Alexandrian clover 300g
Alexandrian, or Egyptian clover, is a one-year-old clover. Very good catch culture. Catch crops help to improve soil fertility and reduce weeds and pathogens. In addition, thanks to the mygarbacteria in the root nodule, leguminous crops also bind atmospheric nitrogen and thus enrich the soil with nitrogen. Plant height from 30 to 60 cm. The flowers are white in color.
Apteegi Kummel
- Üheaastased ravim-, dekoratiiv- ja meetaimed.
- Korjatud õied tuleks kohe kuivatada, sest ainult hästi kuivatatud õitel on rikkalik aroom.
- Parim kasvukoht on kerge, hästi haritud muld, mis on umbrohuvaba.
Buckwheat 200g
- Buckwheat is an annual, fast-growing and relatively undemanding culture.
- 'Aiva' with whitish-pink flowers is an early and high-yielding variety.
- Buckwheat is an excellent cereal culture and honey plant.
- A grateful catch crop, as it repels weeds (including orasheina) very well and makes phosphorus available to subsequent crops.
- In addition, buckwheat does not have diseases common to us harvest crops.
- Buckwheat is a very good honey plant.
- Tatramesi is one of the most nutritious.
Common whirlwind head Stala
Common whirlwind head
- Excellent honey and ornamental plant.
- It is also grown as a catch crop for the purpose of improving soil fertility.
- Blooms long and abundantly.
Esparsett 100 g
- Suurepärane vahekultuur, ilu- ja meetaim.
- Rikastab mulda lämmastikuga.
- Annab suure haljasmassi, surub alla umbrohutumust.
- Tänu tugevale ja hästi arenenud juurestikule parandab mulla omadusi.
- Põuakindel ja vastupidav haigustele.
- Väga hea meetaim.
Incarnate 300g
Incarnation- e. crimson clover is a one-year-old clover. Differs from other species of clover in its decorativeness. Excellent catch culture, ornamental and honey plant.
Kesaredis 200g
Kesaredis or Japanese radish or daikon is a fast-growing, non-wintering cruciferous. Excellent catch culture. A large and strong main root growing deep into the soil, which helps to reduce soil compaction. Binds nutrients from deeper soil layers. Quickly grows large green foliage, which is why it is a good suppressor of weeds. Cruciferous catch crops reduce pathogens in the soil. Kesaredis perishes at constant frosts, the plant decays in winter and leaves the soil loose. Do not sow radishes, turnips and other crops belonging to the cruciferous family (the gap should be at least 3 years).
Lillepõllu seemnesegu 1 kg
- Seemnesegu koosneb üheaastastest õitsvatest meetaimedest, mis meelitavad ligi mesilasi ja teisi kasulikke putukaid ning on silmailuks kogu terve suve.
- Segu võib külvata koduaedadesse, põlluservadele, viljapõldude äärde, mesilate juurde.
- 1 kg piisab 500 m2 külvamiseks
Lillepõllu seemnesegu 5 kg
- Seemnesegu koosneb üheaastastest õitsvatest meetaimedest, mis meelitavad ligi mesilasi ja teisi kasulikke putukaid ning on silmailuks kogu terve suve.
- Segu võib külvata koduaedadesse, põlluservadele, viljapõldude äärde, mesilate juurde.
- 1 kg piisab 500 m2 külvamiseks
Meetaimede seemnesegu 1 kg
- Seemnesegu sobib mesilaste korjeala rajamiseks.
- Segu koosneb üheaastastest õitsvatest meetaimedest, mis meelitavad ligi mesilasi ja teisi kasulikke putukaid ja on väga head nektari kogumiseks.
- Õitsvad taimed on silmailuks kogu terve suve.
- Segu võib külvata ka koduaedadesse, põlluservadele, viljapõldude äärde.
- Putukate rohkus ja parem tolmeldamine parandavad kõrvalasuvate põllutaimede seemnesaaki.
- 1 kg piisab 500 m2 külvamiseks
Meetaimede seemnesegu 5 kg
- Seemnesegu sobib mesilaste korjeala rajamiseks.
- Segu koosneb üheaastastest õitsvatest meetaimedest, mis meelitavad ligi mesilasi ja teisi kasulikke putukaid ja on väga head nektari kogumiseks.
- Õitsvad taimed on silmailuks kogu terve suve.
- Segu võib külvata ka koduaedadesse, põlluservadele, viljapõldude äärde.
- Putukate rohkus ja parem tolmeldamine parandavad kõrvalasuvate põllutaimede seemnesaaki.
- 1 kg piisab 500 m2 külvamiseks
Oats 200g
- Oats are an annual fast-growing cereal crop.
- Excellent catch culture.
- The biomass of oats decomposes slowly, leaving a protective layer of mulch in the ground for spring and soil loosened by the roots.
