
Aspen and graft wax 'Brunonia' 125g

0 out of 5

Aspen and graft wax are made from refined natural resins that certain trees secrete themselves to heal their wounds. Wound wax is a classic wound-sealing agent on fruit and ornamental trees. The resin-wax mixture forms a firmly adhesive layer on the wound surface. This makes the tree wound protected from moisture and drying out. Water penetrating into the wound from the outside promotes secondary wound infections (rotting). The fungicide-free protective film formed from wood wax keeps moisture away and ensures wound healing. The protective layer allows the wound to grow better adhered to. Wood wax has good determinability, does not run off in the heat and does not crack in the cold. Plant enhancer. The product is suitable for use in organic farming (according to the EU organic regulation).

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Aspen Grease Bio for Trees and Shrubs 100g

0 out of 5

From natural components environmentally friendly wound grease for the protection of incisors and grafts of plants.

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Aspen spray with pump 100ml

0 out of 5

Quick help with tree wounds (e.g. after cutting branches, for caring for wind damage and frost cracks) on all plants and shrubs. Just spray on – no need for a brush or spatula. Environmentally friendly. Dries quickly and forms a transparent permanent coating on the wound of the tree. The wound thus becomes protected from external influences. Thanks to the transparent shade, the wound can be observed. The wound spray contains tree resins and acts as a natural protective layer for tree wounds. Also well suited for the protection of the cutting sites of ornamental trees and bonsai due to its transparent color. Plant enhancer.

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ECO Kärbsepaber rullis (10 m x 25 cm) 1 tk

0 out of 5

  • Professionaalne kärbsepaber tööstuslikuks kasutamiseks.
  • Püüab kinni üle 40 000 kahjuri.
  • Tõhus erinevates temperatuuritingimustes.
  • Lõhnatu ja ohutu.
  • Sobib kasutamiseks toiduainetetööstuses.

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Haavapeits puudele ja põõsastele 300g

0 out of 5

Baltic Agro haavapeits sobib viljapuude, põõsaste ja dekoratiivpuude lõikekohtade, sisselõigete, pookekohtade ja vigastuste kaitseks välismõjude eest. Sobib närilise-, jänese- või kitsekahjustuste katmiseks.

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Lehetäide ja teiste kahjurite kontsentraat 50ml BROS LOODUSLIK

0 out of 5

  • Tõhus lehetäide, kedriklestade, kasvuhoonekarilase, ripslaste, lehetäide ja kilptäide vastu.
  • Preparaat toimib füüsiliselt - katab kahjurid õhukese kihiga, mis halvab nad ja eraldab õhust, mis lõppkokkuvõttes viib nende surmani.
  • Lisaks aitab see kaitsta okaspuid pruunistumise eest ning talve ja kevade vahetusel kaitseb taimi veekao eest pakaselise tuule mõjul.
  • Toodet võib kasutada kodudes, rõdudel, aedades ja maatükkidel, viljapuude, köögiviljade ja dekoratiivtaimede kasvatamisel.
  • Preparaat ei põhjusta resistentsete kahjurite populatsioonide teket.

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Neem Vital spray 500ml

0 out of 5

  • Ready-to-use plant assistance for garden and indoor plants.
  • Ready-to-use herbal supplement with bioactive substances of the neem tree.
  • Natural plant extract is rich in secondary plant substances and helps to ensure healthy and vital plant growth, healthy leaves and flowers, and a rich harvest for garden and houseplants.
  • Direct application to the leaf surfaces brings bioactive substances directly to the plant.
  • Ready-to-use solution for moistening the leaves and improving biological activity.

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Replanting and rooting fertilizer Pralumus 50g

0 out of 5

  • Allows you to replant plants stress-free, reducing transpiration.
  • Increases the number and strength of the roots of seedlings and cuttings.
  • Strengthens damaged or poorly developed root system.
  • Improves the rooting percentage of cuttings.
  • Contains macro- and micronutrients, as well as biostimulants.
  • Promotes better absorption of water and nutrients - nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus by the plant.
  • The dissolving forms of phosphorus reskest become more accessible to the plant and the efficiency of photosynthesis increases.
  • Plants better tolerate growth stress due to unfavorable growing conditions.

