
Coconut mat round d 37cm

0 out of 5

Coconut mat to protect the seedling from weeds and drying out of the soil.

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Coconut treat for birds 350g

0 out of 5

  • Complementary feed for garden birds
  • Ingredients: cereals, oils and fats, sunflower seeds, nuts, by-products of plant origin
  • No sugar, artificial colourants or preservatives

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Common bean 'Argus'

0 out of 5

'Argus' green Turkish bean is a variety with dark green pods and excellent taste! Height 45 cm. The length of the pods 14-15 cm. Also ideal for growing in a pot/container. Beans are plants that are demanding of light and heat.

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Common bean 'Fruidor'

0 out of 5

'Fruidor' garden bean e turkish bean is a yielding variety with delicate golden yellow pods, without fibers! Height 45 cm. The length of the pods 12-13 cm.

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Common calcareous stick

0 out of 5

Gaura lindheimer's

  • Perennial, inflorescence 80 cm long, with beds and complex flowers.
  • Blooms all summer.
  • The plants are bush-shaped and compact.
  • Grown singly or in a group.
  • Grows well in combination with other flowers.
  • Suitable for growing in a pot.

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Common whirlwind head Stala

0 out of 5

Common whirlwind head

  • Excellent honey and ornamental plant.
  • It is also grown as a catch crop for the purpose of improving soil fertility.
  • Blooms long and abundantly.

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Compost starter 2kg

0 out of 5

  • Composting starter for obtaining full-fledged compost from garden and kitchen waste.
  • The compost starter makes composting faster due to the nutrient content needed by degrading microorganisms.
  • Compost starter pellets are rich in nitrogen.

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Composting accelerator 1l

0 out of 5

  • The composting accelerator is suitable for obtaining compost from garden and kitchen waste.
  • The composting accelerator activates the activity of microorganisms without disturbing the activity of beneficial soil organisms and earthworms involved in the process, and maintains the necessary humidity and fermentation temperature.

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Coniferous fertilizer 15kg

0 out of 5

Coniferous fertilizer is suitable for spruce, tree of life, fir, pine, juniper, yew, cypress, larch, tsuuga and others. for fertilizing coniferous species. Bushwood, buckthorn bush and others can also be used. to supply evergreen plants with vegetarian foods. Promotes growth and strengthens plants. Helps conifers recover from sunburn, as it contains magnesium, which affects the green color of the leaves and needles of the plant.

Original price was: 25,00 €.Current price is: 23,99 €.
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Coniferous fertilizer 1kg

0 out of 5

Coniferous fertilizer is suitable for spruce, tree of life, fir, pine, juniper, yew, cypress, larch, tsuuga and others. for fertilizing coniferous species. Bushwood, buckthorn bush and others can also be used. to supply evergreen plants with vegetarian foods. Promotes growth and strengthens plants. Helps conifers recover from sunburn, as it contains magnesium, which affects the green color of the leaves and needles of the plant.

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Coniferous fertilizer 1kg box

0 out of 5

  • Coniferous fertilizer is suitable for spruce, tree of life, fir, pine, juniper, yew, cypress, larch, tsuuga and others. for fertilizing coniferous species.
  • Bushwood, buckthorn bush and others can also be used. to supply evergreen plants with vegetarian foods.
  • Promotes growth and strengthens plants.
  • Helps conifers recover from sunburn, as it contains magnesium, which affects the green color of the leaves and needles of the plant.

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Coniferous fertilizer 2kg

0 out of 5

Coniferous fertilizer is suitable for spruce, tree of life, fir, pine, juniper, yew, cypress, larch, tsuuga and others. for fertilizing coniferous species. Bushwood, buckthorn bush and others can also be used. to supply evergreen plants with vegetarian foods. Promotes growth and strengthens plants. Helps conifers recover from sunburn, as it contains magnesium, which affects the green color of the leaves and needles of the plant.

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Coniferous fertilizer 4kg

0 out of 5

Coniferous fertilizer is suitable for spruce, tree of life, fir, pine, juniper, yew, cypress, larch, tsuuga and others. for fertilizing coniferous species. Bushwood, buckthorn bush and others can also be used. to supply evergreen plants with vegetarian foods. Promotes growth and strengthens plants. Helps conifers recover from sunburn, as it contains magnesium, which affects the green color of the leaves and needles of the plant.

