
0,76 €
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Aedtill, Basiilik, Köögiviljaseemned, Petersell, Salatid ja muud, Seemned
Köögitaimed - 12 seemnesortide komplekt
0 out of 5
- 12 maitsetaime pakuvad teie köögis palju erinevaid maitseaineid!
- Sõltuvalt sordist saab ürte kasvatada aknalaual, potis või peenral.
- Seed-fast premium-seemned.
- GMO-vabad ja lihvimata.
14,99 €
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Dill, Seeds, Vegetable seeds
0 out of 5
Anethum graveolens L.
- Fragrant variety of medium early ripening, which gives rich deep green foliage.
- Plants attach slowly and wither after harvesting.
- Suitable for fresh consumption, drying and freezing.
- In winter, dill can be grown at home in boxes on windowsills, but additional lighting is required.
- The advantages of seed tape: a richer, higher-quality harvest.
- With sufficient moisture, the seeds germinate quickly and evenly.
1,39 €
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Aedtill, Basiilik, Köögiviljaseemned, Petersell, Salatid ja muud, Seemned
Tilli, peterselli, basiiliku seemnekettad
0 out of 5
- Pakendis 3 maitsetaimede seemneketast läbimõõduga 8 cm:
- põõsastill
- lehtpetersell
- klassikaline suurte lehtedega Itaalia basiilik.
- Sobivad aknalaual, rõdul, terrassil kasvatamiseks.
1,25 €
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