
Bed carpet black 1×5m, 5m²

0 out of 5

Bed carpet is a polypropylene coating material used in home gardens and landscaping. It is permeable to water and air, strong and resistant to trampling. Bed carpet prevents the development of weeds and keeps the soil moist and reduces its erosion. Is resistant to ultraviolet radiation. The bed carpet is suitable for use in strawberry and other plantings, in permanent flower beds, under trees and shrubs to prevent the growth of weeds, when laying paths to separate layers of soil, in a nursery under plant pots, etc.

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Bed rug 5,25x100m, 525m²

0 out of 5

Bed carpet is a polypropylene coating material used in home gardens and landscaping. It is permeable to water and air, strong and resistant to trampling. Bed carpet prevents the development of weeds and keeps the soil moist and reduces its erosion. Is resistant to ultraviolet radiation. The bed carpet is suitable for use in strawberry and other plantings, in permanent flower beds, under trees and shrubs to prevent the growth of weeds, when laying paths to separate layers of soil, in a nursery under plant pots, etc.

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Beeswax black 1,3 m x 100 m

0 out of 5

  • Bed carpet is a polypropylene coating material used in home gardens and landscaping.
  • It is permeable to water and air, strong and resistant to trampling.
  • Bed carpet prevents the development of weeds and keeps the soil moist and reduces its erosion.
  • Is resistant to ultraviolet radiation.
  • The bed carpet is suitable for use in strawberry and other plantings, in permanent flower beds, under trees and shrubs to prevent the growth of weeds, when laying paths to separate layers of soil, in a nursery under plant pots, etc.

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Binding wire with PVC coating green 3mmx25m

0 out of 5

Binding wire with PVC coating green 3mmx25m

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Bird net 2×5m

0 out of 5

The bird net is used in the home garden to protect the berry and fruit crop from birds.

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Bird net 4×10m

0 out of 5

The bird net is used in the home garden to protect the berry and fruit crop from birds.

  • To prevent birds from picking berries from above through the net, place the nets slightly higher than the berry bushes–bushes, on the tops or on a special frame.
  • The lower edge of the nets should remain so that the birds do not get under the net.
  • Go to the nets to check regularly to see if any birds haven't stayed in there, only to then unleash it if necessary.
  • Also, smaller animals such as hedgehogs and hares can get stuck in the nets.

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Bird net 4×5m

0 out of 5

The bird net is used in the home garden to protect the berry and fruit crop from birds.

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Bird net 8×10m

0 out of 5

  • The bird net is used in the home garden to protect the berry and fruit crop from birds.
  • To prevent birds from picking berries from above through the net, place the nets slightly higher than the berry bushes–bushes, on the tops or on a special frame.
  • The lower edge of the nets should remain so that the birds do not get under the net.
  • Go to the nets to check regularly to see if any birds haven't stayed in there, only to then unleash it if necessary.
  • Also, smaller animals such as hedgehogs and hares can get stuck in the nets.

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Coating 1,6x100m 23g

0 out of 5

  • The cover louse is used to speed up the start of harvest, protect against night frosts and protect against pests.
  • The coating protects against night frosts, raises the temperature of the soil and air, reduces wind damage, protects against birds and game.
  • The coating has very good light transmission, letting 90% of the light reach the plants.
  • The covering louse is very light in weight and gently protects young shoots and increments without crushing.
  • The structure of the material, stable to ultraviolet radiation, provides long-term protection.
  • The veil is moisture-permeable and breathable.
  • The veil is easy to install manually.

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Coating 1,6x20m, 32m²

0 out of 5

The cover louse is used to speed up the start of harvest, protect against night frosts and protect against pests. The coating protects against night frosts, raises the temperature of the soil and air, reduces wind damage, protects against birds and game. The coating has very good light transmission, letting 90% of the light reach the plants. The covering louse is very light in weight and gently protects young shoots and increments without crushing. The structure of the material, stable to ultraviolet radiation, provides long-term protection. The veil is moisture-permeable and breathable. The veil is easy to install manually.

