A mixture of leafy greens
There are 4 varieties of lettuce with an attractive shape and piquant taste: leafhopper with red and green leaves, arugula and mituru.
Aafrika saialill 'Taishan Orange'
Tagetes erecta L.
Aasia lehtköögiviljade segu seemnelindil
- Seemnelindil erinevad aasia köögis tuntud lehtköögiviljad.
- Atraktiivse kuju ja pikantse maitsega.
- Kerge kasvatada, idanevad kiiresti.
- Võib kasvatada ka rõdukastis.
Aed - Rõngaslill SILVER CUP
- See kaunis üheaastane taim õitseb rikkalikult ja pikalt ning on lihtne kasvatada.
- 'Silver Cup' sordil on suured õied ning taim ise on põõsasjas.
- Kõige paremini tulevad nad esile rühmadena istutatuna.
- Aias sobivad nad suurepäraselt taustataimedeks, eelistades tuulevarjulist, sooja ja päikesepaistelist kasvukohta.
Daucus carota L.
- Väga varajane sort.
- Vegetatsiooniperiood on 73-78 päeva alates külvamisest.
- Juured on ümmargused, magusad, lõhenemisvastupidavad, ei rohelise isegi siis, kui nad tõusevad pinnale.
- Võib kasutada värskelt, sobib hästi töötlemiseks ja külmutamiseks.
Aedtill 'Mammoth'
- Aedtill 'Mammoth' is a very yielding shrub dill.
- At the beginning of growth, a low-growing and abundantly leaf-giving variety, which later grows very tall.
- The leaf mass is delicate and fragrant.
- Suitable for use both fresh and dried, in preserves and as a seasoning for dishes.
Alexandrian clover 300g
Alexandrian, or Egyptian clover, is a one-year-old clover. Very good catch culture. Catch crops help to improve soil fertility and reduce weeds and pathogens. In addition, thanks to the mygarbacteria in the root nodule, leguminous crops also bind atmospheric nitrogen and thus enrich the soil with nitrogen. Plant height from 30 to 60 cm. The flowers are white in color.
Alpi-Lõosilm BLUE BALL
Kompaktne ja rikkalikult õitsev mitmeaastane taim, mis sobib ideaalselt pottidesse, rõdukastidesse ja aedadesse. Eelistab niisket ja poolvarjulist kasvukohta.
Apteegi Kummel
- Üheaastased ravim-, dekoratiiv- ja meetaimed.
- Korjatud õied tuleks kohe kuivatada, sest ainult hästi kuivatatud õitel on rikkalik aroom.
- Parim kasvukoht on kerge, hästi haritud muld, mis on umbrohuvaba.
Argentiina raudürt 'Finesse'
- Kõrgekasvuline lillade õitega kaunis suvelill.
- Õitseb kuni sügiseste külmadeni.
- Meelitab aeda liblikaid ja mesilasi.
Festuca ovina Glauca
- Mitmeaastane, taimed püsivad dekoratiivsed kogu aasta jooksul.
- Moodustavad sinise hõbedase varjundiga kobaraid.
- Vähese hooldusega, teevad roheluse ja lillede vahele istutatuna suurepäraseid aktsente.
Aster 'Fan'
Great cut and bed flower! A mixture of different colors. Height: 50-60 cm. Medium-sized double flowers with bright yellow cores. Flower diameter 5-6 cm. Fusariosis-resistant variety!
Aster 'Gala'
Great cut and bed flower! A mixture of different colors. Height: 80 cm. Large filling flowers of bright shades with a diameter of 8-10 cm. Strong stems. Prefers a sunny place of growth, fertile soil.
Aster 'Princess'
Great cut and bed flower! A mixture of different colors. Height: 70 cm. Large flowers with yellow cores. Flower diameter 8-9 cm. Strong stems. Hardy, also tolerates more humid growing conditions. Prefers a sunny place of growth, fertile soil.
Aster Matador
- Great cut and bed flower! A mixture of different colors.
- Large, lush flowers with a diameter of 10-11 cm.
- Prefers a sunny place of growth, fertile soil.
- Height: 80-90 cm.
Aster Standy
- Great cut and bed flower!
- A mixture of different colors.
- Height: 75 cm.
- Large flowers with a diameter of 8-10 cm.
- Resistant to fusariosis.
- Prefers a sunny place of growth, fertile soil.
Aubrieta hybrida
- Perennial, 10 cm tall, carpet-shaped, long-flowered flower.
- The flowers are small, 1 cm in diameter, bloom profusely.
