Flower seed mixture "Insect Paradise" 130g
- Flower seed mixture "Insect Paradise" a mixture of professional quality annual and perennial seeds.
- Attracts insects and bees.
- The flower mix "Insect Paradise" is semi-tall, the seed mixture, which is very rich in flowers, is a source of food for many insects and thereby attracts other animals such as hedgehogs and birds to the garden.
Frost cover / white geotextile 2x5m, 10m², 200g/m²
The frost cover protects frost-resistant shrubs, ornamental and coniferous trees, rose bushes, rhododendrons, perennials, climbing plants and herbs from frost in winter and sun damage in spring.
Full fertilizer for the garden 1 kg
Full fertilizer for the garden is suitable for fertilizing tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, strawberries, perennial and summer flowers, garden and field crops, fruit trees, lawns, roses, conifers and all other outdoor and greenhouse plants. Contains all the nutrients necessary for the growth and development of plants in the appropriate proportions. The use of fertilizer ensures good plant growth, abundant flowering, as well as a high-quality harvest!
Garden and lawn lime 2kg
Garden and lawn lime is an environmentally friendly Estonian product. Limestone flour is used to reduce the acidity of mineral soil, turf or growth peat. As a result of the addition of limestone flour, the pH of the soil rises, the solubility of nutrients improves, and the activity of soil microorganisms is revived. The calcium and magnesium content in the soil also increases. Liming inhibits the growth of moss in the lawn.
Garden aprits Ghibli 1l
Comfortable hand spray Ghibli is suitable for the care of plants in the garden. The 1 l container is made of recyclable plastic polyethylene. There is a nozzle that can be adjusted from the sprayer to the flow. The pump lever is ergonomic and easy to grip.
Garden apron with AA batteries Sandy 1l
Garden primer Sandy is suitable for spraying water-soluble preparations and powders.
Garden composter 300 l
Plastic garden composter, capacity 300L. Composter dimensions: 60x60x81 cm.
Garden composter 500 l
Plastic garden composter, capacity 500L. Composter dimensions: 65x65x120 cm.
Garden fertilizer 1kg box
Garden fertilizer is a granular full fertilizer that contains all the nutrients necessary for plant growth and development in the appropriate proportions.
Garden full fertilizer 2 kg
- Full fertilizer for the garden is suitable for fertilizing tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, strawberries, perennial and summer flowers, garden and field crops, fruit trees, lawns, roses, conifers and all other outdoor and greenhouse plants.
- Contains all the nutrients necessary for the growth and development of plants in the appropriate proportions.
- The use of fertilizer ensures good plant growth, abundant flowering, as well as a high-quality harvest!
Geotekstiil 1x10m
- 100 g/m²
- Geotekstiil on, õhku ja vett läbilaskev kangas.
- Kangas takistab erinevate pinnasekihtide omavahelist segunemist.
- Geotekstiil on spetsiaalselt väljatöötatud kerge pinnakattematerjal, kasutamiseks aianduses ja haljastuses.
- Polüpropüleenmaterjal on vastupidav ultraviolettkiirguse ja mullas leiduvatele ühendite suhtes.
- Kangas takistab umbrohu kasvu ja kiirendab ka noorte taimede juurdumist, kuna hoiab pinnase niiske ja sooja.
- Geotekstiili võib kasutada ka erinevate pinnasekihtide eraldamiseks, näiteks drenaaži ja substraadi vahel lillepeenras.
Geotekstiil/multš 1,6x50m, 80m², 80g/m² pruun
Tekstiilmultš on spetsiaalselt väljatöötatud kerge pinnakattematerjal, kasutamiseks aianduses ja haljastuses. Polüpropüleenmaterjal on vastupidav ultraviolettkiirguse ja mullas leiduvatele ühendite suhtes. Kangas takistab umbrohu kasvu ja kiirendab ka noorte taimede juurdumist, kuna hoiab pinnase niiske ja sooja. Tekstiilmultši võib kasutada ka erinevate pinnasekihtide eraldamiseks, näiteks drenaaži ja substraadi vahel lillepeenras. Tekstiilmultšiga kaetud istutusalal säilib muld kohevamana kui peenravaiba või geotekstiiliga kaetud peenras. Tekstiilmultši kare pind takistab tigude ja nälkjate tegutsemist taimede vahel. Olenevalt kasutuskohast peab vastu 5-6 aastat.