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Coating 2.1x100m 23 g/m²

0 out of 5

  • The cover louse is used to speed up the start of harvest, protect against night frosts and protect against pests.
  • The coating protects against night frosts, raises the temperature of the soil and air, reduces wind damage, protects against birds and game.
  • The coating has very good light transmission, letting 90% of the light reach the plants.
  • The covering louse is very light in weight and gently protects young shoots and increments without crushing.
  • The structure of the material, stable to ultraviolet radiation, provides long-term protection.
  • The veil is moisture-permeable and breathable.
  • The veil is easy to install manually.

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Coating 3,2x10m, 17g/m2, 32m²

0 out of 5

  • The cover louse is used to speed up the start of harvest, protect against night frosts and protect against pests.
  • The coating protects against night frosts, raises the temperature of the soil and air, reduces wind damage, protects against birds and game.
  • The coating has very good light transmission, letting 90% of the light reach the plants.
  • The covering louse is very light in weight and gently protects young shoots and increments without crushing.
  • The structure of the material, stable to ultraviolet radiation, provides long-term protection.
  • The veil is moisture-permeable and breathable.
  • The veil is easy to install manually.

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Coconut mat 0,5x1,5m, 0,75m2

0 out of 5

Coconut mat to protect the seedling from weeds and drying out of the soil.

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Coconut mat round d 37cm

0 out of 5

Coconut mat to protect the seedling from weeds and drying out of the soil.

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Eclipse fabric 1,5×3m, 4,5m², 42 %

0 out of 5

Shading and windbreak fabrics are used to protect evergreen plants (such as bushwoods, cypresses, trees of life, rhododendrons, Canadian spruce 'Conica', evergreen plants of rock gardens, etc.) from early spring sunburn and for post-planting shading of conifers.

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Fastening pins for PROFI roofing fabric 40pcs/pk

0 out of 5

Fastening peaks made of strong plastic for fastening the cover veil or lighter covers, nets (bird nets).

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Film tunnel with metal arches

0 out of 5

The film tunnel accelerates plant growth by maintaining temperature and humidity, and protects against harsh weather conditions.

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Fine woven black 4,2 m x 100 m (folded)

0 out of 5

  • Bed carpet is a polypropylene coating material used in home gardens and landscaping.
  • It is permeable to water and air, strong and resistant to trampling.
  • Bed carpet prevents the development of weeds and keeps the soil moist and reduces its erosion.
  • Is resistant to ultraviolet radiation.
  • The bed carpet is suitable for use in strawberry and other plantings, in permanent flower beds, under trees and shrubs to prevent the growth of weeds, when laying paths to separate layers of soil, in a nursery under plant pots, etc.

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Frost cover / white geotextile 2x5m, 10m², 200g/m²

0 out of 5

The frost cover protects frost-resistant shrubs, ornamental and coniferous trees, rose bushes, rhododendrons, perennials, climbing plants and herbs from frost in winter and sun damage in spring.

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Geotekstiil 1x10m

0 out of 5

  • 100 g/m²
  • Geotekstiil on, õhku ja vett läbilaskev kangas.
  • Kangas takistab erinevate pinnasekihtide omavahelist segunemist.
  • Geotekstiil on spetsiaalselt väljatöötatud kerge pinnakattematerjal, kasutamiseks aianduses ja haljastuses.
  • Polüpropüleenmaterjal on vastupidav ultraviolettkiirguse ja mullas leiduvatele ühendite suhtes.
  • Kangas takistab umbrohu kasvu ja kiirendab ka noorte taimede juurdumist, kuna hoiab pinnase niiske ja sooja.
  • Geotekstiili võib kasutada ka erinevate pinnasekihtide eraldamiseks, näiteks drenaaži ja substraadi vahel lillepeenras.

