Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench
- Mitmeaastane, 70-80 cm kõrgune, vähe hooldatav, dekoratiivne, rohttaimede õied meelitavad liblikaid.
- Õied 9-10 cm laiad, värvilised.
- Kasvab hästi kergemal mullal, rikastatud orgaaniliste väetistega, päikesepoolses kohas või poolvarjupaigas, ei armasta veepiiskasid.
- See mitmeaastane taim on väga dekoratiivne, pooltäidetud õitega ning kasvab kuni 80 cm kõrguseks.
- Õitseb juba esimesel aastal pärast külvi.
- Eelistab kasvada kergemas, hästi väetatud mullas orgaaniliste väetistega, päikesepaistelisel kohal või poolvarjus.
- Ei talu liigniisket mulda.
- Sobib istutamiseks haljasaladele, lillepeenrasse ja lõikelilledeks.
- Talvitub katteta ning võib samas kohas kasvada mitu aastat.
Sinilatv Harilik
- See mitmeaastane lill sobib suurepäraselt varjuliste kohtade jaoks.
- Ta õitseb varakevadel ning kasvab kuni 70 cm kõrguseks.
- Dekoratiivsed on nii õied kui ka taim ise.
- Eriti sobilik on kasvatamiseks naturalistlikes lilleaedades, metsa-aladel ja maamajapidamistes.
- Eelistab niiskemat pinnast ja varjulisi kasvukohti.
- Võib samas kohas kasvada mitu aastat ning talvitub katteta.
Cosmos bipinnatus Cav.
- One-year-old, one of the tallest flowers.
- Suitable for landscaping farm gardens.
- Countdown plant.
- Grows well in fertile, moist and wind-protected soil.
- Cold-averse.
Spinach 'Apollo' F1
Spinach 'Apollo' is a high-yielding and non-powdery spring-autumn variety with dark green oval leaves. Young leaves and leaf stalks with rich nutritional value are consumed for food in soups, as an additive to fish and meat dishes.
Sports grass 5kg
The 'Sports Grass' seed mix consists of trampling-resistant and narrow-leaved species and gives you the best durability lawn rug.
Sports grass grass seeds 10kg
The 'Sports Grass' seed mix consists of trampling-resistant and narrow-leaved species and gives you the best durability lawn rug.
Sports grass grass seeds 1kg
The 'Sports Grass' seed mix consists of trampling-resistant and narrow-leaved species and gives you the best durability lawn rug.
Sports grass Playground 20kg
This high-quality product consists of trampling-resistant and narrow-leaved species and gives you the best durability lawn rug.
Spotted Wild Boar
Lysimachia punctata L.
- These are low-maintenance, perennial flowers with bright inflorescences.
- They bloom profusely in early spring and singly in late summer.
- Their flowers attract bees and butterflies.
- These plants are usually grown in groups and are suitable for cultivation in coastal areas.
- The spotted Wild boar spreads quickly, occupying a free area in the flower bed.
Sugar leaf
Natural sugar substitute! Sugar leaf, or stevia leaves, can be added to food and drink fresh or dried in the form of leaf porridge. The leaves retain their sweetness even when dried and for a very long time.
Sunflower 'Floristan'
One-year-old bright summer flower with spectacular yellow and reddish-brown crown flowers and a dark core. Magnificent cut flower. Flower diameter 13-15 cm. Height: 125 cm. Grows side shoots.
Sunflower 'Pacino Cola'
One-year-old low sunflower variety. Suitable as a group in a bed or balcony box. Height: 30-35 cm. Flower diameter 10-12 cm.
Sunflower 'Ring of Fire'
One-year-old bright summer flower with spectacular golden yellow and reddish-brown crown flowers and a dark core. Great cut flower! Flower diameter 10-13 cm. Height: 135 cm. Grows side shoots.
Sunflower 'Soraya'
An annual summer flower with bright golden yellow crown flowers and a dark core. Great cut flower! Height: 155 cm. Flower diameter 10 cm. Grows side shoots.
Sunflower 'Valentine'
One-year-old summer flower with bright yellow crown flowers and a dark core. Great cut flower! Flower diameter 10-15 cm. Height: 135 cm. Grows side shoots.
Sunflower Cutting Gold
- One-year-old bright summer flower.
- Great cut flower!
- Height: 125 cm.
- Large flower with golden yellow crown flowers and a black core.
- Flower diameter 23 cm.
- Prefers a sunny place of growth on fertile, humus-rich soil.
- It is recommended to sow immediately after night frosts to the place of growth, as it does not tolerate transplanting.
Sunflower Peredovick 100g
- Very attractive medium-growing sunflower variety with large inflorescences, the core of which is greenish, and the string flowers are lemon-yellow.
- In addition to the large main inflorescence, side shoots develop from the leaf axils, crowned by smaller inflorescences.
- Blooms from July to September.
- Seeds are very rich in oil.
- Also cultivated as a catch crop.
- Forms a large biomass.
Suur Värihein
- Üheaastane, 30 cm kõrge püstiste õisikutega kuivlill.
