
Pea and bean support net 1,2×10m

0 out of 5

Pea and bean support grid is used to support vegetable and flower crops.

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Pea and bean support net 1,2×5m

0 out of 5

White pea and bean support grid is used to support vegetable and flower crops.

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Pea Creation

0 out of 5

  • Pea 'Looming' is a highly yielding low-growing (50-60 cm) medium-ripening pea variety bred in Estonia.
  • Pod dark green, with a pointed tip, in a grain pod up to 11 pcs.
  • Pea-spot inflammation resistance average.

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Pea Utrillo

0 out of 5

  • Pea Utrillo is a late pea variety with good taste, both for fresh consumption and for the preparation of dishes.
  • Height 75 cm.
  • Yielding and large-leaved.

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Peanuts for birds and squirrels 500g

0 out of 5

  • Nuts are a necessary energy-rich additional feed for birds and squirrels in cold weather.
  • Peanuts are an energy-rich food enjoyed by many different birds and squirrels.
  • They are 100% edible and are rich in both protein and fat.

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Peeled sunflower seeds 1kg

0 out of 5

  • Feed with very high nutritional value for winter feeding of birds.
  • Easy for birds to eat.
  • Prefer primarily smaller birds, whose beaks are not strong enough to break up sunflower seeds with a shell.
  • Convenient to use, because there is no need to clean up bark debris from under the dining house in the spring.

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Peeled sunflower seeds 3kg

0 out of 5

  • Peeled sunflower seeds feed with very high nutritional value for winter feeding of birds.
  • Prefer primarily smaller birds, whose beaks are not strong enough to break up sunflower seeds with a shell.
  • Convenient to use, because there is no need to clean up bark debris from under the dining house in the spring.

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Peeled sunflower seeds 5kg

0 out of 5

Feed with very high nutritional value for winter feeding of birds. Easy for birds to eat. Prefer primarily smaller birds, whose beaks are not strong enough to break up sunflower seeds with a shell. Convenient to use, because there is no need to clean up bark debris from under the dining house in the spring.

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Peenravaip 1,05x100m, 105m²

0 out of 5

  • Peenravaip on koduaias ja haljastuses kasutatav polüpropüleenist pinnakattematerjal.
  • See on vett ja õhku läbilaskev, tugev ja vastupidav tallamisele.
  • Peenravaip takistab umbrohtude arengut ja hoiab pinnase niiskena ning vähendab selle erosiooni.
  • On vastupidav ultraviolettkiirguse suhtes.
  • Peenravaip sobib kasutamiseks maasika- ja muudes istandustes, püsilillepeenras, puude- ja põõsaste all umbrohu kasvu takistamiseks, teede rajamisel pinnase kihtide eraldamiseks, puukoolis taimepottide alla jne.

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Peenravaip 1,2x100m, 120m²

0 out of 5

Peenravaip on koduaias ja haljastuses kasutatav polüpropüleenist pinnakattematerjal. See on vett ja õhku läbilaskev, tugev ja vastupidav tallamisele. Peenravaip takistab umbrohtude arengut ja hoiab pinnase niiskena ning vähendab selle erosiooni. On vastupidav ultraviolettkiirguse suhtes. Peenravaip sobib kasutamiseks maasika- ja muudes istandustes, püsilillepeenras, puude- ja põõsaste all umbrohu kasvu takistamiseks, teede rajamisel pinnase kihtide eraldamiseks, puukoolis taimepottide alla jne.

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Peenravaip 1,6x100m, 160m²

0 out of 5

Peenravaip on koduaias ja haljastuses kasutatav polüpropüleenist pinnakattematerjal. See on vett ja õhku läbilaskev, tugev ja vastupidav tallamisele. Peenravaip takistab umbrohtude arengut ja hoiab pinnase niiskena ning vähendab selle erosiooni. On vastupidav ultraviolettkiirguse suhtes. Peenravaip sobib kasutamiseks maasika- ja muudes istandustes, püsilillepeenras, puude- ja põõsaste all umbrohu kasvu takistamiseks, teede rajamisel pinnase kihtide eraldamiseks, puukoolis taimepottide alla jne.

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Peenravaip 1,6x20m, 32m²

0 out of 5

Peenravaip on koduaias ja haljastuses kasutatav polüpropüleenist pinnakattematerjal. See on vett ja õhku läbilaskev, tugev ja vastupidav tallamisele. Peenravaip takistab umbrohtude arengut ja hoiab pinnase niiskena ning vähendab selle erosiooni. On vastupidav ultraviolettkiirguse suhtes. Peenravaip sobib kasutamiseks maasika- ja muudes istandustes, püsilillepeenras, puude- ja põõsaste all umbrohu kasvu takistamiseks, teede rajamisel pinnase kihtide eraldamiseks, puukoolis taimepottide alla jne.

