
Continuation joint with blue rings Streamline 16mm

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Continuation joint with blue rings,Streamline 16mm

Original price was: 0,81 €.Current price is: 0,40 €.
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Drip irrigation system Terrace Kit

0 out of 5

Easy-to-install drip irrigation system Terrace Kit for watering potted plants in the home garden, balcony and terrace.

The Terrace Kit watering set allows you to easily create a drip irrigation system for potted plants and a vegetable garden built in containers. All you need to set up is scissors and a sharp knife. During the installation of the kit, it is recommended to use protective gloves, especially when cutting with a knife.  

Terrace Kit

  • Adjustable droppers allow you to provide each plant with the right amount of water.
  • A sustainable and stress-free solution for moisturizing up to 20 pots.
  • An easy-to-program tap control unit allows you to automate the system. Choose how much, when and with what frequency you want to water the plants.

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Final joint with blue ring Streamline 16mm

0 out of 5

Final joint with blue ring, Streamline 16mm

Original price was: 0,81 €.Current price is: 0,40 €.
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Imbtoru Multibar 50m

0 out of 5

Irritec Multibar tilgutustoru, ø 16 mm, 33 cm tilgutusvahe, 2,1 l/h, 50 m rull

  • Irritec Multibar survekompenseeriv tilgutustoru
  • 16 mm välisläbimõõt
  • 1,1 mm seina paksus
  • Tilguti tootlikkus 2,1 l/h
  • Tilguti vahekaugus 33 cm
  • Soovitatav filtreerimine: 125 µm
  • 50 m rull

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Kastmiskontroller ORBIT B-HYVE bluetooth+wifi moodul

0 out of 5

  • B Hyve aitab teil kasta nutikalt, kasutades Weathersense tehnoloogiat, nii et vihma korral ei kasta.
  • Lisaks B Hyve annab teie taimedele täpselt selle veekoguse, mida nad vajavad; sõltuvalt kallakust, pinnasetüübist, päikesepaistelisest asendist ja muust: saate soovitud ilusa aia, säästes samal ajal vett, aega ja raha.
  • B Hyve'iga ei pea te enam arvama, kui palju vett te kasutate.
  • Sisseehitatud vooluhulgamõõtja annab teile teada, kui palju vett te kasutate, ja kui palju te vajate oma taimede kastmiseks, auto pesemiseks, või basseini täitmiseks.
  • Seda saab isegi seadistada nii, et see kastab koguse järgi, mitte ainult aja järgi.
  • Kastab sekundite jooksul, mis muudab selle ideaalseks mitte ainult aedade, vaid ka hüdropoonika ja kasvuhoonete jaoks.

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Kastmiskontroller Rainbird patarei toitega

0 out of 5

  • Automatiseerige oma tilkkastmissüsteemi või kastmisvooliku järjepidevamaks planeerimiseks selle hõlpsasti kasutatava digitaalse kontrolleri abil.
  • Lisaks kõrgele funktsionaalsele töökindlusele kogu hooaja välitingimustes pakub see professionaalne kontroller keerukaid funktsioone muretu ja mugava kastmise jaoks.
  • Väga suur ekraan ja programmeerimisketas muudavad kastmisgraafikute seadistamise ja analüüsimise lihtsaks.
  • Töötamise ajal kuvatakse ekraanil ka programmi olek, nimelt järgmine tsükkel ajakavas ja jooksva tsükli järelejäänud tööaeg.
  • Täiustatud funktsioonide hulka kuulub kuni kahe kastmiskorra programmeerimine päevas mis tahes nädalapäeval, samuti nupud „kastke nüüd“ ja „tühistage“, et vajadusel programmi kohe tühistada.
  • Automatiseerige kastmist igal alal oma õues: aedades, lillepeenradel ja äsja külvatud või rajatud muru.

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Kinnituspiik 16mm torule

0 out of 5

Laost Otsas! Tulevad Veebruar - Märts 2025!

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Lamellar filter Arkal 1"

0 out of 5

Advantages and features

The lamellar filter prevents clogging of the imb and drip irrigation system. In the plastic housing of the filter there is a filter element made of plastic lamellae, in which contamination in the water accumulates. The element is easy to clean. The density of cleaning depends on the purity of the water and the quality of the fertilizer applied.

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Lamellar filter Arkal 3/4"

0 out of 5

Advantages and features

The lamellar filter prevents clogging of the imb and drip irrigation system. In the plastic housing of the filter there is a filter element made of plastic lamellae, in which contamination in the water accumulates. The element is easy to clean. The density of cleaning depends on the purity of the water and the quality of the fertilizer applied.

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PE tube 16mm PN4 25m black

0 out of 5

All pipes have UV and oxidation protection, which makes them resistant to solar radiation, allowing the pipes to be used for many years without significant damage. Microorganisms or fungi do not attack PE tubes, neither inside nor outside. PE pipes are resistant to salt water, acids and alkaline solutions (with the exception of highly concentrated solutions) and most substances used in agriculture. Available in rolls of standard length, large diameter rollers and straight bars to meet specific requirements. Made of high-quality low or medium density polyethylene resin, which provides resistance to cracks and bends, as well as long-term reliability. Precision manufacturing ensures uniform internal diameter and wall thickness.

Precision manufacturing ensures uniform internal diameter and wall thickness.

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PE tube 20mm PN4 25m black

0 out of 5

All pipes have UV and oxidation protection, which makes them resistant to solar radiation, allowing the pipes to be used for many years without significant damage. Microorganisms or fungi do not attack PE tubes, neither inside nor outside. PE pipes are resistant to salt water, acids and alkaline solutions (with the exception of highly concentrated solutions) and most substances used in agriculture. Available in rolls of standard length, large diameter rollers and straight bars to meet specific requirements. Made of high-quality low or medium density polyethylene resin, which provides resistance to cracks and bends, as well as long-term reliability. Precision manufacturing ensures uniform internal diameter and wall thickness.

Precision manufacturing ensures uniform internal diameter and wall thickness.

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Starter - Blue Ring Streamline 16mm - 3/4"

0 out of 5

Starter joint, blue ring Streamline 16mm - 3/4"

Original price was: 1,01 €.Current price is: 0,50 €.
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