- Kasvatatakse ääristustes, külvatakse õitsvatesse niitude segu, sageli kasutatakse naturalistlikes aedades.
- Sobilik lõikamiseks kuivadele kimpudesse.
- Istutatakse lillepeenrasse kobaratena.
Suvivikk 200 g
- Suvivikk ehk kurehernes on suurepärane vahekultuur liblikõieliste sugukonnast.
- Toodab palju haljasmassi, tänu millele surub alla umbrohtumust.
- Kiire algarenguga.
Capsicum annuum L.
- Mid-early variety of tasty and decorative sweet pepper.
- Each plant gives 50–70 small peppers with a length of 8–10 cm and a width of 4 cm.
- The fruits have an exquisite taste, exceptionally sweet and fragrant.
- These peppers can be used as snacks and are indispensable in the preparation of fresh salads.
- Suitable for cultivation on the balcony and in the greenhouse, gives a good harvest when grown in the open field in the summer.
Sweet pepper 'Adige' F1
Sweet pepper 'Adige' F1 is a very early, red-fruited and high-yielding variety of sweet pepper. The fruits are sweet, rectangular, large and weigh about 400 g.
Lavandula angustifolia Mill.
- Mitmeaastased kulinaarsed, dekoratiivsed, puitunud ürdid.
- Inimtoiduks kasutatakse värskeid või kuivatatud vürtsikaid lehti.
- Sobivaim paljundamisviis on istikute istutamine, mis on kasvatatud puukoolis seemnetest.
- Võib kasvada samal kohal isegi 10 aastat.
Anethum graveolens L.
- Fragrant variety of medium early ripening, which gives rich deep green foliage.
- Plants attach slowly and wither after harvesting.
- Suitable for fresh consumption, drying and freezing.
- In winter, dill can be grown at home in boxes on windowsills, but additional lighting is required.
- The advantages of seed tape: a richer, higher-quality harvest.
- With sufficient moisture, the seeds germinate quickly and evenly.
Tilli, peterselli, basiiliku seemnekettad
- Pakendis 3 maitsetaimede seemneketast läbimõõduga 8 cm:
- põõsastill
- lehtpetersell
- klassikaline suurte lehtedega Itaalia basiilik.
- Sobivad aknalaual, rõdul, terrassil kasvatamiseks.
Tomatiseemned - 12 seemnesortide komplekt
Selles komplektis on 12 erinevat sorti maitsvaid tomateid, mis erinevad nii välimuse kui ka maitse poolest, mis ei erine mitte ainult välimuse, vaid ka maitse poolest.
Tomato 'Evelle'
The tomato variety 'Evelle', bred in Estonia, is a high-growing high-yielding and early variety. The fruits are red, have very good taste, uniform size. Average mass 80-90 g. Resistant to diseases (ruugehallitus resistant) and cracking of fruits. Good transport resistance.
Tomato 'Fuji Pink' F1
Tomato' Fuji Pink' F1 is an indeterminant strong-growing variety. The fruits are pink, rounded and very sweet and weigh 180-200 g. Pink tomato variety with very good keeping quality.
Tomato 'Gourmandia' F1
High-growing, high-yielding and very tasty tomato variety! 'Bull's heart' similar to heart-shaped fruit. Grain weight 200-250g. The flesh of the fruit soft, sweet, juicy, with few seeds. Resistant to many diseases!
Tomato 'Green Zebra'
Fascinating green-striped high-growing heritage variety with very good taste. Fruit medium size (70-150 grams). As the fruits ripen, they soften and become more yellowish. The flesh of the fruit light green and fleshy. Differs from others in its taste of the pipere!
Tomato 'Maike'
The Estonian tomato variety 'Maike' is a low-growing early red tomato. Fruit round, smooth, uniform in size, with an average mass of 60-65 g. Fruits crack-resistant. Relatively resistant to diseases.
Tomato 'Malle' F1
Tomato 'Malle' F1 is a high-growing, indeterminant strong-growing red early, high-yielding hybrid variety with very good taste. Fruit medium size (80-90 g), slightly flat. Relatively resistant to cracking of fruits, ruugehallitus resistant. With good transport resistance.
Tomato 'Mato'
The tomato variety 'Mato', bred in Estonia, is a low-growing and early, bright red, flattened-rounded tomato. Compact bunch, 6-10 fruits. The mass of grain 95-100 g. Resistant to ruugehallitus. With good keeping quality and transport tolerance.
Tomato 'Pablo' F1
Tomato 'Pablo' F1 is a dark red tomato with good taste. The fruit weighs 180-200 g. Strong-growing variety.
Tomato 'Pineapple'
Yellow-orange meat tomato variety with excellent taste. Heritage variety. High-growing. Fruits large (250-350g), flattened, ribbed, with few seeds. The flesh of the fruit is juicy, sweet, with a slightly sour aftertaste.
Tomato 'Terma'
Tomato 'Terma' is a tomato variety bred in Estonia. Low-growing and very early flattened-rounded to rounded red tomato. Very good taste. Fruit small (50 g). Relatively resistant to tomato-brown rot and cracking of fruits.