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Geotekstiil/multš 1,6x50m, 80m², 80g/m² pruun

0 out of 5

Tekstiilmultš on spetsiaalselt väljatöötatud kerge pinnakattematerjal, kasutamiseks aianduses ja haljastuses. Polüpropüleenmaterjal on vastupidav ultraviolettkiirguse ja mullas leiduvatele ühendite suhtes. Kangas takistab umbrohu kasvu ja kiirendab ka noorte taimede juurdumist, kuna hoiab pinnase niiske ja sooja. Tekstiilmultši võib kasutada ka erinevate pinnasekihtide eraldamiseks, näiteks drenaaži ja substraadi vahel lillepeenras. Tekstiilmultšiga kaetud istutusalal säilib muld kohevamana kui peenravaiba või geotekstiiliga kaetud peenras. Tekstiilmultši kare pind takistab tigude ja nälkjate tegutsemist taimede vahel. Olenevalt kasutuskohast peab vastu 5-6 aastat.

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Greenhouse film 2,4x10m, 24m²

0 out of 5

Small package of greenhouse film 2,4 x 10 m, 24 m².

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Greenhouse film 2,4x150m

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Greenhouse film width 2.4×150 m, 360 m², thickness 0.120 mm.

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Greenhouse film 2.4x5m

0 out of 5

Small package of greenhouse film 2,4×5 m, 18 m². The film is ultraviolet resistant and has a very good permeability ability.

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Greenhouse film 6x100m

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Greenhouse film 6m

  • 0.12mm thickness,
  • 100m roll;
  • 600 m²
  • folded roller 1.5 m
The film is ultraviolet resistant and has a very good permeability ability.

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Greenhouse film tape 16cm x 15m Folitec

0 out of 5

Folitec High UV tape: New, moisture resistant, one-sided glue, special repair greenhouse and tunnel film. Better quality. Extreme adhesion forces in cold, heat and humidity. 5 years UV-stable support material. Use: Indoor Outdoor Agriculture Gardening Color: Transparent Dimensions: 16 cm x 15 m

Original price was: 45,89 €.Current price is: 37,73 €.
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Greenhouse film tape 8cm x 15m Folitec

0 out of 5

Folitec High UV tape: New, moisture resistant, one-sided glue, special repair greenhouse and tunnel film. Better quality. Extreme adhesion forces in cold, heat and humidity. 5 years UV-stable support material. Use: Indoor Outdoor Agriculture Gardening Color: Transparent Dimensions: 8 cm x 15 m

Original price was: 25,49 €.Current price is: 20,39 €.
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Insect netting for plants 2.2×10 m

0 out of 5

  • Insect screen protects vegetables from plant pests.
  • White insect screen for plants is made of strong polyamide fabric (180 microns).
Used for: growing cabbage, turnips, radishes, pumpkin, potatoes, onions, carrots, fennel, lettuce and other vegetables.

Original price was: 27,00 €.Current price is: 23,99 €.
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Insect screen 1.4x5m - Protect your plants from insects!

0 out of 5

  • Insect screen protects vegetables from plant pests.
  • Environmentally friendly, reduces the need to use pesticides.
  • Keeps flies, aphids, fleas and beetles under mechanical control.
  • Lets air and water through and protects from wind, hail and heavy rain.
  • Protects against birds and animals.

Original price was: 6,50 €.Current price is: 4,99 €.
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Insect screen for plants 3x5m

0 out of 5

Insect screen protects vegetables from plant pests.

  • Environmentally friendly, reduces the need to use pesticides.
  • Keeps flies, aphids, fleas and beetles under mechanical control.
  • Lets air and water through and protects from wind, hail and heavy rain.
  • Protects against birds and animals.

