Dianthus deltoides L.
- Perennial, easy to grow, carpet-shaped flower 15 cm high.
- Can grow for several years in the same place.
- Grown in groups with other small flowers, in rock gardens, cemeteries, at the edges of flower beds.
- The flowers have a pleasant aroma, when sown in spring, bloom in the fall of the same year, bloom profusely for a longer period of time.
Nutrient solution for houseplants 40pcs 35ml
Innovative nutrient solution with a special composition for all flowering and leafy decorative houseplants. Regular use of the nutrient solution ensures viable fleshy leaves, a strong root system, as well as a long flowering period. A well-fed plant is also more resistant to diseases and pests. Carefully thought-out packaging is convenient and user-friendly. The nutrient solution is designed for use all year round.
Oats 200g
- Oats are an annual fast-growing cereal crop.
- Excellent catch culture.
- The biomass of oats decomposes slowly, leaving a protective layer of mulch in the ground for spring and soil loosened by the roots.
- Also suitable for sowing in a greenhouse.
- Oats 'Kalle' is a variety bred in Estonia that is well suited for organic cultivation.
- A variety with very good adaptability and a relatively long straw.
Õisuba Hestia
- Kõrge saagikusega madalakasvuline aeduba sort.
- Taimed on väga dekoratiivsed, punavalgete õitega.
- Võib külvata otse mulda või istutada kasvuhoonesse ettekasvatatud taimedena.
- Seda sorti saab kasvatada nii pottides kui ka kastides.
- Kaunad on laiad, rohelised ja ilma kiududeta.
Oksasaag akuga RY100
- 1.34 kg
- RY100 on liitiumakuga elektriline oksasaag.
- Kasulik ja hõlpsasti käsitsetav, tänu 500W mootorile võimaldab see lõigata kuni 80 mm okste.
- Automaatne määrimine hoiab keti alati õlitatuna, samal ajal kui nikerdusraud hõlbustab lõikamist ka kõige paksemas lehestikus.
- Praktiline ava võimaldab kiireks puhastamiseks otsest juurdepääsu mootoriruumi.
Oksasaag SPE 18G
- Professionaalne sirge teraga kokkumurtav oksasaag.
- Tera pikkus 18cm.
- Praktiline ja lihtne kasutada, turvaliselt kokkumurtav.
- Ergonoomiline käepide tagab kindla haarde.
Onion flower planting fertilizer 1kg
Granulated full fertilizer, which contains in a balanced ratio all the nutrients necessary for rooting and growth, provides the plant with the development of a strong root system, vigorous growth and subsequent abundant flowering.
Open-air cucumber 'Majestosa' F1
Cucumber 'Majestosa' F1 is a very early, self-fruiting, short- and smooth-fruited high-yielding variety. The fruits are free of bitter substances. Well suited for pickling, souring and fresh consumption. Resistant to mosaic disease and powdery mildew. 15 seeds in a package.
Oravatoit 500 g
Orchid Fertilizer Sticks
- Orchid fertilizer sticks are a special mineral fertilizer designed to provide nutrients for orchids, especially phalaenopsis.
- The fertilizer sticks stimulate plant growth and flower bud formation, ensuring a long flowering period.
- The nutrients are in a slow-release form, which allows the plants to absorb them gradually as needed.
- Thus, there is no fear of the risk of over-fertilization.
Orchid medium 40pcs in 35ml ampoule
A special nutrient solution of innovative composition for all orchid species. Regular use of the nutrient solution ensures viable fleshy leaves, a strong root system, as well as a long flowering period. A well-fed plant is also more resistant to diseases and pests. The nutrient solution is designed to strengthen orchids all year round.
Orchid watering fertilizer 300g
- A fast-acting complete fertilizer with a balanced composition, specially developed for growing orchids, from which orchids assimilate nutrients very easily.
- Suitable for all orchid species.
- Contains all the trace elements essential for plants in a form that is easily assimilated by them.
- Activates flowering, the flowers of orchids are beautiful and lush.
- The plant blooms long and is healthy.
Organic buckwheat shells 5l
- Buckwheat husks are used in gardening for fertilizer, mulch and soil improvement.