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Roheline seep 500ml Orto

0 out of 5

Vedelat rohelist seepi kasutatakse taimehooldusvahendina ning taimekaitsevahendite lahuste kleepuvuse suurendamiseks. Taimi võib süüa 7 päeva pärast pritsimist. Sobib hästi puhastusvahendiks. Kasutada vett-taluvate pindade puhastamiseks, tekstiiliesemete pesuks.

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Roheline seep pihustiga pudelis 500ml Mayeri

0 out of 5

  • Vedel roheline seep pihustiga pudelis, 500 ml.
  • Kasutatakse aianduses kahjurite ja hallitusseente tõrjeks.
  • Rohelist seepi kasutatakse taimehooldusvahendina ning taimekaitsevahendite lahuste kleepuvuse suurendamiseks.
  • Sobib hästi puhastusvahendiks.

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Roheline seep tšilliga (pihustiga) 500ml

0 out of 5

Kasutusvalmis toode mugavas pihustiga pudelis on mõeldud taimede hooldamiseks, sobilik ka taimekaitselahuste kleepuvuse suurendamiseks. Koostis: <5% taimsete rasvade kaaliumi seep, tšilliekstrakt.

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Saaremaa lime 1,2kg

0 out of 5

  • Protects tree trunks from sunburn, mitigating the harmful effects of sharp fluctuations in temperature, which leads to cracking of the bark of trees.
  • Also destroys pests and their eggs, because it contains slaked lime.

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Saaremaa lime 5kg

0 out of 5

  • Protects tree trunks from sunburn, mitigating the harmful effects of sharp fluctuations in temperature, which leads to cracking of the bark of trees.
  • Also destroys pests and their eggs, because it contains slaked lime.

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Stem bleach for fruit trees 500g

0 out of 5

The stem bleach of fruit trees protects tree trunks from sunburn, mitigating the harmful effects of sharp temperature fluctuations, which leads to cracking of the bark. Stem bleach also destroys pests and their eggs, because it contains slaked lime and iron sulfate.

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Stem bleach paste for fruit trees 1,5kg

0 out of 5

Against frost damage to fruit trees. Ready-to-use paint for whitening woody plants and protecting them from frost cracks and heat. Through tree wounds, pathogens enter the tree, which can lead to the death of the tree. The reflective special coating prevents one-sided heating on sunny days, thereby preventing tension and tears in the stem. The shell remains undamaged and intact.

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Vaskteip nälkjate ja tigude vastu

0 out of 5

Keskkonnasõbralik ja mittemärgatav lahendus aias olevate nälkjate ja tigude vastu.

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Viljapuude pritsimise komplekt 750g

0 out of 5

Komplekt veeslahustuvast karbamiidist ja vasksulfaadist pritsimislahuse valmistamiseks viljapuude ja marjapõõsaste pritsimiseks varakevadel ja hilissügisel. Pritsides toidame taimi lämmastiku ja vasega, ning ennetame haiguste teket (laikpõletikud, mädanikud jt). Taimed muutuvad tugevamaks ja vastupidavamaks ebasoodsate kasvutingimuste suhtes.

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Võrk jäneste eest kaitseks 1,20×10m

0 out of 5

Kaitsevõrk jäneste eest 1,2 x 10 m hoiab eemal jänesed, rebased ja suuremad loomad.

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Wound spray aerosol 200ml

0 out of 5

Wood wax wound sealant, liquid wound closure spray (aerosol). For finishing and closing the wound: spray the finishing or wound area so that moisture does not get inside. The aerosol contains refined natural resins that the tree itself secretes to heal wounds. Plant enhancer.

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