Original price was: 16,00 €.Current price is: 13,49 €.
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Kasvatustunnel kattelooriga

0 out of 5

Kasvatustunnel kattelooriga 0,9 x 2,5 m

  • Kasvatustunnel on väike, kuid võimas tööriist aiapidajatele ja aednikele, kes soovivad oma taimede kasvu optimeerida ja kaitsta neid karmide ilmastikutingimuste eest.
  • Selle tunneli suurus on 0,9 meetrit lai ja 2,5 meetrit pikk, pakkudes piisavalt ruumi mitmesuguste taimede kasvatamiseks.
  • Üks peamisi eeliseid, mida kasvatustunnel pakub, on võime hoida stabiilset temperatuuri ja niiskust taimede kasvuks ideaalsetes tingimustes.
  • See on eriti oluline varakevadest hilissügiseni, kui välitingimused võivad olla ebastabiilsed ja kõikuvad.
  • Taimed vajavad optimaalset temperatuuri ja niiskust, et kasvada ja areneda täies ulatuses, ning kasvatustunnel võimaldab neil seda saavutada.

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Katteloor 1,6×5m, 17g/m2, 8m²

0 out of 5

Katteloori kasutatakse saagialguse kiirendamiseks, öökülma kaitseks ja kaitseks kahjurite eest. Katteloor kaitseb öökülmade eest, tõstab mulla ja õhu temperatuuri, vähendab tuulekahjustusi, kaitseb lindude ja ulukite eest. Katteloor on väga hea valguse läbilaskvusega, lastes 90% valgust taimedeni. Katteloor on kaalult väga kerge ja kaitseb õrnalt, noori võrseid ja juurdekasvu muljumata. Ultraviolettkiirguse suhtes stabiilne materjali struktuur annab pikaajalise kaitse. Loor on niiskust läbilaskev ja hingav. Loori on kerge käsitsi paigaldada.

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Katteloor 1,6x100m 17g

0 out of 5

  • Katteloori kasutatakse saagialguse kiirendamiseks, öökülma kaitseks ja kaitseks kahjurite eest.
  • Katteloor kaitseb öökülmade eest, tõstab mulla ja õhu temperatuuri, vähendab tuulekahjustusi, kaitseb lindude ja ulukite eest.
  • Katteloor on väga hea valguse läbilaskvusega, lastes 90% valgust taimedeni.
  • Katteloor on kaalult väga kerge ja kaitseb õrnalt, noori võrseid ja juurdekasvu muljumata.
  • Ultraviolettkiirguse suhtes stabiilne materjali struktuur annab pikaajalise kaitse.
  • Loor on niiskust läbilaskev ja hingav.
  • Loori on kerge käsitsi paigaldada.

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Katteloor 1,6x250m, 17g/m², 400m²

0 out of 5

  • Katteloori kasutatakse saagialguse kiirendamiseks, öökülma kaitseks ja kaitseks kahjurite eest.
  • Katteloor kaitseb öökülmade eest, tõstab mulla ja õhu temperatuuri, vähendab tuulekahjustusi, kaitseb lindude ja ulukite eest.
  • Katteloor on väga hea valguse läbilaskvusega, lastes 90% valgust taimedeni.
  • Katteloor on kaalult väga kerge ja kaitseb õrnalt, noori võrseid ja juurdekasvu muljumata.
  • Ultraviolettkiirguse suhtes stabiilne materjali struktuur annab pikaajalise kaitse.
  • Loor on niiskust läbilaskev ja hingav.
  • Loori on kerge käsitsi paigaldada.

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Katteloor 2,1x250m, 525m²

0 out of 5

  • Katteloori kasutatakse saagialguse kiirendamiseks, öökülma kaitseks ja kaitseks kahjurite eest.
  • Katteloor kaitseb öökülmade eest, tõstab mulla ja õhu temperatuuri, vähendab tuulekahjustusi, kaitseb lindude ja ulukite eest.
  • Katteloor on väga hea valguse läbilaskvusega, lastes 90% valgust taimedeni.
  • Katteloor on kaalult väga kerge ja kaitseb õrnalt, noori võrseid ja juurdekasvu muljumata.
  • Ultraviolettkiirguse suhtes stabiilne materjali struktuur annab pikaajalise kaitse.
  • Loor on niiskust läbilaskev ja hingav.
  • Loori on kerge käsitsi paigaldada.

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