Ghost Tupik Virginia
Physostegia virginiana Benth
- Perennial flowers.
- Blooms throughout the summer with snow-white flowers.
- Not demanding, grown as a background plant, inflorescences are picked up.
- Grown in bunches, good to put in a pot.
- Loves sunny places, can grow even in partial shade.
Granite sand for anti-slippery 10kg
Granite sand for anti-slippery, fraction 3-6 mm.
Granite sand for anti-slippery 5kg
Granite sand for anti-slippery treatment with a fraction of 3-6 mm.
Granulated chalk (soil for liming) 25kg
Granulated garden and lawn lime is a fast-acting overactive granulated chalk meal used to reduce the acidity of mineral soil and lawn surface and eliminate calcium deficiency in plants. As a result of the addition of lime, the pH of the soil rises, the solubility of nutrients improves, and the activity of soil microorganisms is revived. Liming inhibits the growth of moss in the lawn.
Granulated garden and lawn lime 10kg
Granulated garden and lawn lime is a fast-acting overactive granulated chalk meal used to reduce the acidity of mineral soil and lawn surface and eliminate calcium deficiency in plants. As a result of the addition of lime, the pH of the soil rises, the solubility of nutrients improves, and the activity of soil microorganisms is revived. Liming inhibits the growth of moss in the lawn.
Grave grass 80 g
- Decorative narrow-leaved lawn variety with dark green plants, which is bred and grown in Estonia.
- Being undemanding in terms of growing conditions, it is well suited for cemeteries and semi-shaded environments under large trees.
Greenhouse film 2,4x10m, 24m²
Small package of greenhouse film 2,4 x 10 m, 24 m².
Greenhouse film 2,4x150m
Greenhouse film width 2.4×150 m, 360 m², thickness 0.120 mm.
Greenhouse film 2.4x5m
Small package of greenhouse film 2,4×5 m, 18 m². The film is ultraviolet resistant and has a very good permeability ability.
Greenhouse film 6x100m
Greenhouse film 6m
- 0.12mm thickness,
- 100m roll;
- 600 m²
- folded roller 1.5 m
Greenhouse film repair tape 20m
Greenhouse film repair tape width 100 mm.
Greenhouse film tape 16cm x 15m Folitec
Folitec High UV tape: New, moisture resistant, one-sided glue, special repair greenhouse and tunnel film. Better quality. Extreme adhesion forces in cold, heat and humidity. 5 years UV-stable support material. Use: Indoor Outdoor Agriculture Gardening Color: Transparent Dimensions: 16 cm x 15 m
Greenhouse film tape 8cm x 15m Folitec
Folitec High UV tape: New, moisture resistant, one-sided glue, special repair greenhouse and tunnel film. Better quality. Extreme adhesion forces in cold, heat and humidity. 5 years UV-stable support material. Use: Indoor Outdoor Agriculture Gardening Color: Transparent Dimensions: 8 cm x 15 m
Haavapeits puudele ja põõsastele 300g
Baltic Agro haavapeits sobib viljapuude, põõsaste ja dekoratiivpuude lõikekohtade, sisselõigete, pookekohtade ja vigastuste kaitseks välismõjude eest. Sobib närilise-, jänese- või kitsekahjustuste katmiseks.
Dianthus barbatus L.
- Mitmeaastane, kasvatatakse kaheaastasena, 30 cm kõrgused lilled.
- Seda sorti hinnatakse heledate õite ja tumedate lehtede poolest, mille poolest taim lillepeenardes teistest silma paistab.
- Lilled on 10 cm läbimõõduga, õitsevad rikkalikult pikka aega.
- Seemned idanevad 8-10 päeva jooksul.
Hand drill 1,5l
Hand drill for more convenient sowing of grass seeds.
Hand spray coloured 450 ml
Colorful and comfortable hand spray with a capacity of 450 ml. Ideal for watering plants, gardening and household chores.
Hand Spray Eros 2l
Hand spray Eros 2 l is a manual pressure spray for gardening.
Hanging Daffodil Silky Pink
Silene Turkey
Hanging hook for fat balls
Metal hanging hook for 4 fat balls.