ECO puuviljakärbsepüünis koos peibutusvedelikuga
- VACO püünise koostises on ainult looduslikud meelitusvahendid.
- See on inimestele ja lemmikloomadele täiesti ohutu.
- Seda võib ohutult kasutada toidu lähedal.
- Lõksu värviline pakend sobib ideaalselt iga köögi interjööri.
- Lõksu saab kasutada ennetavalt, et vältida kahjuri suurt paljunemist.
ECO RedTop ühesuunaline kärbsepüüdja 3L
RedTopi kärbsepüünis vähendab kärbeste arvu teie keskkonnas väga suurel määral.
- Peibutuspüünis on mõeldud ainult välitingimustes kasutamiseks.
- Tänu lõksu erilisele konstruktsioonile ei ole kärbsed enam võimelised põgenema.
- Kärbseid meelitab ligi spetsiaalselt valitud toiduainetest saadud antratsiit - meelitusvahendil on ebameeldiv mädanenud liha lõhn.
- See on täiesti orgaaniline ja ei sisalda kahjulikke kemikaale.
- Lihtsalt valage söödakoti sisu konteinerisse ja lisage 1 liiter vett.
- Riputage püünis päikesepaistelisse kohta.
- See aktiveerub täielikult umbes 4 päeva pärast.
- Eggplant - medium early variety.
- The fruits are large, with a dark purple peel.
- The flesh of the fruit is firm and white.
- The fruits are picked when the peel is shiny. (NB! Later they may become bitter.)
Penstemon Hartwegii
- Kaheaastased lilled.
- Armastatud oma erksate õite pärast.
- Õitseb esimesel aastal pärast istutamist ja jätkub kuni esimese külmani.
- Lilli võib korjata.
- Võib kasvatada kobaratena ja sobib potis kasvatamiseks.
Esparsett 100 g
- Suurepärane vahekultuur, ilu- ja meetaim.
- Rikastab mulda lämmastikuga.
- Annab suure haljasmassi, surub alla umbrohutumust.
- Tänu tugevale ja hästi arenenud juurestikule parandab mulla omadusi.
- Põuakindel ja vastupidav haigustele.
- Väga hea meetaim.
EXPEL- sääsekleepsud 8 tk
Looduslikke taimeõlisid sisaldavate sääskede tõrjevahendite kleebised.
Fastening pins for PROFI roofing fabric 40pcs/pk
Fastening peaks made of strong plastic for fastening the cover veil or lighter covers, nets (bird nets).
Fat ball holder ring
- Feeder for fat balls.
- Provides good availability of food for birds.
- Annular fat ball holder for hanging out fat balls.
- The ring-shaped holder of fat balls can hold up to 12 fat balls.
- Can accommodate several birds at once.
- Fat balls can be put in the holder of fat balls without a net.
- Convenient and easy to use.
Fat balls 50x90g in a box (no net)
Fat balls are a winter food source for forest and garden birds. Netless high-energy fat balls are made from fat, seeds and cereals. Fat balls are especially useful in the cold winter months, when additional food is needed.
Fat balls for garden and forest birds 30 x 84g (with net)
Fat balls contain the most important nutrients that garden and forest birds need in winter.
Fat balls for garden and forest birds 30x84g (no net)
- Fat balls contain the most important nutrients that garden and forest birds need in winter.
- Additional feeding in winter is important for small garden and forest birds and increases the chances of survival of many birds, especially in winters with harsh frosts.
Fat balls for garden and forest birds 4x84g
Fat balls contain the most important nutrients that garden and forest birds need in winter.
Fat balls for garden and forest birds 6x84g
- Fat balls contain the most important nutrients that garden and forest birds need in winter.
- Additional feeding in winter is important for small garden and forest birds and increases the chances of survival of many birds, especially in winters with harsh frosts.
Fat balls for garden and forest birds 6x90g
Fat balls contain the most important nutrients that garden and forest birds need in winter.
Fat balls in a bucket for garden and forest birds 50x84g (with net)
Fat balls contain the most important nutrients that garden and forest birds need in winter.
Fat balls with holder for birds 4x90g
- Fat balls contain the most important nutrients that garden and forest birds need in winter.
- The green plastic holder is recyclable.
Fat cone for garden and forest birds ~330g
- Eco-friendly: Made from natural ingredients that are safe and healthy for birds
- High energy value: An ideal source of energy during the winter months, when food is scarce
- Easy to use: Just hang on a branch or in a bird feeder
- Attracts a variety of bird species: Suitable for many garden and forest birds
Fat tube for garden and forest birds 400g
Energy-rich compound feed for garden and forest birds in biodegradable packaging.
Felt-cruciferous 'Silverdust'
Decorative seasonal plant with spectacular lacey silver-gray foliage. Height: 25 cm. Grown in flower beds, balcony boxes, terrace pots, cemeteries. Especially beautiful in combination with brightly colored summer flowers. Remains decorative even after the first night frosts.
Felt-cruciferous New Look
- Decorative seasonal plant with spectacular silver-gray foliage.
- Height: 25 cm.
- Grown in flower beds, balcony boxes, terrace pots, cemeteries.
- Felt-cruciferous New Look is especially beautiful in combination with brightly colored summer flowers.
- Remains decorative even after the first night frosts.