- Also suitable for sowing in a greenhouse.
- Oats 'Kalle' is a variety bred in Estonia that is well suited for organic cultivation.
- A variety with very good adaptability and a relatively long straw.
Pink clover 300g
Pink clover is an excellent green fertilizer culture and soil fertility improver. The cultivation of green fertilizer crops from legumes is the main way to naturally enrich the soil with nitrogen. Good honey plant. Honey productivity 120kg/ha. Honey resembles white clover honey in taste and properties. Seeding rate 12g/10m2. Seeding depth: 1-2 cm.
Red clover 300g
Red clover is a common green fertilizer culture that forms a large root mass and tolerates covering fruit well. It is a very good soil fertility enhancer, as the mygarbacteria on the roots of the plant bind atmospheric nitrogen and thus enrich the soil with nitrogen. It is for this reason that clover is often sown on the field as the first crop.
Scaly red clover Rokali
Scaly red clover Rokali
- One-year-old plant.
- Suitable for both bed ornamental plants and flower meadow mixes.
- Binds atmospheric nitrogen, is a good soil improver.
- Bright red inflorescences are up to 5 cm long.
- Attracts butterflies, bees and bumblebees.
- Good honey plant.
Sunflower Peredovick 100g
- Very attractive medium-growing sunflower variety with large inflorescences, the core of which is greenish, and the string flowers are lemon-yellow.
- In addition to the large main inflorescence, side shoots develop from the leaf axils, crowned by smaller inflorescences.
- Blooms from July to September.
- Seeds are very rich in oil.
- Also cultivated as a catch crop.
- Forms a large biomass.
Suvivikk 200 g
- Suvivikk ehk kurehernes on suurepärane vahekultuur liblikõieliste sugukonnast.
- Toodab palju haljasmassi, tänu millele surub alla umbrohtumust.
- Kiire algarenguga.
Vahekultuuride seemnesegu 1 kg
- Seemnesegu koosneb ühe-, kahe- ja mitmeaastastest õitsvatest meetaimedest, mis meelitavad ligi mesilasi ja teisi kasulikke putukaid ning on silmailuks kogu terve suve.
- Putukate rohkus ja parem tolmeldamine parandavad kõrvalasuvate põllutaimede seemnesaaki.
- Vahekultuurid aitavad parandada mullaviljakust, vähendada umbrohtumust ja mullaerosiooni.
- Taimejuured kobestavad mulda, luues paremad tingimused mulla mikrofloora elutegevuseks.
- Lisaks seovad liblikõielised kultuurid ka õhulämmastikku ja rikastavad mulda lämmastikuga.
- 1 kg piisab 500 m2 külvamiseks
Vahekultuuride seemnesegu 5 kg
- Seemnesegu koosneb ühe-, kahe- ja mitmeaastastest õitsvatest meetaimedest, mis meelitavad ligi mesilasi ja teisi kasulikke putukaid ning on silmailuks kogu terve suve.
- Putukate rohkus ja parem tolmeldamine parandavad kõrvalasuvate põllutaimede seemnesaaki.
- Vahekultuurid aitavad parandada mullaviljakust, vähendada umbrohtumust ja mullaerosiooni.
- Taimejuured kobestavad mulda, luues paremad tingimused mulla mikrofloora elutegevuseks.
- Lisaks seovad liblikõielised kultuurid ka õhulämmastikku ja rikastavad mulda lämmastikuga.
- 1 kg piisab 500 m2 külvamiseks
Whirlwind head 200g
Excellent catch culture, ornamental and honey plant. The vortex head does not have common diseases with the most common crop crops and therefore fits well into crop rotation. As a catch crop, it is grown for the purpose of improving soil fertility, in addition, it provides great competition to weeds. The plant has the ability to make phosphorus not assimilated by other plants available. If the seed is sown after the early main crops ripen, then the plant will still be able to bloom. However, for the purpose of growing as a honey plant, the seed must be sown already in the spring. Honey productivity 150-300kg/ha. Trichinella honey is valued on a par with linden honey. Trichinella is also grown as an ornamental plant.
White clover 50g
- Perennial.
- The small-leaved white clover 'Rivendel' is a frost- and thallus-resistant, undemanding low-growing variety.
- Has a very decorative effect on the outskirts of gardens and among lawns.
- Also well suited for various flower slugs.
- Good honey plant.
White clover RIVENDER 300g
- The small-leaved white clover variety 'Rivendel' is frost-resistant, trampling-resistant, light-requiring and fertilizes lawn camaraderie by binding atmospheric nitrogen.
White mustard 200g
White mustard 200g - fast-growing green fertilizer and honey plant, which improves soil structure, repels weeds and enriches the soil with nutrients. Ideal catch culture for vegetable and flower beds.