Luisk LI5
- Castellari terituskivi on kuiv kivi, mida saab kasutada tööriistade, nagu oksakäärid, hekikäärid, oksakäärid teritamiseks.
- Seda on lihtne kasutada, lihtsalt hoidke seda piki tera lõiketera ja lihvige mööda umbes 5-10 korda.
- Pöörake tera ümber ja korrake 3-5 korda, et eemaldada kõik kobedused.
Manual precision drill DE LUXE
Manual precision drill
- Ideal for sowing flowers, herbs and vegetables.
- Especially in pots or nursery pots for sowing.
- Accurate and easy to use.
- Max. seed diameter 3 mm.
Mesh bag 28×35cm 2kg 5pcs
Mesh bag for packing fruits and vegetables.
Mesh bag 34×47cm 5kg 10pcs
Mesh bag for packing fruits and vegetables.
Mesh bag 42x63cm 10kg 10pcs
Mesh bag for packing fruits and vegetables.
Mesh bag 50x60cm 15kg 10pcs
The mesh bag for packing fruits and vegetables can hold 15 kg. Size 50x60 cm. 10 pcs.
Mesh bag 52×80cm 25kg oranz 10pcs
Mesh bag for packing fruits and vegetables.
Metal pencil 300x100x20 cm
Muttide püünis signaaliga BROS
- tõhus mehhanism
- väga lihtne kasutada
- püünis ei tapa
- mugav püünise seisundi kontroll (signaal)
Oksasaag akuga RY100
- 1.34 kg
- RY100 on liitiumakuga elektriline oksasaag.
- Kasulik ja hõlpsasti käsitsetav, tänu 500W mootorile võimaldab see lõigata kuni 80 mm okste.
- Automaatne määrimine hoiab keti alati õlitatuna, samal ajal kui nikerdusraud hõlbustab lõikamist ka kõige paksemas lehestikus.
- Praktiline ava võimaldab kiireks puhastamiseks otsest juurdepääsu mootoriruumi.
Oksasaag SPE 18G
- Professionaalne sirge teraga kokkumurtav oksasaag.
- Tera pikkus 18cm.
- Praktiline ja lihtne kasutada, turvaliselt kokkumurtav.
- Ergonoomiline käepide tagab kindla haarde.
Organic buckwheat shells 5l
- Buckwheat husks are used in gardening for fertilizer, mulch and soil improvement.
- Contain in their natural form the basic and micronutrients that plants need.
- Facilitate the assimilation of vegetarian elements while also being a source of nutrients.
- Improve soil structure and make heavy and sticky soils more cultivable.
- They reduce soil acidity and promote the vital activity of microorganisms in the soil by promoting decay processes.
Pea - cucumber and bean support grid 1,7x20m
The support grid for seedlings is used to support flowers and vegetables.
Pea and bean support net 1,2×10m
Pea and bean support grid is used to support vegetable and flower crops.
Pea and bean support net 1,2×5m
White pea and bean support grid is used to support vegetable and flower crops.
Perlite 100l
- Perlite is a volcanic rock that is suitable for the composition of sowing soil, covering seed seeds, rooting cuttings, as well as for winter preservation of vegetables and flower bulbs, and for drainage in flower pots.
- Water retention 97.1%.
- Improves the structure of the growing medium and increases water retention.
- By creating a good moisture and air regime in the soil, it reduces the risks of both under- and over-watering.
- By covering the soil with perlite in flowerpots, it is possible to compensate for the winter lack of light, since the light is reflected back from the snow-white perlite and amplifies its real strength.
- Also suitable for use in organic farming.
Perlite 2l
Perlite is a volcanic rock that is suitable for the composition of sowing soil, covering seed seeds, rooting cuttings, as well as for winter preservation of vegetables and flower bulbs, and for drainage in flower pots. Water retention 97.1%. Improves the structure of the growing medium and increases water retention. By creating a good moisture and air regime in the soil, it reduces the risks of both under- and over-watering. By covering the soil with perlite in flowerpots, it is possible to compensate for the winter lack of light, since the light is reflected back from the snow-white perlite and amplifies its real strength. Also suitable for use in organic farming.
Perlite 4l
- Perlite is a volcanic rock that is suitable for the composition of sowing soil, covering seed seeds, rooting cuttings, as well as for winter preservation of vegetables and flower bulbs, and for drainage in flower pots.
- Water retention 97.1%.
- Improves the structure of the growing medium and increases water retention.
- By creating a good moisture and air regime in the soil, it reduces the risks of both under- and over-watering.
- By covering the soil with perlite in flowerpots, it is possible to compensate for the winter lack of light, since the light is reflected back from the snow-white perlite and amplifies its real strength.
- Also suitable for use in organic farming.
Plant labels 5×15cm 4 colors 16pcs
Labels 5×15 cm, 4 colors, 16 pcs.
Plant protection spray with battery SOLO 206 6L on the shoulder
Battery Injector SOLO EASY 206. Quiet, without emissions: Protect your plants with a modern battery spray SOLO 206. Spraying without manual pumping with constant injection pressure. Lightweight and handy 6L device. Large battery capacity for up to 170 minutes of operation with just two hours of charging. Practical folding handle, shoulder strap and spiral tube. Strong container with UV protection and stable base of the container. Ergonomic handheld valve and unbreakable spray rod.
Plant support 0,6m
Metal plastic-coated plant support for plant support.
Plant support 0,9m
Metal plastic-coated plant support for plant support.
Plant support 1,2m
Metal plastic-coated plant support for plant support.
Plant support 1,5m
Metal plastic-coated plant support for plant support.
Plant support 1,8m
Metal plastic-coated plant support for plant support.
Plant support 2,1m
Metal plastic-coated plant support for plant support.
Plant support semi-arc 100cm
Semi-arched plant support.
Plant support semi-arch 35cm
Semi-arched plant support with a height of 35 cm.
Plant support semi-arch 70cm
Semi-arched plant support.
Potato bag / plant hood in jute
PP fabric bag 45 x 60 cm
PP fabric bag 57 x 95 cm
Precipitation meter 35cm
- Plastic measuring cylinder for measuring the amount of precipitation.
- The amount of precipitation is measured in millimetres and shows how thick a uniform layer of water would be formed by the amount of rain that fell on the horizontal surface.
- In the case of solid precipitation, they are melted and the amount of liquid water obtained is measured.