Köögiviljad - 12 seemnesortide komplekt
- Seed-fast premium seemned.
- GMO-vabad ja töötlemata.
- 12 köögiviljast koosnev komplekt ootab vaid istutamist!
- Iga koti tagaküljel on nõuanded külvamise, saagikoristuse ja palju muud.
- Sõltuvalt sordist saab seemneid kasvatada rõdul, õues või kasvuhoones.
Kurk 'White Wonder'
Cucumis sativus L.
Leaf lettuce mix
Includes five varieties of lettuce of different colors, shapes and flavors.
Lehtsalatite segu seemnelindil
- Lehtsalat seemnelindil - lihtne kasvatada, ei vaja harvendamist.
- Erinevate kujude ja tekstuuridega salatilehed, nii rohelise- kui ka punaselehelised.
- Külva kevadest sügiseni 3-nädalase intervalliga, et saada pidevalt värskeid noori lehti.
- Võib kasvatada ka rõdukastis.
Lemon balm
Perennial herb, medicinal and honey plant. Suitable for all those foods where lemon fits. Perfect for making tea and seasoning liqueurs. As a medicinal plant, soothing and sleep-promoting, relieving colds, flu and asthma.
Lettuce 'Aficion' Grand Rapids
Leaf lettuce 'Aficion' is a green Batavia-type salad (a form of iceberg lettuce from France). Green Grand-Rapid type juicy leaves form a fluffy open head.
Lettuce 'Totem'
Lettuce 'Totem' has dark green erect leaves and a very uniform growth and is resistant to browning of the tips of the leaves. Taste soft as in a young onion.
Long greenhouse cucumber Nikifor
- With a long vegetation period, the yield cucumbers go to the greenhouse.
- Variety with good taste characteristics and resistant to diseases.
- The fruits are smooth, shiny, slightly ribbed, with a beautiful dark green peel, 20-23 cm long.
- With few side shoots.
- Suffers from temperature fluctuations.
- Vähenõudlik ja kergesti kasvatatav spinatisort, mida saavad nautida ka väiksemad aednikud.
- Lehed ja punased marjad sobivad toiduks ning lisavad aeda ilu, mis köidab laste tähelepanu.
Magus minipaprika 'Terrazzi' F1
- Väikeste magusate oranžikaskollaste viljadega suupistepaprika.
- Saagikas ja kompaktne sort.
- Sobib hästi potis ja rõdukonteinerites kasvatamiseks.
- Vastupidav haigustele.
- See on mänguline teekond ja garanteeritud hea tulemus, mille käigus veedate koos kvaliteetset aega ja edendate meeskonnatööd, kasvatades samal ajal teie loovust, vastutustunnet ja taimekasvatusalaseid teadmisi.
- Kui avate Sodolendas karbi, otsige kõigepealt võluväe seemneid!
- Need väärtuslikud seemned on valmis külvamiseks mini-kasvuhoones, kus saate olla tunnistajaks põnevale teekonnale, kui taimed murduvad läbi mulla, püüdes päikesevalguse poole - see on tõeliselt maagiline!
- Kui taimed rohetavad ja õitsevad, saad nende ilu jäädvustada värvimisraamatus.
- Kuid põnevus ei lõpe sellega!
- Komplekti kuuluvad kleebised, millega kaunistada idanevaid karpe või taimede sildid, mis lisavad teie pungiloleva aia isikupäraseks muutmise.
Mehhiko pisikurk
Melothria scarbra naudin
Melon Bari
- Very tasty melon variety with mid-early ripening.
- Suitable for growing in a greenhouse.
- The round fruit weighs about 1.2 kg, the pulp is bright orange in color and very tasty.
- Germination temperature 20-25° C.
Murulaugu, tüümiani, pune seemnekettad
- Pakendis 3 maitsetaimede seemneketast läbimõõduga 8 cm:
- 1) murulauk
- 2) tüümian
- 3) pune.
- Sobivad aknalaual, rõdul, terrassil, kasvuhoones kasvatamiseks.
Muscatel squash Mieluna bowling squash
- Very tasty yielding early bowling squash variety.
- Smooth-skinned, flesh orange-yellow, dense, sweet.
- Grain weight 1-1.3 kg.
- Suitable for cooking a wide variety of dishes.
- Needs a sunny, warm and wind-protected place of growth.
- Very cold-resistant.
Õisuba Hestia
- Kõrge saagikusega madalakasvuline aeduba sort.
- Taimed on väga dekoratiivsed, punavalgete õitega.
- Võib külvata otse mulda või istutada kasvuhoonesse ettekasvatatud taimedena.
- Seda sorti saab kasvatada nii pottides kui ka kastides.
- Kaunad on laiad, rohelised ja ilma kiududeta.
Open-air cucumber 'Majestosa' F1
Cucumber 'Majestosa' F1 is a very early, self-fruiting, short- and smooth-fruited high-yielding variety. The fruits are free of bitter substances. Well suited for pickling, souring and fresh consumption. Resistant to mosaic disease and powdery mildew. 15 seeds in a package.
