Apple moth pheromone trap
Catching apple moth butterflies with pheromone traps is well suited for home gardens, where it is not recommended to use or use as few insecticides as possible. 1 trap per 1 apple tree. In the package: 1 plastic trap, 2 pheromone capsules, 2 glued adhesive bases, 2 fasteners.
Apple moth pheromone trap
Catching apple moth butterflies with pheromone traps is very suitable for home gardens, where it is not recommended to use or use as few insecticides as possible. 1 trap per 1 apple tree. The caterpillars of the apple moth mine narrow twisting passages inside the apple, extending to the core. The harvest becomes unusable: the pulp of the apple becomes woody and bitter, it is not amenable to eating and does not give juice. In the package: 1 plastic trap, 2 pheromone capsules, 2 glued adhesive bases, 2 fasteners.
Apple tree cobweb pheromone trap
Catching butterflies from an apple-tree-crowned moth with pheromone traps is well suited for home gardens, where it is not recommended to use or use as few insecticides as possible. The caterpillars of the apple tree-crowned moth (Yponomeuta malinellus) do not damage the fruits, but the leaves – this exhausts the fruit trees. With the abundant presence of the pest, the harvest is reduced, and the trees have an unattractive appearance. In the package: 1 plastic trap, 2 pheromone capsules, 2 glued adhesive bases, 2 fasteners.
Autumn organic fertilizer 10l
- Autumn organic fertilizer makes garden plants and lawns resistant to winter frosts and diseases.
- In addition, fertilizing prepares plants for next year's growth, flowering and the formation of a crop.
- Organics improves soil fertility and invigorates the work of soil organisms.
- Organic fertilizer has a long-term effect.
- Does not contain chemical additives.
Blueberry organic fertilizer 1kg
- Blueberry organic fertilizer is good for blueberries, lingonberries and cranberries.
- Environmentally friendly fertilizer with a uniform and lasting effect.
- Balanced fertilization improves the growth and development of plants, promotes the formation of fruits and ensures a larger and tastier harvest.
- Organics improves soil fertility and invigorates the activity of soil organisms.
- Does not contain chemical additives.
Chicken poop granules 1l
Natural fertilizer, Kanakaka granules, improves soil structure and invigorates the work of soil microorganisms. Kanakaka granules provide the plant with strong growth and abundant flowering, as well as increase the yield. A high content of organic matter helps maintain soil fertility and improves the soil's ability to retain moisture. Granules (2-5 mm) contain in their natural form all the basic and micronutrients that plants need.
Chicken poop pellets 20l
- Natural fertilizer, Kanakaka granules, improves soil structure and invigorates the work of soil microorganisms.
- Kanakaka granules provide the plant with strong growth and abundant flowering, as well as increase the yield.
- A high content of organic matter helps maintain soil fertility and improves the soil's ability to retain moisture.
Chicken poop pellets 4l
- Natural fertilizer for all plants.
- Contains all the nutrients necessary for plant growth.
- Strengthens plants, promotes flowering and increases yields.
- Improves soil fertility and invigorates the work of soil organisms.
Coniferous organic fertilizer 1kg
- Coniferous organic fertilizer is suitable for living trees, pines, junipers, spruces and other thorns.
- Environmentally friendly fertilizer with a uniform and lasting effect.
- Balanced fertilization promotes growth and strengthens plants.
- Magnesium contained in the fertilizer, which is in the composition of chlorophyll, significantly affects the green color of the needles.
- Does not contain chemical additives.
Kaalimagneesium 1kg
- Sobib tomatite, kurkide, kartulite, maasikate, vaarikate, mustkate, püsi ja suvelillede, aia- ja põlluviljade, viljapuude, muru, rooside, okaspuude ja koikide teiste õue- ja kasvuhoonetaimede väetamiseks.
- Kaalimagneesium on suure magneesiumi ja väävli sisaldusega kaaliumväetis.
- Toitained esinevad väetises sulfaatidena ja on vees lahustuvad ning seetoltu koheselt taimedele kättesaadavad.
Kanakaka granules 10l
Natural fertilizer, Kanakaka granules, improves soil structure and invigorates the work of soil microorganisms. Kanakaka granules provide the plant with strong growth and abundant flowering, as well as increase the yield. A high content of organic matter helps maintain soil fertility and improves the soil's ability to retain moisture. Granules (2-5 mm) contain in their natural form all the basic and micronutrients that plants need.
Kurgi maheväetis 1kg
- Kurgi maheväetis kurkide, rullkõrvitsate, kõrvitsate ja arbuuside väetamiseks.
- Tasakaalustatud väetamine tugevdab taimi, muudab nad haiguste suhtes vastupidavamaks, soodustab uute õiepungade moodustumist ning annab tervisliku ja maitsva saagi.
- Ühtlase ja kestva mõjuga keskkonnasõbralik väetis.
- Orgaanika parandab mullaviljakust ja elavdab mullaorganismide tegevust.
- Ei sisalda keemilisi lisaaineid.