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Coniferous liquid fertilizer with bitter salt 1l

0 out of 5

Liquid fertilizer enriched with bitter salt and micronutrients for conifers, sour-tolerant cultivated plants and evergreen trees/shrubs. Fertilizer improves plant growth and strengthens the root system. Magnesium (Mg) is present in the composition of chlorophyll in the plant, and therefore significantly affects the green color of the leaves and thorns of the plant.

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Coniferous organic fertilizer 1kg

0 out of 5

  • Coniferous organic fertilizer is suitable for living trees, pines, junipers, spruces and other thorns.
  • Environmentally friendly fertilizer with a uniform and lasting effect.
  • Balanced fertilization promotes growth and strengthens plants.
  • Magnesium contained in the fertilizer, which is in the composition of chlorophyll, significantly affects the green color of the needles.
  • Does not contain chemical additives.

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Continuation joint with blue rings Streamline 16mm

0 out of 5

Continuation joint with blue rings,Streamline 16mm

Original price was: 0,81 €.Current price is: 0,40 €.
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Copper sulphate 300g

0 out of 5

Copper plays a very important role in photosynthesis and, for the strength of the stem of a plant, in the synthesis of lignin, prevents and relieves copper deficiency in plants. Copper strengthens the vitality and fertility of pollen, that is, increases the yield of the plant. If copper-deficient plants are fertilized with copper sulfate, they will become stronger, more resistant to adverse growing conditions and diseases (spot infections, rot and others). With a lack of copper, the shoots of the plant are deformed, while young plants almost do not grow, the plants become tender, the harvest is small, the leaves fall off.  

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Coriander Santo

0 out of 5

  • Coriander Santo
    • One-year-old herb.
    • One of the best and most yielding varieties of coriander.
    • Large leaf mass, great taste!

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Cosmos 'Casanova Mix'

0 out of 5

  • Low and compact beautiful summer flower.
  • Simple to grow.
  • Seed mix of pink, red, and white flowers.
  • Flower diameter 8cm.
  • Blooms until autumn frosts.

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Crystalline 1kg

0 out of 5

  • Fast-acting full fertilizer suitable for fertilizing garden plants and greenhouse crops.
  • It is desirable to dissolve the fertilizer in water and water the plants with it.
  • Can also be used for foliar fertilizing.
  • Activates flowering and increases yields.
  • Contains all the trace elements necessary for plants.
  • A healthy plant is more resistant to pests and fungal diseases.

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Cucumber 'Conductor' F1

0 out of 5

Cucumber 'Conductor' F1 is a medium-early, self-fertile, short- and smooth-fruited high-yielding variety. The fruits are free of bitter substances. Resistant to mosaic disease and powdery mildew.

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Cucumber 'White Wonder'

0 out of 5

Cucumis sativus L.

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Cucumber fertilizer 1kg

0 out of 5

  • Cucumber fertilizer is a granular full fertilizer that contains nutrients necessary for cucumber plants in the appropriate ratio.
  • Fertilization improves growth, provides abundant flowering, fruiting and high yields.
  • Fertilized plants are resistant to diseases and unsuitable growing conditions.

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Cucumber fertilizer 1kg per box

0 out of 5

  • Cucumber fertilizer is a granular full fertilizer that contains nutrients necessary for cucumber plants in the appropriate ratio.
  • Fertilization improves growth, provides abundant flowering, fruiting and high yields.
  • Fertilized plants are resistant to diseases and unsuitable growing conditions.

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Cucumber grass

0 out of 5

  • One-year-old herb, medicinal and honey plant.
  • Cucumber-scented leaves and young shoots are used in salads, soups, sauces, for garnishing edible flowers.
  • As a medicinal plant with a metabolism-enhancing, cold-relieving effect.
  • Also suitable for a beauty garden.
  • Height: 50-60 cm.

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Cucumber watering fertilizer 300g

0 out of 5

Cucumber watering fertilizer is a fast-acting water-soluble full fertilizer with trace elements for watering greenhouse and open-air cucumbers. Fertilization improves plant growth and ensures abundant flowering, fruiting and high yields. The high content of potassium provides large and juicy fruits. Plants that have a balanced diet have good resistance to pests and fungal diseases.

