Watermelon 'Crimstar' F1
Watermelon Crimstar 6s. Very early variety. Fruit rounded, average weight 6-8 kg.
Weed control Hobby 1 l (ready solution)
- Does not contain glyphosate.
- Ready-to-use herbicide for repelling annual dicotyledonous weeds on roads, paths and areas with a water-permeable surface and between rows of ornamental trees and shrubs, and for repelling moss between rows of ornamental trees and shrubs.
- To process the repelled vegetation carefully.
- Use the product at the time indicated on the label and with the permissible consumption rate.
- Maximum use during the growing season: 4 times with an interval of 7 days.
- The consumption rate for single use is 30 ml of substance per 10 m2.
Whirlwind head 200g
Excellent catch culture, ornamental and honey plant. The vortex head does not have common diseases with the most common crop crops and therefore fits well into crop rotation. As a catch crop, it is grown for the purpose of improving soil fertility, in addition, it provides great competition to weeds. The plant has the ability to make phosphorus not assimilated by other plants available. If the seed is sown after the early main crops ripen, then the plant will still be able to bloom. However, for the purpose of growing as a honey plant, the seed must be sown already in the spring. Honey productivity 150-300kg/ha. Trichinella honey is valued on a par with linden honey. Trichinella is also grown as an ornamental plant.
White bed carpet 1.1×100m
- Bed carpet is a polypropylene coating material used in home gardens and landscaping.
- It is permeable to water and air, strong and resistant to trampling.
- Bed carpet prevents the development of weeds and keeps the soil moist and reduces its erosion.
- Is resistant to ultraviolet radiation.
- The bed carpet is suitable for use in strawberry and other plantings, in permanent flower beds, under trees and shrubs to prevent the growth of weeds, when laying paths to separate layers of soil, in a nursery under plant pots, etc.
White cabbage 'Fighter'
Very good souring cabbage. Late variety of preservation. Plant with an upright growth shape, large outer leaves, light green, with a high headdress. Head weight 3-4.5 kg. Harvest 120- 140 days after planting plants.
White cabbage BRUNSWICK
- White cabbage BRUNSWICK medium late variety.
- Harvested 120-130 days after planting.
- The heads are hard and weigh about 2.5-3.5 kg.
- Due to the very good taste, high sugar and vitamin content is recommended for the preparation of marinades.
White clover 50g
- Perennial.
- The small-leaved white clover 'Rivendel' is a frost- and thallus-resistant, undemanding low-growing variety.
- Has a very decorative effect on the outskirts of gardens and among lawns.
- Also well suited for various flower slugs.
- Good honey plant.
White clover RIVENDER 300g
- The small-leaved white clover variety 'Rivendel' is frost-resistant, trampling-resistant, light-requiring and fertilizes lawn camaraderie by binding atmospheric nitrogen.
White mustard 200g
White mustard 200g - fast-growing green fertilizer and honey plant, which improves soil structure, repels weeds and enriches the soil with nutrients. Ideal catch culture for vegetable and flower beds.
Wild strawberry RUGEN
- Wild strawberry RUGEN is a perennial plant.
- Gives red, sweet and fragrant berries.
- The berries are much larger than the forest strawberry.
- Harvested from June to September.
Winter bird food assorted 2.5kg
Winter bird food assorted includes:
- sunflower seeds 700 g
- seed mixture 900 g
- fat balls 90 g x 10 pcs
Winter lore 1,6×5m, 8m², 50g/m²
The winter lily protects frost-resistant shrubs, ornamental and coniferous trees, rose bushes, rhododendrons, perennials, climbing plants and herbs from frost in winter and sun damage in spring.
Wound spray aerosol 200ml
Wood wax wound sealant, liquid wound closure spray (aerosol). For finishing and closing the wound: spray the finishing or wound area so that moisture does not get inside. The aerosol contains refined natural resins that the tree itself secretes to heal wounds. Plant enhancer.
YaraMila Cropcare 11-11-21 25kg
YaraMila Cropcare 11-11-21 is a granular chlorine-free complex fertilizer that contains sulfur (S), magnesium (Mg) and micronutrients in addition to nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.
N-Sun2O5-K 2O (Mg S) 11-11-21 (1.6 10), with trace elementsUse
A universal fertilizer with very good solubility, intended for basic and pre-sowing fertilizing and for additional fertilizing during the growth of vegetables, fruit trees, flowers and all chlorine-sensitive crops. YaraMila Cropcare 11-11-21 contains all the micronutrients necessary for the normal growth and development of plants and has been specially developed for fertilizing chlorine-sensitive plants such as potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, strawberries, raspberries, currants, peas and other vegetables, fruits, lawns, herbs.YaraMila Cropcare 8-5-19 (8-12-22) 25 kg
YaraMila CROPCARE NPK(S) 8-12-22 (31) on mikroelementidega NPK-kompleksväetis klooritundlike kultuuride - köögiviljade, kartuli, marja- ja puuviljakultuuride ning dekoratiivsete kultuuride - põhi- ja lisaviljeluseks.
- Sisaldab kaaliumi sulfaadi kujul, vähendades seega noorte taimede soolastressi.
- Suhteliselt madal lämmastikusisaldus ja kõrge kaaliumisisaldus muudavad toote sobivaks sügiseseks kasutamiseks - mitmeaastaste marja- ja puuviljaistanduste rajamiseks ja dekoratiivsete istanduste täiendavaks väetamiseks.
- 88% osakestest on 2-4 mm suurused ja hügroskoopilised, mis tähendab, et see lahustub kergesti kokkupuutel niiske pinnasega.
- Graanulite mehaanilise tugevuse ja ühtluse tõttu sobib see eriti hästi kasutamiseks puukoolide istutuskastides.
- Väga hea lahustuvusega universaalne väetis, mis on ette nähtud põhi- ja külvieelseks väetamiseks ning köögiviljade, viljapuude, lillede ja kõikide klooritundlike kultuuride kasvuaegseks lisaväetamiseks.
- YaraMila CROPCARE 8-12-22 sisaldab kõiki taimede normaalseks kasvuks ja arenguks vajalikke mikrotoitaineid ning on spetsiaalselt välja töötatud klooritundlike taimede, nagu kartulid, tomatid, kurgid, maasikad, vaarikad, sõstrad, herned jt köögiviljad, puuviljad, muru, maitsetaimed, väetamiseks.
Yellow glue trap for insects in the greenhouse and yard 10pcs
- Leaves covered with a transparent adhesive substance and intended for plant protection do not contain chemical active substances.
- The yellow color of the adhesive trap attracts insects, and when in contact with it, pests stick to the trap.
- Glue traps for insects can be used to catch a cherry fly and prevent worming caused by its larvae.
- It also helps to successfully repel other pests, such as aphid, pit moth, apple moth, greenhouse weevil, garter-winged and the like.
Yellow plant labels 5×15cm
Yellow plant labels 5×15 cm, 10 pcs/pack.