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Peenravaip 1,6x5m, 8m²

0 out of 5

Peenravaip on koduaias ja haljastuses kasutatav polüpropüleenist pinnakattematerjal. See on vett ja õhku läbilaskev, tugev ja vastupidav tallamisele. Peenravaip takistab umbrohtude arengut ja hoiab pinnase niiskena ning vähendab selle erosiooni. On vastupidav ultraviolettkiirguse suhtes. Peenravaip sobib kasutamiseks maasika- ja muudes istandustes, püsilillepeenras, puude- ja põõsaste all umbrohu kasvu takistamiseks, teede rajamisel pinnase kihtide eraldamiseks, puukoolis taimepottide alla jne.

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Peenravaip 2.1 x 100 m

0 out of 5

  • Peenravaip on koduaias ja haljastuses kasutatav polüpropüleenist pinnakattematerjal.
  • See on vett ja õhku läbilaskev, tugev ja vastupidav tallamisele.
  • Peenravaip takistab umbrohtude arengut ja hoiab pinnase niiskena ning vähendab selle erosiooni.
  • On vastupidav ultraviolettkiirguse suhtes.
  • Peenravaip sobib kasutamiseks maasika- ja muudes istandustes, püsilillepeenras, puude- ja põõsaste all umbrohu kasvu takistamiseks, teede rajamisel pinnase kihtide eraldamiseks, puukoolis taimepottide alla jne.

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Peenravaip 3,3x100m, 330m²

0 out of 5

Peenravaip on koduaias ja haljastuses kasutatav polüpropüleenist pinnakattematerjal. See on vett ja õhku läbilaskev, tugev ja vastupidav tallamisele. Peenravaip takistab umbrohtude arengut ja hoiab pinnase niiskena ning vähendab selle erosiooni. On vastupidav ultraviolettkiirguse suhtes. Peenravaip sobib kasutamiseks maasika- ja muudes istandustes, püsilillepeenras, puude- ja põõsaste all umbrohu kasvu takistamiseks, teede rajamisel pinnase kihtide eraldamiseks, puukoolis taimepottide alla jne.

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Peenravaip must 2x5m, 10m²

0 out of 5

Peenravaip on koduaias ja haljastuses kasutatav polüpropüleenist pinnakattematerjal. See on vett ja õhku läbilaskev, tugev ja vastupidav tallamisele. Peenravaip takistab umbrohtude arengut ja hoiab pinnase niiskena ning vähendab selle erosiooni. On vastupidav ultraviolettkiirguse suhtes. Peenravaip sobib kasutamiseks maasika- ja muudes istandustes, püsilillepeenras, puude- ja põõsaste all umbrohu kasvu takistamiseks, teede rajamisel pinnase kihtide eraldamiseks, puukoolis taimepottide alla jne.

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Peiulill 'Disco Granada'

0 out of 5

Easy-to-grow one-year-old summer flower. Simple flowers with a spectacular color combination with a diameter of 4–5 cm. Blooms until the autumn frosts. Height: 25 cm. Planted in flower beds, pots, balcony boxes.

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Peiulill 'Disco Orange'

0 out of 5

Easy-to-grow one-year-old summer flower. Orange simple flowers with a diameter of 4–5 cm. Blooms until autumn frosts. Height: 25 cm. Planted in flower beds, pots, balcony boxes.

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Peiulill 'Disco Red'

0 out of 5

Easy-to-grow one-year-old summer flower. Simple flowers with a spectacular color combination with a diameter of 4–5 cm. Blooms until the autumn frosts. Height: 25 cm. Planted in flower beds, pots, balcony boxes.

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Peiulill 'Discovery Orange'

0 out of 5

Easy-to-grow one-year-old summer flower. Spectacular spherical flowers with a diameter of 8–10 cm. Blooms until the autumn frosts. Height: 25-30 cm. Planted in flower beds, pots, balcony boxes.

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Peiulill 'Discovery Yellow'

0 out of 5

Easy-to-grow one-year-old summer flower. Spectacular spherical flowers with a diameter of 8–10 cm. Blooms until the autumn frosts. Height: 25-30 cm. Planted in flower beds, pots, balcony boxes.

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Peiulill 'Safari Bolero'

0 out of 5

Easy-to-grow one-year-old summer flower. Filling flowers with a spectacular color combination with a diameter of 5–6 cm. Blooms until the autumn frosts. Height: 25 cm. Planted in flower beds, pots, balcony boxes.

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Peiulill 'Safari Red'

0 out of 5

Easy-to-grow one-year-old summer flower. Filling flowers with a spectacular color combination with a diameter of 5–6 cm. Blooms until the autumn frosts. Height: 25 cm. Planted in flower beds, pots, balcony boxes.

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Peiulill 'Safari Yellow Fire'

0 out of 5

Easy-to-grow one-year-old summer flower. Filling flowers with a spectacular color combination with a diameter of 5–6 cm. Blooms until the autumn frosts. Height: 25 cm. Planted in flower beds, pots, balcony boxes.