Ferticare Hydro 6-14-30 25kg
Ferticare Hydro 6-14-30, soluble in water with a low chlorine content, contains magnesium (Mg), sulfur (S) and trace elements.
Thu-Sun2O5-K 2O 6-14-30 with trace elements The fertilizer is suitable for use as a watering fertilizer (also in drip irrigation systems) on an inactive growing medium (stone wool), hydroponics and peat substrate in greenhouses, and for watering low-nitrogen plants (strawberry, blackcurrant) and spraying through leaves in open ground. Since the product contains all the necessary micronutrients, there is usually no need to add additional micronutrients.Use
Ferticare Hydro 6-14-30 + trace elements have been developed primarily for fertilizing inactive growing substrates (stone wool, hydroponics), but it can be used for all types of substrates. The product is successfully used in drip irrigation and sprinkling systems. For the manufacture of the product used raw materials that are completely soluble in water. The nitrogen content is relatively low. The product contains only nitrate nitrogen and can be used mainly on low-fertile substrates. Ferticare Hydro and calcium nitrate (YaraLiva Calcinit) can be used to create different (with different nitrogen N to potassium K) watering fertilization programs to fertilize many different crops. If it is necessary to regulate the ratio of nutrients in the program, then all the products of Krista's product group can be used for this.Fertilizer sticks for amplitude plants and balcony flowers 10 pcs
High-quality fertilizer sticks for fertilizing summer flowers growing in amplitudes and balcony boxes. Nutrients are in a slowly soluble form, which allows plants to assimilate cloves gradually as needed. A balanced ratio of nutrients in the fertilizer increases the resistance of plants to pests and hymns and gives the flowers a bright color.
Fertilizer sticks for indoor and balcony flowers
Fertilizer sticks for room and balcony flowers contain guano. Nutrients are in a slowly soluble form, with an impact time of 3 months. Thus, there is no fear of the risk of over-fertilization. A balanced ratio of nutrients in the fertilizer increases the resistance of plants to pests and diseases and gives them a bright color.
Field bean Helbi
- Very good tasting mid-early protein-rich field beans.
- Well suited for cooking dishes (including salt beans).
- Large pods and seeds.
- In the pod 4-6 grains.
- Strong erect stems of medium length.
- Used in home cooking, canning and freezing.
Film tunnel with metal arches
The film tunnel accelerates plant growth by maintaining temperature and humidity, and protects against harsh weather conditions.
Final joint with blue ring Streamline 16mm
Final joint with blue ring, Streamline 16mm
Fine woven black 4,2 m x 100 m (folded)
- Bed carpet is a polypropylene coating material used in home gardens and landscaping.
- It is permeable to water and air, strong and resistant to trampling.
- Bed carpet prevents the development of weeds and keeps the soil moist and reduces its erosion.
- Is resistant to ultraviolet radiation.
- The bed carpet is suitable for use in strawberry and other plantings, in permanent flower beds, under trees and shrubs to prevent the growth of weeds, when laying paths to separate layers of soil, in a nursery under plant pots, etc.
Flower fertilizer 1kg
A complex fertilizer containing all the basic nutrients necessary for the growth and development of plants in an appropriate proportion. Perfect for spring-summer fertilization of tulips, roses, petunias, climbing plants, gladioli, irises, surfinia, balcony, summer and perennial flowers. The use of fertilizer gives the flowers a bright flower stalk, lush flowers, abundant and prolonged flowering, a strong root system, as well as an intense green leaf color. Plants that have a balanced diet have good resistance to pests and fungal diseases.
Flower grass 1 kg
- A mixture of flower seeds consists of various annual summer flowers.
- A beautiful flower field that blooms for a long time and gives a diverse and colorful flower field for the whole summer.
Flower grass 100g
A mixture of flower seeds consists of various annual summer flowers. A beautiful flower field that blooms for a long time and gives a diverse and colorful flower field for the whole summer.
Flower seed mix "Summer Feeling" 100 g
Flower seed mix Butterfly Island 100g
- The mixture of annual and perennial flowers and grasses "Island of Butterflies" grows to a height of 100-150 cm.
- Valuable habitat for butterflies.
- Contains, in addition to meadow flowers, clover and grasses.
Flower Seed Mix Flowery Dream 100g
- One-year-old flower-seed mixture of low varieties with a variety of color.
- Height up to 60 cm.
- Attracts bees and beneficial insects.
- The mixture contains seeds of 22 flower varieties.
- This easy-to-grow colorful mixture will delight beginning gardeners.
- Flowers perfectly complement each other and are suitable for cultivation in summer flower gardens, in pots.
- Flowers can be cut for bouquets or dried and used in floristic compositions.
- Flowers should be planted in water and air-permeable soil.
- To ensure early flowering, seedlings should be planted in flower gardens.
Flower seed mix Lillenite 1kg
- Kiepenkerl flower seed mixture "Flower thread" 1 kg is a very diverse mixture of grasses, herbs and flowers.
- Not only beautiful to look at, but also a valuable habitat and an important source of food for many beneficial insects.
- Requires little maintenance.
Flower Seed Mix Wildlife 100g
- Flower seed mixture of annual and perennial meadow flowers.
- Height up to 120 cm.
- Attracts bees and beneficial insects.