- Contain in their natural form the basic and micronutrients that plants need.
- Facilitate the assimilation of vegetarian elements while also being a source of nutrients.
- Improve soil structure and make heavy and sticky soils more cultivable.
- They reduce soil acidity and promote the vital activity of microorganisms in the soil by promoting decay processes.
Organic fertilizer for hydrangea 1kg
- Organic fertilizer for hydrangea promotes better rooting of plants, accelerates growth, as well as ensures more abundant flowering.
- Environmentally friendly fertilizer with a uniform and lasting effect.
- Balanced fertilization helps the plant to take root better, accelerates growth, as well as ensures more abundant flowering.
- Potassium contained in the fertilizer helps the plant to woody better and makes it more resistant to winters.
- Organics improves soil fertility and invigorates the activity of soil organisms.
- Does not contain chemical additives.
Organic liquid fertilizer for vegetables 350 ml
- 100% vegetable.
- More harvest.
- More flavor.
- 350ml = 35 l fertilizer solution.
- Organic fertilizer for garden and vegetable crops.
- Vegetable fertilizer concentrate, without mineral or animal additives.
- Fertilizer acts both on the leaves and on the roots.
- The use of fertilizer increases the yield and ensures the aroma and taste of flowers and fruits characteristic of the culture.
Organic potato fertilizer 10l
Environmentally friendly fertilizer with a uniform and lasting effect. Balanced fertilization improves the quality, taste characteristics and keeping quality of potato tubers, increases the yield. Fertilization strengthens plants and makes them more resistant to diseases. Organics improves soil fertility and invigorates the activity of soil organisms. Does not contain chemical additives.
Organic rhododendron fertilizer 1kg
- Organic rhododendron fertilizer is suitable for rhododendrons
- Environmentally friendly fertilizer with a uniform and lasting effect.
- Balanced fertilization improves the growth and development of plants.
- The fertilized plant forms more flower buds and blooms more abundantly in spring.
- Potassium contained in the fertilizer helps the plant to woody better and makes it more resistant to winters.
- Organics improves soil fertility and invigorates the activity of soil organisms.
- Does not contain chemical additives.
Organic Tomato Fertilizer 1kg
- Organic fertilizer for tomatoes promotes the formation of new flower buds, thanks to which a rich and tasty harvest is guaranteed.
- Organic fertilizer strengthens plants, makes tomato seedlings more resistant to diseases.
- Environmentally friendly fertilizer with a uniform and lasting effect.
- Balanced fertilization strengthens plants, makes them more resistant to diseases, promotes the formation of new flower buds, and gives a healthy and tasty harvest.
- Organics improves soil fertility and invigorates the activity of soil organisms.
- Does not contain chemical additives.
Orhidee vedelväetis 500ml
- Orhidee vedelväetis on spetsiaalne mineraalväetis orhideede, eriti kuukingade toitainetega varustamiseks.
- Kiiretoimeline veeslahustuv mikroelementidega täisväetis kõikide orhideeliikide aastaringseks kastmisväetamiseks.
- Väetis on tasakaalustatud koostisega ja sisaldab kõiki taimedele olulisi põhitoitaineid sobivas vahekorras.
- Aktiveerib õitsemist, orhideede õied on lopsakad ja kirka õievärviga.
- Taimed õitsevad kaua ja rikkalikult ning on terved.
Päevakübar 'Denver Daisy'
- Rikkalikult õitsev särav suvelill.
- Kõrgus: 60 cm.
- Efektsed kuldkollased õied pruunika südamikuga, õie läbimõõt 15 cm.
- Õitseb sügiskülmadeni.
Päevakübar 'Maya'
- Rikkalikult õitsev särav suvelill.
- Kõrgus: 50 cm.
- Efektsed erkkollased topeltõied läbimõõduga 10 cm.
- Õitseb sügiskülmadeni.
Päevakübar 'Prairie Sun'
- Rikkalikult õitsev särav suvelill.
- Efektsed tume-ja helekollastes toonides õied rohelise südamikuga, õie läbimõõt 15 cm.
- Õitseb sügiskülmadeni.