Lawn organic fertilizer 10l
Environmentally friendly fertilizer with a uniform and lasting effect. Balanced fertilization strengthens herbaceous plants and makes the lawn denser and more resistant to drought, weeds and moss. Organics improves soil fertility and invigorates the activity of soil organisms. Does not contain chemical additives.
MATCH Golf Autumn 8-5-16+2MGO 20kg
Match Golf Autumn is a low-chlorine granular NPK fertilizer containing organic and mineral nutrients for fertilizing golf, sports and beauty grasses.
N-P2O5-K2O 8-5-16+2MgO+1Fe (1.5% methylene carbamide)Effects
Organo-mineral NPK fertilizer for fertilizing golf clubs, sports grounds, green spaces and home garden grasses, the composition of which also includes magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe) and sulfur (S). Lawn fertilizer Match Golf Autumn is available in 1-3 mm "all-in-one" granules. The fertilizer contains nutrients with both a quick and long-term effect. Due to the high content of organic matter, the structure of the soil and the state of humus are improved. Fertilizer is free from pathogens and weed seeds. Advantages:- Contains organic matter that increases the microbiological activity of the soil
- Gradual release of nitrogen
- High sulfur content
- Better rooting
- More beautiful coloring
- Organic and mineral nutrients
- Free from pathogens and weed seeds
- Does not smell strong and does not create a lot of dust
- Low consumption rate thanks to "all-in-one" granules
MATCH Golf Spring 16-5-8+2MGO 20kg
MATCH Golf Spring is a low-chlorine granular NPK fertilizer containing organic and mineral nutrients for fertilizing golf, sports and beauty grasses.
Thu-P2O5-K 2O 16-5-8+2MgO+1Fe (4% methylene carbamide)Effects
Organo-mineral NPK fertilizer for fertilizing golf clubs, sports grounds, green spaces and home garden grasses, the composition of which also includes magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe) and sulfur (S). Lawn fertilizer Match Golf Spring is available in the form of "all-in-one" granules with a diameter of 1-3 mm. The fertilizer contains nutrients with both a quick and long-term effect. Due to the high content of organic matter, the structure of the soil and the state of humus are improved. Fertilizer is free from pathogens and weed seeds. Advantages:- Contains organic matter that increases the microbiological activity of the soil
- Gradual release of nitrogen
- High sulfur content
- Better rooting
- More beautiful coloring
- Organic and mineral nutrients
- Free from pathogens and weed seeds
- Does not smell strong and does not create a lot of dust
- Low consumption rate thanks to "all-in-one" granules
Monterra Bio chicken manure 25kg/40l
Organic chicken manure fertilizer improves soil structure and invigorates the work of soil microorganisms. Chicken manure provides the plant with strong growth and abundant flowering, as well as increase yields. A high content of organic matter helps maintain soil fertility and improves the soil's ability to retain moisture. The granules contain in their natural form all the basic and micronutrients that plants need.
Natural blueberry fertilizer 2l
High-quality organic fertilizer containing trace elements. The fertilizer is made only from natural substances and does not contain chemical additives. Suitable for fertilizing blueberry plants in spring and summer. Eating fruits and vegetables grown with organic fertilizers saves health and the environment. Fertilizer improves plant growth and development and increases yields. The lack of nutrients in the soil leads to poor formation of berries, withering and reduces yield, at the same time the berries are smaller and have a poorer taste.
Natural raspberry fertilizer 2l
High-quality organic fertilizer containing trace elements. Fertilizer consists only of natural substances and does not contain chemical additives. Suitable for fertilizing raspberry plants in spring and summer. Eating fruits and vegetables grown with organic fertilizers saves health and the environment. Fertilizer improves plant growth and development and increases yields. The lack of nutrients in the soil leads to poor formation of berries, withering and reduces yield, at the same time the berries are smaller and have a poorer taste.
NeemAzal T/S 5ml (putukate tõrjeks)
- Looduslik taimne ekstrakt kahjurite tõrjeks.
- Troopilise neemipuu seemnete tuumadest saadud taimset ekstrakti NeemAzal-T/S sobib kasutada kahjurite tõrjeks ka mahepõllumajanduses.
- NeemAzal on troopilise neemipuu seemnete tuumadest saadud taimne ekstrakt lehetäide, ripslaste, kaevandikärbeste, karilaste, kedriklesta, õunapuu-võrgendikoi, maipõrnika, kartulimardika, külmaliblika, viljakoi jt imevate ja närivate kahjurite tõrjeks.
Organic fertilizer for hydrangea 1kg
- Organic fertilizer for hydrangea promotes better rooting of plants, accelerates growth, as well as ensures more abundant flowering.
- Environmentally friendly fertilizer with a uniform and lasting effect.
- Balanced fertilization helps the plant to take root better, accelerates growth, as well as ensures more abundant flowering.
- Potassium contained in the fertilizer helps the plant to woody better and makes it more resistant to winters.
- Organics improves soil fertility and invigorates the activity of soil organisms.
- Does not contain chemical additives.
Organic liquid fertilizer for vegetables 350 ml
- 100% vegetable.
- More harvest.