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Peiulill 'Safari Yellow'

0 out of 5

Easy-to-grow one-year-old summer flower. Bright yellow filling flowers with a diameter of 5–6 cm. Blooms until the autumn frosts. Height: 25 cm. Planted in flower beds, pots, balcony boxes.

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Peiulill 'Super Hero Orange'

0 out of 5

Easy-to-grow one-year-old summer flower. Bright orange filling flowers with a diameter of 4-5 cm. Blooms until the autumn frosts. Height: 20 cm. Planted in flower beds, pots, balcony boxes.

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Peiulill 'Super Hero Spry'

0 out of 5

Easy-to-grow one-year-old summer flower. Filling flowers with a spectacular color combination with a diameter of 4-5 cm. Blooms until the autumn frosts. Height: 20 cm. Planted in flower beds, pots, balcony boxes.

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Perlite 100l

0 out of 5

  • Perlite is a volcanic rock that is suitable for the composition of sowing soil, covering seed seeds, rooting cuttings, as well as for winter preservation of vegetables and flower bulbs, and for drainage in flower pots.
  • Water retention 97.1%.
  • Improves the structure of the growing medium and increases water retention.
  • By creating a good moisture and air regime in the soil, it reduces the risks of both under- and over-watering.
  • By covering the soil with perlite in flowerpots, it is possible to compensate for the winter lack of light, since the light is reflected back from the snow-white perlite and amplifies its real strength.
  • Also suitable for use in organic farming.

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Perlite 2l

0 out of 5

Perlite is a volcanic rock that is suitable for the composition of sowing soil, covering seed seeds, rooting cuttings, as well as for winter preservation of vegetables and flower bulbs, and for drainage in flower pots. Water retention 97.1%. Improves the structure of the growing medium and increases water retention. By creating a good moisture and air regime in the soil, it reduces the risks of both under- and over-watering. By covering the soil with perlite in flowerpots, it is possible to compensate for the winter lack of light, since the light is reflected back from the snow-white perlite and amplifies its real strength. Also suitable for use in organic farming.

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Perlite 4l

0 out of 5

  • Perlite is a volcanic rock that is suitable for the composition of sowing soil, covering seed seeds, rooting cuttings, as well as for winter preservation of vegetables and flower bulbs, and for drainage in flower pots.
  • Water retention 97.1%.
  • Improves the structure of the growing medium and increases water retention.
  • By creating a good moisture and air regime in the soil, it reduces the risks of both under- and over-watering.
  • By covering the soil with perlite in flowerpots, it is possible to compensate for the winter lack of light, since the light is reflected back from the snow-white perlite and amplifies its real strength.
  • Also suitable for use in organic farming.

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0 out of 5

Perlka on looduslikest toorainetest toodetud aeglaselt vabanev lämmastikväetis puu- ja köögiviljadele.

Perlka on toodetud söest, lubjakivist ja õhulämmastikust ning koosneb: 19,8% lämmastikust (N), 50% lubjast (CaO), 1,5% MgO ja ditsüaandiamiidist, mis on tuntud nitrifikatsiooni inhibiitor. PERLKA
  • vähendab nälkjate arvukust ja nende mune;
  • täiendab kasutatavate herbitsiidide mõju, mille tulemusena on tõrje efektiivsem;
  • hoiab ära mulla kaudu levivaid haigusi, nagu kapsanuuter, ristõieliste mustmädanik (Phoma) ja valgemädanik (Sclerotinia);
  • hoiab ära traatussi kahjustused kartuli mugulatel;
  • aitab vähendada lubja kasutamist;
  • parandab mulla viljakust.

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0 out of 5

Petunia nana compacta

  • Annual flowers.
  • Petunias of this group are characterized by abundantly blooming, vibrant flowers.
  • They are grown in flower gardens and balconies.
  • Seeds are very small, germinate in 17-20 days at a temperature of from +18 to +20 o C.
  • Do not cover with soil.

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0 out of 5

Petunia hybrida

  • One-year-old 25-38 cm tall, compact flower.
  • Produces bright flowers 8-9 cm high.
  • Gives more flowers than other varieties.
  • Long-flowering, compact plants.
  • More resistant to adverse growing conditions and diseases than other varieties of petunias.
  • Pelletized seeds - covered with a binding mixture of organic and mineral fertilizers.

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Petuunia 'Celebrity Burgundy Frost'

0 out of 5

  • Madalakasvuline ja kompaktne hübriidpetuunia sort multiflora sordirühmast.
  • Efektse mustriga õied.
  • Väga hea vihmataluvus.

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Petuunia 'Celebrity Burgundy Star'

0 out of 5

  • Madalakasvuline ja kompaktne hübriidpetuunia sort multiflora sordirühmast.
  • Efektse mustriga õied.
  • Väga hea vihmataluvus.

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Petuunia 'Celebrity Regular Mix'

0 out of 5

  • Madalakasvuline ja kompaktne hübriidpetuunia sort.
  • Erinevate värvide segu.
  • Väga hea vihmataluvus.
  • Kõrgus: 30 cm.

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