Hüdrogeel Zeba SP 10g
- Toode on mikrokrüstallide kujul.
- Soovitatav segada substraadiga, eriti poti- ja rõdutaimede istutamisel.
- Imendab ja säilitab vett ning selles sisalduvaid toitaineid.
- Garanteerib taimedele vee kättesaadavuse põuaperioodidel.
- Hüdrogeel imab ja eraldab vett korduvalt.
- Mõjub positiivselt taimede juurdumisele ja idanemisele ning nende välimusele.
Kergkruus 25l
- Kergkruus on põletatud savist valmistatud looduslik materjal, mis sobib hästi lillepoti põhja täidiseks, et tagada juurestikule vajalik hapnik.
- Kergkruus on ka dekoratiivne pinnakate, sh tasakaalustab mulla niiskust ja hoiab mullapinna puhtana.
- Takistab putukate levikut, ei sisalda kahjulikke ühendeid, ei hallita ega mädane.
Kookoskiudplokk 8l
- 100% looduslik ja keskkonnasõbralik
- Ideaalne seemnete idandamiseks ja taimede kasvatamiseks
- Hoiab niiskust hästi ja tagab hea õhuringluse
- Sobib nii sise- kui ka välistingimustes kasutamiseks
- Lihtne kasutada - lisa lihtsalt vett!
Kookospellet 35 mm
Need väikesed imetabletid on suurepärane abimees nii seemnete idandamiseks kui ka pistikute juurdumiseks.
- Valmistatud 100% kookoskiust, mis tähendab, et nad on keskkonnasõbralikud ja turbavabad.
- Läbimõõt 35 mm - ideaalne nii väiksemate kui ka suuremate seemnete jaoks
- pH tase 6.0 - tagab taimedele sobiva kasvukeskkonna
Light mug 2l
Light mug is a natural material made of burnt clay, which is well suited for filling the bottom of a flower pot to provide the root system with the necessary oxygen. Light mug is also a decorative coating, including balancing soil moisture and keeping the soil surface clean. Prevents the spread of insects, does not contain harmful compounds, does not mold and rot.
Light mug 6l
- Light mug is a natural material made of burnt clay, which is well suited for filling the bottom of a flower pot to provide the root system with the necessary oxygen.
- Light mug is also a decorative coating, including balancing soil moisture and keeping the soil surface clean.
- Prevents the spread of insects, does not contain harmful compounds, does not mold and rot.
Organic buckwheat shells 5l
- Buckwheat husks are used in gardening for fertilizer, mulch and soil improvement.
- Contain in their natural form the basic and micronutrients that plants need.
- Facilitate the assimilation of vegetarian elements while also being a source of nutrients.
- Improve soil structure and make heavy and sticky soils more cultivable.
- They reduce soil acidity and promote the vital activity of microorganisms in the soil by promoting decay processes.
Perlite 100l
- Perlite is a volcanic rock that is suitable for the composition of sowing soil, covering seed seeds, rooting cuttings, as well as for winter preservation of vegetables and flower bulbs, and for drainage in flower pots.
- Water retention 97.1%.
- Improves the structure of the growing medium and increases water retention.
- By creating a good moisture and air regime in the soil, it reduces the risks of both under- and over-watering.
- By covering the soil with perlite in flowerpots, it is possible to compensate for the winter lack of light, since the light is reflected back from the snow-white perlite and amplifies its real strength.
- Also suitable for use in organic farming.
Perlite 2l
Perlite is a volcanic rock that is suitable for the composition of sowing soil, covering seed seeds, rooting cuttings, as well as for winter preservation of vegetables and flower bulbs, and for drainage in flower pots. Water retention 97.1%. Improves the structure of the growing medium and increases water retention. By creating a good moisture and air regime in the soil, it reduces the risks of both under- and over-watering. By covering the soil with perlite in flowerpots, it is possible to compensate for the winter lack of light, since the light is reflected back from the snow-white perlite and amplifies its real strength. Also suitable for use in organic farming.
Perlite 4l
- Perlite is a volcanic rock that is suitable for the composition of sowing soil, covering seed seeds, rooting cuttings, as well as for winter preservation of vegetables and flower bulbs, and for drainage in flower pots.
- Water retention 97.1%.
- Improves the structure of the growing medium and increases water retention.
- By creating a good moisture and air regime in the soil, it reduces the risks of both under- and over-watering.
- By covering the soil with perlite in flowerpots, it is possible to compensate for the winter lack of light, since the light is reflected back from the snow-white perlite and amplifies its real strength.
- Also suitable for use in organic farming.
Vermiculite 100l
- Vermiculite is a heat-treated pure clay mineral of natural origin.
- Suitable for sowing soil composition, covering seed seeds, rooting cuttings, as well as winter preservation of vegetables and flower bulbs.
- Vermiculite is able to absorb up to 500 times the amount of water, is ultra-light, sterile and weed-free.
- Vermiculite is suitable for plants that need neutral growth soil.
- Also suitable for use in organic farming.
Vermiculite 2l
- Vermiculite is a heat-treated pure clay mineral of natural origin.
- Suitable for sowing soil composition, covering seed seeds, rooting cuttings, as well as winter preservation of vegetables and flower bulbs.
- Vermiculite is able to absorb up to 500 times the amount of water, is ultra-light, sterile and weed-free.
- Vermiculite is suitable for plants that need neutral growth soil.
- Also suitable for use in organic farming.
Vermiculite 4l
- Vermiculite is a heat-treated pure clay mineral of natural origin.
- Suitable for sowing soil composition, covering seed seeds, rooting cuttings, as well as winter preservation of vegetables and flower bulbs.
- Vermiculite is able to absorb up to 500 times the amount of water, is ultra-light, sterile and weed-free.
- Vermiculite is suitable for plants that need neutral growth soil.
- Also suitable for use in organic farming.