Parsley 'Bravour'
Parsley 'Bravour is a low-growing curlypetersell with decorative aromatic leaves. Two-year-old herb 25 cm high. Leaves fragrant, dark green and shiny. The leaves are used as a seasoning for dishes fresh or stored in the refrigerator for winter use.
Parsley 'Gigante d'Italia'
Parsley 'Gigante d'Italia' is a fast-growing, smooth-leaved leafpeterel. The leaves are smooth, dark green, small, beautiful and even. Used to flavor dishes fresh or stored in the refrigerator for winter use.
Parsnip White Gem
Parsnip White Gem
- Very valuable undemanding root crop.
- One of the most popular and reliable varieties!
- Suitable for soups, stews, omelets, purees.
Patisson DISCO
- Patisson DISCO is a medium early shrub variety.
- The shape of the fruit is plate-shaped.
- The flesh of the fruit is white and tastes better than artichoke or zucchini.
- The taste is pleasantly young with the taste of mushroom and cucumber.
Pea 'Avola'
Pea 'Avola' is a very early pea variety with good taste, both for fresh consumption and for preparing dishes. Height 40-50 cm. Resistant to wilting disease.
Pea 'Maxigolt'
The mid-early pea variety 'Maxigolt' with very sweet dark green grains is suitable for both fresh consumption and the preparation of dishes. Growth time 50-60 days.
Pea Aamisepp
Pea Aamisepp is bred in Estonia.
- Aamisepp is a very tasty high-growing (100-140 cm) mid-early pea variety.
- Gives pods for a long time.
- Pods large, with a blunt tip.
- In the pod large grains up to 8 pcs.
- Relatively resistant to spot inflammation.
Pea Creation
- Pea 'Looming' is a highly yielding low-growing (50-60 cm) medium-ripening pea variety bred in Estonia.
- Pod dark green, with a pointed tip, in a grain pod up to 11 pcs.
- Pea-spot inflammation resistance average.
Pea Utrillo
- Pea Utrillo is a late pea variety with good taste, both for fresh consumption and for the preparation of dishes.
- Height 75 cm.
- Yielding and large-leaved.
- See on varajane, saagikas ja haigustele vastupidav porgandi hübriidsort.
- Nii juurte välispind kui ka sisu on iseloomuliku punase värvusega.
- Magusad ja krõmpsud porgandid on suurepärase maitsega ning sobivad nii värskelt söömiseks kui ka salatite ja mahlade valmistamiseks.
- Seda sorti saab kasvatada ka sügiseseks saagikoristuseks või säilitamiseks - sel juhul tuleks seemned külvata 20. maist kuni 10. juunini.
Pumpkin 'Flynn' F1
Pumpkin 'Flynn' F1 is a variety with beautiful rounded orange fruits. Fruits 20-22 cm in diameter and weighing 3.0-3.8 kg. The variety is medium powdery mildew resistant.
Cucurbita pepo L.
- Variety with medium early bushes.
- The vegetation period is 52 days.
- The fruits are round, with a thin green peel and excellent taste.
- The fruits are suitable for fresh use, preservation, frying, steaming, stuffing, canning.
- Grow well on fertile soil, in a sunny place.
Punapeet 'Cardeal' F1 seemnelindil
- Peediseemned seemnelindil, lihtne kasvatada.
- Keskvarajane, kõrge suhkrusisaldusega ja väga hea säilivusega sort.
- Ühtlased tumepunased ümarad viljad.
Radish 'Gloriette F1' on seed tape
Radish seeds on seed tape 3m. Easy to grow. Does not require thinning. Early variety. Fruit rounded, bright red. The flesh of the fruit is white, juicy and has good taste. Harvest about 20-24 days after sowing.
Radish 'Gloriette' F1
Radish 'Gloriette' F1 is an early variety. The fruit is large, rounded, bright-red, almost does not crack. The flesh of the fruit is white, juicy and has good taste.
Radish 'Jõgeva 169' seed tape
Easy to grow, radish seeds on seed tape 3m. Does not require thinning. Early variety. Fruit rounded, bright red. The flesh of the fruit is white, juicy and has good taste.
Raphanus sativus L.
- Especially fruitful and tasty mixture of radish varieties.
- Harvested 18-20 days after sowing.
- Can be grown in open ground and in a greenhouse.
- Grows best on fertile sandy loamy soils.
- The most favorable growth temperature is 15-18 °C, the humidity must be sufficient.
- The advantages of seed tape: a richer, higher-quality harvest.
- See on varajane sort, mis valmib 20–27 päevaga.
- Juurviljad on punased, mahlased ja maitsvad.
- Võib kasvatada kasvuhoonetes varase saagi saamiseks ning külvata õues suviseks ja sügiseseks saagiks.
- Kasvab hästi viljakas mullas, vajab kastmist.