Watering fertilizer for summer flowers 300g
Fast-acting water-soluble full fertilizer with microelements for watering geraniums, surfinia, petunias, hornbeams, lobelias, chrysanthemums, levkoids, lingonberries, flame flowers, salvias, dahlias, lion's jaws, yarns of life, asters, roses, yarrows and other room, balcony, amplifier, summer and perennial flowers and ornamental shrubs. Fertilizer has a balanced composition and contains all the trace elements essential for plants in a form that is easily assimilated by them. Accelerates the onset of flowering and promotes the formation of new flower buds. Magnesium and trace elements contained in the fertilizer strengthen plants, ensure optimal growth and make the flower color bright. Flowers bloom profusely and long. Potassium contained in the fertilizer strengthens plants, makes the smell of flowers more intense, and increases the resistance of plants to adverse growing conditions and diseases.