
Autumn Garden Fertilizer

2,34 24,49 

  • Strengthens root systems:
    • Phosphorus focuses on root development, helping them penetrate deeper and absorb nutrients better.
    • A strong root system is the foundation of plant resilience.
  • Increases frost resistance:
    • Potassium helps plants regulate water balance and increases their resistance to cold, diseases, and stress.
  • Lays the foundation for next year’s floral beauty:
    • Autumn fertilization provides plants with the necessary energy to form flower buds in the fall.
    • This ensures abundant flowering and a good harvest in the spring.
Autumn Garden Fertilizer, Agrozoni fertilizer bag in the forest.

Autumn Garden Fertilizer

2,34 24,49 

In stock


Autumn Garden Fertilizer – PK P2O5-K2O (CaO+MgO+SO3) 8-18 (2,5+4+28) with microelements.

Autumn garden fertilizer is a special fertilizer designed to help your garden prepare for winter and ensure a beautiful and vigorous awakening in spring.

This unique composition is enriched with the very nutrients that plants need before the cold months – phosphorus and potassium.

What does it do?

  • Strengthens root systems: Phosphorus focuses on root development, helping them penetrate deeper and absorb nutrients better. A strong root system is the foundation of plant resilience.
  • Increases frost resistance: Potassium helps plants regulate water balance and increases their resistance to cold, diseases, and stress.
  • Lays the foundation for next year’s floral beauty: Autumn fertilization provides plants with the necessary energy to form flower buds in the fall. This ensures abundant flowering and a good harvest in the spring.

Who benefits from this?

Autumn garden fertilizer is perfect for all perennial plants:

  • Ornamental trees and shrubs
  • Fruit trees and shrubs
  • Berry bushes
  • Hedges
  • Lawn

How do I use it?

The fertilizer should be applied after the end of the active growth period, usually from late August to early October. For more detailed instructions, please refer to the product packaging.

NB! The autumn garden fertilizer does not contain nitrogen, which would promote the growth of new shoots. This is important so that the plants do not start growing again before winter, which would reduce their frost resistance.

Prepare your garden for winter and enjoy its beauty in the spring!


Autumn fertilizer is used from July to October.

A heaped tablespoon corresponds to about 20 grams.

  • Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries after harvesting 4 kg/100 m².
  • Perennial garden and bulb flowers, perennials 30-50 g/m².
  • Ornamental trees, shrubs, hedge plants 50-70 g/m².
  • Conifers: Thuja, spruces, firs, pines, junipers, and rock garden plants 40 g/m² (40-100 g/conifer).
  • Perennial garden flowers 30-50 g/m².
  • Roses, clematis 50-60 g/m².
  • Rhododendrons 50-60 g/m².
  • Currants, gooseberries 40-50 g/m² (80-125 g/bush).
  • Fruit trees: plum, cherry, apple, pear, etc. 80 g/m².

When fertilizing the lawn, the granules are sown evenly onto the dry grass.

Watering speeds up the fertilizer’s effect.

    • For lawn fertilization in August-October: 2-5 kg/100 m².
    • Lawn fertilization at establishment: 6-10 kg/100 m².

When fertilizing, consider the soil type and the plants’ fertilization needs.

Do not exceed the recommended application rates.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

1kg, 1kg Box, 2kg, 4kg, 7,5kg, 15kg


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