- More flavor.
- 350ml = 35 l fertilizer solution.
- Organic fertilizer for garden and vegetable crops.
- Vegetable fertilizer concentrate, without mineral or animal additives.
- Fertilizer acts both on the leaves and on the roots.
- The use of fertilizer increases the yield and ensures the aroma and taste of flowers and fruits characteristic of the culture.
Organic potato fertilizer 10l
Environmentally friendly fertilizer with a uniform and lasting effect. Balanced fertilization improves the quality, taste characteristics and keeping quality of potato tubers, increases the yield. Fertilization strengthens plants and makes them more resistant to diseases. Organics improves soil fertility and invigorates the activity of soil organisms. Does not contain chemical additives.
Organic rhododendron fertilizer 1kg
- Organic rhododendron fertilizer is suitable for rhododendrons
- Environmentally friendly fertilizer with a uniform and lasting effect.
- Balanced fertilization improves the growth and development of plants.
- The fertilized plant forms more flower buds and blooms more abundantly in spring.
- Potassium contained in the fertilizer helps the plant to woody better and makes it more resistant to winters.
- Organics improves soil fertility and invigorates the activity of soil organisms.
- Does not contain chemical additives.
Organic Tomato Fertilizer 1kg
- Organic fertilizer for tomatoes promotes the formation of new flower buds, thanks to which a rich and tasty harvest is guaranteed.
- Organic fertilizer strengthens plants, makes tomato seedlings more resistant to diseases.
- Environmentally friendly fertilizer with a uniform and lasting effect.
- Balanced fertilization strengthens plants, makes them more resistant to diseases, promotes the formation of new flower buds, and gives a healthy and tasty harvest.
- Organics improves soil fertility and invigorates the activity of soil organisms.
- Does not contain chemical additives.
Pheromone trap for pea moth
The caterpillars of the pea moth are about 6mm long white or yellow worms with dark heads. They cause the worming of peas in July-August. Catching pea moth butterflies with pheromone traps is well suited for home gardens, where it is not recommended to use or use as few insecticides as possible. Packaging: 1 plastic trap, 2 pheromone capsules, 2 glued adhesive bases, 2 fasteners.
Pheromone trap for plum moth
Pheromone trap for catching plum moth butterflies – to reduce the number of pests by trapping, one trap per adult or two young plum trees must be taken into account. Packaging: 1 plastic trap, 2 pheromone capsules, 2 glued adhesive bases, 2 fasteners.
Potassium sulfate 1kg
Potassium sulfate is a potash fertilizer with a very low chlorine content and is suitable for fertilizing garden crops that are sensitive to chlorine, such as potatoes, onions, beans, strawberries, raspberries, flowers, plum and cherry trees. With a lack of potassium, the leaves of the plant turn yellow from the edges of the leaf and turn brown. The edges of the sheet twist from top to bottom.
Roheline seep 500ml Orto
Vedelat rohelist seepi kasutatakse taimehooldusvahendina ning taimekaitsevahendite lahuste kleepuvuse suurendamiseks. Taimi võib süüa 7 päeva pärast pritsimist. Sobib hästi puhastusvahendiks. Kasutada vett-taluvate pindade puhastamiseks, tekstiiliesemete pesuks.
Roheline seep kontsentraat Mayeri 500ml
Vedela rohelise seebi kontsentraat.
Root Nutrient 500ml
Root Nutrient Solution 1 L
Rose organic fertilizer 1kg
- Organic rose fertilizer
- Environmentally friendly fertilizer with a uniform and lasting effect.
- Balanced fertilization promotes the formation of new flower buds, accelerates the onset of flowering, provides a bright floral color and abundant and prolonged flowering.
- Suitable for all flowering plants.
- Organics improves soil fertility and invigorates the activity of soil organisms.
- Does not contain chemical additives.
Seaweed extract 1l
- Biostimulator made from algae for vegetables, herbs, fruit and ornamental plants.
- Algae increase yields and regulate the growth and development of roots, leaves and fruits (improving quality indicators).
- Regular use increases the resistance of plants to abiotic stress (night frost, drought, etc.).
Sowing and planting fertilizer (in a bucket) 1 kg
- Granulated nitrogen fertilizer with biostimulator properties.
- Thanks to the unique production process, the fertilizer contains three fractions of organic nitrogen – fast, medium and slow release, which provides plants with a balanced supply of nitrogen throughout the growing season.
- Approved for organic cultivation.
- Improves root development and absorption of nutrients.
- Promotes photosynthesis and balanced growth of plants.
- Improves the resistance of plants to stress from the environment.
- Increases soil fertility.
Spring organic fertilizer 10l
Environmentally friendly fertilizer with a uniform and lasting effect. Suitable for fertilizing tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, strawberries, perennial and summer flowers, garden and field crops, fruit trees, lawns, roses, conifers and all other outdoor and greenhouse plants. Balanced fertilization ensures good plant growth, abundant flowering, as well as a high-quality harvest. Organics improves soil fertility and invigorates the activity of soil organisms. Does not contain chemical additives.