Radish 'Gloriette F1' on seed tape
Radish seeds on seed tape 3m. Easy to grow. Does not require thinning. Early variety. Fruit rounded, bright red. The flesh of the fruit is white, juicy and has good taste. Harvest about 20-24 days after sowing.
Radish 'Gloriette' F1
Radish 'Gloriette' F1 is an early variety. The fruit is large, rounded, bright-red, almost does not crack. The flesh of the fruit is white, juicy and has good taste.
Radish 'Jõgeva 169' seed tape
Easy to grow, radish seeds on seed tape 3m. Does not require thinning. Early variety. Fruit rounded, bright red. The flesh of the fruit is white, juicy and has good taste.
Raphanus sativus L.
- Especially fruitful and tasty mixture of radish varieties.
- Harvested 18-20 days after sowing.
- Can be grown in open ground and in a greenhouse.
- Grows best on fertile sandy loamy soils.
- The most favorable growth temperature is 15-18 °C, the humidity must be sufficient.
- The advantages of seed tape: a richer, higher-quality harvest.
Red clover 300g
Red clover is a common green fertilizer culture that forms a large root mass and tolerates covering fruit well. It is a very good soil fertility enhancer, as the mygarbacteria on the roots of the plant bind atmospheric nitrogen and thus enrich the soil with nitrogen. It is for this reason that clover is often sown on the field as the first crop.
- See on varajane sort, mis valmib 20–27 päevaga.
- Juurviljad on punased, mahlased ja maitsvad.
- Võib kasvatada kasvuhoonetes varase saagi saamiseks ning külvata õues suviseks ja sügiseseks saagiks.
- Kasvab hästi viljakas mullas, vajab kastmist.
Renovation mix 10kg
The renovation mix is suitable for repairing existing home garden turf, landscaping roadsides, restoring sports grasses.
Renovation mix 500g
The renovation mix is suitable for repairing existing home garden turf, landscaping roadsides, restoring sports grasses.
Renovation mix 5kg
The renovation mix is suitable for repairing existing home garden turf, landscaping roadsides, restoring sports grasses.
Renoveerimissegu 1kg
Renoveerimissegu sobib olemasoleva koduaiamuru parandamiseks, teeäärte haljastamiseks, spordimurude taastamiseks.
Rohelise, punase, sidrunbasiiliku seemnekettad
- Pakendis kolme erineva basiiliku seemneketast läbimõõduga 8 cm:
- klassikaline suurte lehtedega Itaalia basiilik
- punaseleheline basiilik
- sidrunbasiilik
- Sobivad aknalaual, rõdul, terrassil, kasvuhoones kasvatamiseks.
Roller squash 'Cora' F1
The fruits of the roll squash 'Cora' F1 are green.
Roller squash 'Orelia' F1
The fruits of the roll squash 'Orelia' F1 are yellow.
Rukkilill 'Double Mixture'
- Populaarne üheaastane suvelill.
- Täidisõielised valgete, siniste, roosade toonide segu.
- Kõrgus: 50 cm.
- Õitseb sügiskülmadeni.
Rukkilill 50g
- Armastatud ja levinud üheaastane põllulill, hea mee- ja ravimtaim.
- Kasutatakse ka erinevate lilleseemnesegude koostises.
- Meelitab aeda mesilasi ja liblikaid.
- Sobib hästi lõikelilleks.
- Kuivatatud siniseid õielehti kasutatakse kookide ja tortide kaunistamiseks.
- Õitseb: juuni-august.
- Rukkilill 'Rose Shade' on üheaastane lill.
- Taim on kaunistatud topeltõitega, mis on erksavärvilised ning õitsevad rikkalikult ja pikka aega.
- Rukkililled on kergesti kasvatatavad ning sobivad suurepäraselt lõikelilledeks.
- Nad on populaarsed nii tavalistes lilleaedades kui ka etnograafilistes aedades.
- See taim ei ole mulla suhtes eriti nõudlik, kuid eelistab vett hästi läbilaskvat ja õhulist pinnast.
Field cabbage e arugula is a one-year-old piquant salad and herb. Juicy leaves can be eaten both raw and steamed. With them, food is garnished, added to salads, soups, seasoned meat dishes. The leaves of field cabbage are rich in vitamins, minerals, trace elements and other beneficial substances. Sow arugula in several stages so that young fresh leaves can be constantly taken.
Scaly red clover Rokali
Scaly red clover Rokali
- One-year-old plant.