- Planted in cemeteries and rock gardens, balconies.
- Grows best in dry soil, in a sunny place.
- Seeds at a temperature of +15 °C germinate in 18-22 days.
- Aubrieeta does not need covering in winter, for many years can grow without changing.
- Easy to reproduce.
Balsamiin - Lemmalts
- Üheaastane, 50 cm kõrge, vähenõudlik taim pika õitseperioodiga.
- Silmapaistev täiendus igale aiale, olgu see siis lillepeenras istutatud või toataimena eksponeeritud.
- Need lilled on külmakartlikud.
- Eelistavad kasvada hästi valgustatud paikades, kergemates mullastikes.
- Nendes tingimustes kasvavad nad jõudsalt ja õitsevad rikkalikult.
Basil 'Genovese'
Classic Italian basil with large leaves. Fresh and dried leaves are used for food. The best basil for making pesto. 0.8 g.
Beetroot 'Kestrel' F1
Beetroot 'Kestrel' is a mid-late variety, the fruits have a beautiful rounded shape. Very good taste characteristics.
Beetroot 'Rodina' F1
Beetroot 'Rodina' F1 is a medium-ripening, high-yielding variety. Fruits cylindrical, deep red. Suitable for fresh consumption (slicing), preservation and processing.
Begoonia 'Flowerball H Pink'
Begonia semperflorens hort.
Bridal nod 'Giant Coral'
Great cut and bed flower! Large bright coral-pink filling flowers with a diameter of 10-12 cm attract butterflies. Strong long stems. Height: 100 cm.
Bridal nod 'Giant Lime'
Great cut and bed flower! Large lime green filling flowers with a diameter of 10-12 cm attract butterflies. Strong long stems. Height: 100 cm.
Bridal nod 'Giant Wine'
Great cut and bed flower! Large dark purple-purple filling flowers with a diameter of 10-12 cm attract butterflies. Strong long stems. Height: 100 cm.
Bridal nod 'Oklahoma'
Great cut and bed flower! A mixture of different colors. Bright half-full and stuffed flowers with a diameter of 4-5 cm attract butterflies. Long, strong stems. Height: 90 cm.
Bridal nod 'Zinnita Rose'
Low and compact bushy variety. Height: 18-20 cm. Dark pink filling flowers with a diameter of 5-6 cm attract butterflies. Planted in flower beds, pots, balcony boxes.
Bridal nod 'Zinnita Scarlet'
Low and compact bushy variety. Height: 18-20 cm. Bright red filling flowers with a diameter of 5-6 cm attract butterflies. Planted in flower beds, pots, balcony boxes.
Bridal nod 'Zinnita Yellow'
Low and compact bushy variety. Height: 18-20 cm. Yellow filling flowers with a diameter of 5-6 cm attract butterflies. Planted in flower beds, pots, balcony boxes.
Buckwheat 200g
- Buckwheat is an annual, fast-growing and relatively undemanding culture.
- 'Aiva' with whitish-pink flowers is an early and high-yielding variety.
- Buckwheat is an excellent cereal culture and honey plant.
- A grateful catch crop, as it repels weeds (including orasheina) very well and makes phosphorus available to subsequent crops.
- In addition, buckwheat does not have diseases common to us harvest crops.
- Buckwheat is a very good honey plant.
- Tatramesi is one of the most nutritious.
Calendula 'Bon Bon'
Easy-to-grow one-year-old summer flower. Low and compact. Height: 30 cm. Filling flowers of bright orange and yellow shades. Blooms until autumn frosts. Planted in flower beds, pots, balcony boxes.
Calendula 'Touch of Red Buff'
Easy-to-grow one-year-old summer flower. Great cut flower! Filling flowers of a peculiar salmon-orange color. Blooms until autumn frosts. Height: 60 cm. Planted in flower beds, pots, balcony boxes.
Calendula 'Touch of Red Orange'
Easy-to-grow one-year-old summer flower. Great cut flower! Bright orange filling flowers. Blooms until autumn frosts. Height: 60 cm. Planted in flower beds, pots, balcony boxes.
Calendula Touch of Red Yellow
- Easily grown one-year-old summer flower.
- Great cut flower!
- Bright yellow filling flowers.
- Blooms until autumn frosts.
- Height: 60 cm.
- Planted in flower beds, pots, balcony boxes.
- Prefers a sunny place of growth, with more moist, friable soil.
Carrot 'Jerada' F1
Early Nantes-type variety. Long, even, smooth crunchy carrots with a pleasant taste. Consumed fresh, processed, can also be frozen.