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Dahlias Garden Pride

0 out of 5

  • One-year-old long-flowering summer flower.
  • Low and compact.
  • Height: 30 cm.
  • Spectacular different-coloured half-full flowers.
  • Dahlias bloom until the autumn frosts.
  • Planted in flower beds, pots, balcony boxes after the night frosts have passed.
  • Prefers a sunny place of growth on fertile, humus-rich soil.

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Dekoratiivne Harilik Riis

0 out of 5

  • See rohttaim kasvab kuni 40 cm kõrguseks ning on tuntud oma tumedate lillakate lehtede poolest.
  • Kuigi see on mitmeaastane taim, kasvatatakse seda sageli üheaastasena.
  • See taim armastab niiskust ning sobib ideaalselt kasvatamiseks nii pottides, lillepeenardes kui ka erinevates lillekombinatsioonides.
  • Eriti kaunis on see veekogude ümbruses.
  • Dekoratiiv riisi saab kombineerida ka heledamate õitega taimedega ning sobib suurepäraselt ka lõikelilleks või kuivatamiseks.

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Dried worms for garden birds 125g

0 out of 5

Additional feed for garden and forest birds.

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Drip irrigation system Terrace Kit

0 out of 5

Easy-to-install drip irrigation system Terrace Kit for watering potted plants in the home garden, balcony and terrace.

The Terrace Kit watering set allows you to easily create a drip irrigation system for potted plants and a vegetable garden built in containers. All you need to set up is scissors and a sharp knife. During the installation of the kit, it is recommended to use protective gloves, especially when cutting with a knife.  

Terrace Kit

  • Adjustable droppers allow you to provide each plant with the right amount of water.
  • A sustainable and stress-free solution for moisturizing up to 20 pots.
  • An easy-to-program tap control unit allows you to automate the system. Choose how much, when and with what frequency you want to water the plants.

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Dry toilet stink remover 3kg

0 out of 5

The dry toilet stink remover significantly accelerates the composting and decomposition of dry toilet waste and removes unpleasant odors easily and quickly.

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Eclipse fabric 1,5×3m, 4,5m², 42 %

0 out of 5

Shading and windbreak fabrics are used to protect evergreen plants (such as bushwoods, cypresses, trees of life, rhododendrons, Canadian spruce 'Conica', evergreen plants of rock gardens, etc.) from early spring sunburn and for post-planting shading of conifers.

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ECO Insert - vedelik puuviljakärbsepüünisele - 3 tk.

5.00 out of 5

  • ECO insert on vedelik, mis võimaldab teil jätkata puuviljakärbsepüünise kasutamist ilma uut pakendit ostmata.
  • Vedeliku atraktiivne aroom meelitab putukad tõhusalt lõksu.
  • Looduslikel koostisosadel põhinev vedelik kaitseb puuviljakärbse kobarate koorumise ja arengu eest eluruumides, avalikes kohtades ja kauplustes, restoranides ja kondiitritöökodades.
  • Lõksu võib kasutada toidu lähedal.

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ECO Kärbsepaber rullis (10 m x 25 cm) 1 tk

0 out of 5

  • Professionaalne kärbsepaber tööstuslikuks kasutamiseks.
  • Püüab kinni üle 40 000 kahjuri.
  • Tõhus erinevates temperatuuritingimustes.
  • Lõhnatu ja ohutu.
  • Sobib kasutamiseks toiduainetetööstuses.

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ECO Prussaka püünis 2 tk

0 out of 5

  • ökoloogiline toode, valmistatud paberist
  • põhineb looduslikul meelitusvahendil
  • ohutu lastele ja lemmikloomadele,
  • töötab kuni 6 kuud
  • lõksu lihtne kasutada ja diskreetne,
  • ei sisalda biotsiide ega keemilisi aineid.
  • Tõrjetegevuse tõhusust saab jälgida, jälgides kleepuvale pinnale kinni jäänud kahjureid.

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ECO püünis soomukate püüdmiseks

0 out of 5

  • Soomukatepüünis, mis võimaldab jälgida soomukausside esinemist nende püüdmise teel.
  • Lõksu võib paigutada kõikjale, kus on täheldatud soomukate jälgi.
  • See vähendab silmnähtavalt putukapopulatsiooni ja kõrvaldab need jäädavalt.
  • Ohutu lastele, lemmikloomadele ja keskkonnale.
  • Toimib kuni kuus kuud.

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