- Suitable for both bed ornamental plants and flower meadow mixes.
- Binds atmospheric nitrogen, is a good soil improver.
- Bright red inflorescences are up to 5 cm long.
- Attracts butterflies, bees and bumblebees.
- Good honey plant.
Armeria maritima (Miller) Willd.
- Perennial species of flowering plant that brings flowers in the first year after sowing.
- One of the most popular flowering plants of the carpet type, which is grown in dwarf flower gardens, rock gardens.
- The plant is not demanding to special soil conditions, can grow on poor soils.
- The flowers are bright, forming a magnificent contrast with greenery.
Seed potatoes Gala 5kg
Certified seed potatoes!
- Potato 'Gala' is a mid-early potato variety with very good keeping quality.
- Tubers are rounded-oval to oval, with low eyes and yellow peel and contents.
- Non-degradable table potatoes with very good cooking properties.
- High-yielding intensive variety.
- Resistance: Nematodes Ro1 and Ro4, Cancer normal type D1, very high resistance to the Y virus, very low propensity to brown rot and mechanical damage.
- Keeping quality very good, long rest period.
Seed potatoes Jõgeva yellow 5kg
Certified seed potatoes!
- Potato 'Jõgeva yellow' is a medium-early potato variety with very good keeping quality.
- Tubers are rounded, with low eyes, yellow and smooth peel and intensely yellow contents.
- Suitable for boiling, porridge and oven potatoes and has good taste characteristics.
- Has a uniform structure, does not darken when cut, as raw as when boiling.
- Estonian bred variety!
Seed potatoes Laura 5kg
Certified seed potatoes!
- Potato 'Laura' is a medium-early, high-yielding and good preservation potato.
- The tubers are oblong-oval, smooth, with non-existent eyes and bright red peel and dark yellow contents.
- Universal table potatoes, slightly floury, boil evenly until soft and do not fall apart when boiling.
- Suitable for growing under a covering veil.
- Relatively resistant to leaf rot, very good resistance to the Y virus, stunted worm resistant.
Seed potatoes Lilly 5 kg
Certified seed potatoes!
- Potatoes 'Lilly' is a mid-early potato variety with good keeping quality, suitable for organic cultivation.
- The tubers are rounded-oval, with low eyes and a yellow mesh peel.
- Floury boiled potatoes with good taste characteristics, do not darken after boiling.
- High-yielding variety.
- Resistant to nematode and potato cancer.
- High resistance to brown rot, common and blackleg and wet rot.
- Average resistance to leaf rot and viruses.
Seed potatoes Mia 5kg
Certified seed potatoes!
- Potato 'Mia' is an early potato variety with good keeping quality.
- The tubers are rounded-oval, with low eyes, with a smooth peel and yellow peel and deep yellow contents.
Seemnekartul Sunshine 5 kg
- Kartul ‘Sunshine’ on väga varajane kollase sileda koorega, mugulad pikkovaalsed ja väga madalate silmadega, kollase kuni tumekollase sisuga kartulisort.
- Sobib värskelt tarbimiseks.
- Kartul ‘Sunshine’ on väga varajane, kiire algareng, keskmine puhkeperiood, mugulate arv peas keskmine, kõrge saak.
- Mugulad on kollase sileda koorega, pikkovaalsed, väga madalate silmadega, kollase kuni tumekollase sisuga.
Semi-long cucumber 'Laheeb' F1
Cucumber 'Laheeb' F1 is a semi-long and smooth-skinned greenhouse cucumber, the fruits of which are 16-18 cm long and free of bitter substances. Grain weight about 80 g. The variety is moderately resistant to cucumber-powdery mildew. Well suited for pickling, souring and fresh consumption.
Shade grass 1kg
The shade grass seed mix consists of narrow-leaved species and gives you the best density shade-tolerant lawn rug. Shade grass grows especially well in shady areas in home gardens and parks. The mixture is winter and trampling-resistant.
Shade grass park 20kg
- The shade grass seed mix consists of narrow-leaved species and gives you the best density shade-tolerant lawn rug.
- Shade grass grows especially well in shady areas in home gardens and parks.
- The mixture is winter and trampling-resistant.
Mimosa pudica L.
- Perennial, mostly grown as an annual, flowers 30 cm high with decorative leaves.
- The leaves of the mimosa fold inward and fall off at the slightest vibration or sound.
- Cultivated in winter gardens, rooms, as potted plants.
- Loves heat and moisture.