Cherry tomato 'Black Cherry'
Early and high-growing very lush and super-yielding variety. Bears fruit until late autumn. Fruits dark, blackish-red, with a delicate shell, fragrant and sweet. Children's favorite! Weight 15-25g.
Cherry tomato 'Sweet Million' F1
The 'Sweet Million' F1 cherry tomato is a cherry tomato valued by very large bunches, the fruits of which are red, sweet, and do not crack.
- Potikasvatuskomplekt annab võimaluse nautida värskeid tomateid.
- Tomatid "Tiny Tim" on kompaktsed, madalakasvulised taimed, mida saab kasvatada potis aastaringselt.
- Nad toodavad palju väikeseid ja maitsvaid tomateid.
Kirsstomat 'Tutti Frutti' F1
- Suurepärase magusa maitsega varane kirsstomatisort!
- Kõrgekasvuline, haiguskindel ja väga saagikas sort kasvuhoones kasvatamiseks.
- Väikesed punased ovaalsed viljad kaaluga 15-20 g.
- See on mänguline teekond ja garanteeritud hea tulemus, mille käigus veedate koos kvaliteetset aega ja edendate meeskonnatööd, kasvatades samal ajal teie loovust, vastutustunnet ja taimekasvatusalaseid teadmisi.
- Kui avate Sodolendas karbi, otsige kõigepealt võluväe seemneid!
- Need väärtuslikud seemned on valmis külvamiseks mini-kasvuhoones, kus saate olla tunnistajaks põnevale teekonnale, kui taimed murduvad läbi mulla, püüdes päikesevalguse poole - see on tõeliselt maagiline!
- Kui taimed rohetavad ja õitsevad, saad nende ilu jäädvustada värvimisraamatus.
- Kuid põnevus ei lõpe sellega!
- Komplekti kuuluvad kleebised, millega kaunistada idanevaid karpe või taimede sildid, mis lisavad teie pungiloleva aia isikupäraseks muutmise.
Tomatiseemned - 12 seemnesortide komplekt
Selles komplektis on 12 erinevat sorti maitsvaid tomateid, mis erinevad nii välimuse kui ka maitse poolest, mis ei erine mitte ainult välimuse, vaid ka maitse poolest.
Tomato 'Evelle'
The tomato variety 'Evelle', bred in Estonia, is a high-growing high-yielding and early variety. The fruits are red, have very good taste, uniform size. Average mass 80-90 g. Resistant to diseases (ruugehallitus resistant) and cracking of fruits. Good transport resistance.
Tomato 'Fuji Pink' F1
Tomato' Fuji Pink' F1 is an indeterminant strong-growing variety. The fruits are pink, rounded and very sweet and weigh 180-200 g. Pink tomato variety with very good keeping quality.
Tomato 'Gourmandia' F1
High-growing, high-yielding and very tasty tomato variety! 'Bull's heart' similar to heart-shaped fruit. Grain weight 200-250g. The flesh of the fruit soft, sweet, juicy, with few seeds. Resistant to many diseases!
Tomato 'Green Zebra'
Fascinating green-striped high-growing heritage variety with very good taste. Fruit medium size (70-150 grams). As the fruits ripen, they soften and become more yellowish. The flesh of the fruit light green and fleshy. Differs from others in its taste of the pipere!
Tomato 'Maike'
The Estonian tomato variety 'Maike' is a low-growing early red tomato. Fruit round, smooth, uniform in size, with an average mass of 60-65 g. Fruits crack-resistant. Relatively resistant to diseases.
Tomato 'Malle' F1
Tomato 'Malle' F1 is a high-growing, indeterminant strong-growing red early, high-yielding hybrid variety with very good taste. Fruit medium size (80-90 g), slightly flat. Relatively resistant to cracking of fruits, ruugehallitus resistant. With good transport resistance.
Tomato 'Mato'
The tomato variety 'Mato', bred in Estonia, is a low-growing and early, bright red, flattened-rounded tomato. Compact bunch, 6-10 fruits. The mass of grain 95-100 g. Resistant to ruugehallitus. With good keeping quality and transport tolerance.
Tomato 'Pablo' F1
Tomato 'Pablo' F1 is a dark red tomato with good taste. The fruit weighs 180-200 g. Strong-growing variety.
Tomato 'Pineapple'
Yellow-orange meat tomato variety with excellent taste. Heritage variety. High-growing. Fruits large (250-350g), flattened, ribbed, with few seeds. The flesh of the fruit is juicy, sweet, with a slightly sour aftertaste.
Tomato 'Terma'
Tomato 'Terma' is a tomato variety bred in Estonia. Low-growing and very early flattened-rounded to rounded red tomato. Very good taste. Fruit small (50 g). Relatively resistant to tomato-brown rot and cracking of fruits.
- TOMATO KNOCKOUT H is a medium-tall hybrid variety (indeterminant) produces exceptionally large tomatoes.
- The fruits are red in color and weigh 900-1 400 g.
- The plant reaches a height of 1.7-2 m.
- This variety will appeal to those who appreciate tasty, sweet-tasting, slightly starchy and almost completely seedless fruits.
- Tomato MONEYMAKER is an early, tall variety.
- Vegetation period 75-80 days.
- Medium-sized, juicy and tasty fruits.
- Cultivated both in the open air and in the greenhouse.
Tomato Pills
- High-growing, large-fruited, very good taste and disease-resistant tomato variety.
- The fruits are orange in color and have a flattened shape.
- Fruit weight 125–130 g.
- Mid-early variety.
Tomato Siive
- Low-growing early yielding variety.
- The fruits are orange in color, rounded and medium size (weight 70-80 g).
- Due to the high early yield and low growth, it can also be successfully grown in a film tunnel.
Tomato VILMA
- Tomato VILMA is a favorite dwarf, high-yielding variety of gardeners.
- Suitable for growing in a pot both indoors and on the balcony.
- The plant grows up to 20-25 cm in height.
- The fruits are round, weigh about 30 g.