Päevakübar 'Toto Gold'
- Rikkalikult õitsev särav suvelill.
- Madal ja kompaktne.
- Kõrgus: 35-40 cm.
- Kollased õied tumeda südamikuga, läbimõõt 6 cm.
- Õitseb sügiskülmadeni.
Päevakübar 'Toto Rustic'
- Rikkalikult õitsev särav suvelill.
- Madal ja kompaktne.
- Kõrgus: 35-40 cm.
- Väga efektse värvikombinatsiooniga õied läbimõõduga 6 cm.
- Õitseb sügiskülmadeni.
Parsley 'Bravour'
Parsley 'Bravour is a low-growing curlypetersell with decorative aromatic leaves. Two-year-old herb 25 cm high. Leaves fragrant, dark green and shiny. The leaves are used as a seasoning for dishes fresh or stored in the refrigerator for winter use.
Parsley 'Gigante d'Italia'
Parsley 'Gigante d'Italia' is a fast-growing, smooth-leaved leafpeterel. The leaves are smooth, dark green, small, beautiful and even. Used to flavor dishes fresh or stored in the refrigerator for winter use.
Parsnip White Gem
Parsnip White Gem
- Very valuable undemanding root crop.
- One of the most popular and reliable varieties!
- Suitable for soups, stews, omelets, purees.
Patisson DISCO
- Patisson DISCO is a medium early shrub variety.
- The shape of the fruit is plate-shaped.
- The flesh of the fruit is white and tastes better than artichoke or zucchini.
- The taste is pleasantly young with the taste of mushroom and cucumber.
Pavement 1,6x10m, 17g/m2, 16 m²
- The cover louse is used to speed up the start of harvest, protect against night frosts and protect against pests.
- The coating protects against night frosts, raises the temperature of the soil and air, reduces wind damage, protects against birds and game.
- The coating has very good light transmission, letting 90% of the light reach the plants.
- The covering louse is very light in weight and gently protects young shoots and increments without crushing.
- The structure of the material, stable to ultraviolet radiation, provides long-term protection.
- The veil is moisture-permeable and breathable.
- The veil is easy to install manually.
PE tube 16mm PN4 25m black
All pipes have UV and oxidation protection, which makes them resistant to solar radiation, allowing the pipes to be used for many years without significant damage. Microorganisms or fungi do not attack PE tubes, neither inside nor outside. PE pipes are resistant to salt water, acids and alkaline solutions (with the exception of highly concentrated solutions) and most substances used in agriculture. Available in rolls of standard length, large diameter rollers and straight bars to meet specific requirements. Made of high-quality low or medium density polyethylene resin, which provides resistance to cracks and bends, as well as long-term reliability. Precision manufacturing ensures uniform internal diameter and wall thickness.
PE tube 20mm PN4 25m black
All pipes have UV and oxidation protection, which makes them resistant to solar radiation, allowing the pipes to be used for many years without significant damage. Microorganisms or fungi do not attack PE tubes, neither inside nor outside. PE pipes are resistant to salt water, acids and alkaline solutions (with the exception of highly concentrated solutions) and most substances used in agriculture. Available in rolls of standard length, large diameter rollers and straight bars to meet specific requirements. Made of high-quality low or medium density polyethylene resin, which provides resistance to cracks and bends, as well as long-term reliability. Precision manufacturing ensures uniform internal diameter and wall thickness.
Pea - cucumber and bean support grid 1,7x20m
The support grid for seedlings is used to support flowers and vegetables.
Pea 'Avola'
Pea 'Avola' is a very early pea variety with good taste, both for fresh consumption and for preparing dishes. Height 40-50 cm. Resistant to wilting disease.
Pea 'Maxigolt'
The mid-early pea variety 'Maxigolt' with very sweet dark green grains is suitable for both fresh consumption and the preparation of dishes. Growth time 50-60 days.
Pea Aamisepp
Pea Aamisepp is bred in Estonia.
- Aamisepp is a very tasty high-growing (100-140 cm) mid-early pea variety.
- Gives pods for a long time.
- Pods large, with a blunt tip.
- In the pod large grains up to 8 pcs.
- Relatively resistant to spot inflammation.