Petuunia 'Celebrity Strawberry Ice'
- Madalakasvuline ja kompaktne hübriidpetuunia sort multiflora sordirühmast.
- Efektse mustriga õied.
- Väga hea vihmataluvus.
Pheromone trap for pea moth
The caterpillars of the pea moth are about 6mm long white or yellow worms with dark heads. They cause the worming of peas in July-August. Catching pea moth butterflies with pheromone traps is well suited for home gardens, where it is not recommended to use or use as few insecticides as possible. Packaging: 1 plastic trap, 2 pheromone capsules, 2 glued adhesive bases, 2 fasteners.
Pheromone trap for plum moth
Pheromone trap for catching plum moth butterflies – to reduce the number of pests by trapping, one trap per adult or two young plum trees must be taken into account. Packaging: 1 plastic trap, 2 pheromone capsules, 2 glued adhesive bases, 2 fasteners.
Euphorbia Polychroma
- Mitmeaastane, 40 cm pikkune õis.
- Põõsastetaimed, mille kollased õied täiendavad ideaalselt rohelist lehestikku.
- Lill jääb kaunistuseks kogu hooaja jooksul.
- Kasvatatakse lilleaedades ja kiviaedades koos mitmeaastaste lilledega.
- See on üks kõige vähem nõudlikumaid lilli, mida saab kasvatada kehvas liivapinnasesse.
- Kõik taime osad on mürgised.
Pikatoimeline lilleväetis 750g - Lopsakad õied ja terved taimed kogu hooaja vältel!
- Toa-, rõdu- ja aialillede pikatoimeline väetis on pika mõjuajaga keskkonnasõbralik täisväetis.
- Sellest erilise struktuuriga väetisest omastab taim toitaineid järk-järgult 3 kuu vältel.
- Soodustab tugevat kasvu ja kauakestvat õitsemist kogu kasvuperioodi vältel.
Pikatoimeline muruväetis 4kg
- Pikaajalise toimega väetis murule
- Ühtlase ja kestva mõjuga granuleeritud täisväetis.
- Aitab murul püsida sametrohelisena ega kiirenda liigselt muru kasvamist.
- Aeglaselt lahustuv lämmastik laguneb mulla mikroorganismide toimel, tagades lämmastiku järk-järgulise ja keskkonnasõbraliku lahustumisprotsessi.
- Lisaks on väetises sobivas vahekorras fosforit ja kaaliumi.
Pink clover 300g
Pink clover is an excellent green fertilizer culture and soil fertility improver. The cultivation of green fertilizer crops from legumes is the main way to naturally enrich the soil with nitrogen. Good honey plant. Honey productivity 120kg/ha. Honey resembles white clover honey in taste and properties. Seeding rate 12g/10m2. Seeding depth: 1-2 cm.
Plaat püünis roomavate putukate jaoks (insektitsiidne) MAX
MAX insektitsiidiplaat lendavate ja roomavate putukate tõrjeks
Plant labels 5×15cm 4 colors 16pcs
Labels 5×15 cm, 4 colors, 16 pcs.
Plant protection spray with battery SOLO 206 6L on the shoulder
Battery Injector SOLO EASY 206. Quiet, without emissions: Protect your plants with a modern battery spray SOLO 206. Spraying without manual pumping with constant injection pressure. Lightweight and handy 6L device. Large battery capacity for up to 170 minutes of operation with just two hours of charging. Practical folding handle, shoulder strap and spiral tube. Strong container with UV protection and stable base of the container. Ergonomic handheld valve and unbreakable spray rod.
Plant support 0,6m
Metal plastic-coated plant support for plant support.
Plant support 0,9m
Metal plastic-coated plant support for plant support.
Plant support 1,2m
Metal plastic-coated plant support for plant support.
Plant support 1,5m
Metal plastic-coated plant support for plant support.
Plant support 1,8m
Metal plastic-coated plant support for plant support.
Plant support 2,1m
Metal plastic-coated plant support for plant support.
Plant support semi-arc 100cm
Semi-arched plant support.
Plant support semi-arch 35cm
Semi-arched plant support with a height of 35 cm.
Plant support semi-arch 70cm
Semi-arched plant support.
Plastic pot 9 cm – for sowing
- Capacity: 0.3 l
- Diameter: 9 cm
- Material: plastic
- Color: Brown
- See on varajane, saagikas ja haigustele vastupidav porgandi hübriidsort.
- Nii juurte välispind kui ka sisu on iseloomuliku punase värvusega.
- Magusad ja krõmpsud porgandid on suurepärase maitsega ning sobivad nii värskelt söömiseks kui ka salatite ja mahlade valmistamiseks.
- Seda sorti saab kasvatada ka sügiseseks saagikoristuseks või säilitamiseks - sel juhul tuleks seemned külvata 20. maist kuni 10. juunini.
Potassium sulfate 1kg
Potassium sulfate is a potash fertilizer with a very low chlorine content and is suitable for fertilizing garden crops that are sensitive to chlorine, such as potatoes, onions, beans, strawberries, raspberries, flowers, plum and cherry trees. With a lack of potassium, the leaves of the plant turn yellow from the edges of the leaf and turn brown. The edges of the sheet twist from top to bottom.
Potato bag / plant hood in jute
Potato fertilizer 15kg
- Potato fertilizer is a complex fertilizer containing calcium, magnesium and sulfur.
- Contains all the nutrients necessary for the development of potato and vegetable plants.
- Strengthens plants and makes them resistant to diseases.
- Improves the quality, taste characteristics and keeping quality of potato tubers and root crops, increases yields.
Potato fertilizer 1kg
Potato fertilizer is a complex fertilizer containing calcium, magnesium and sulfur. Contains all the nutrients necessary for the development of potato and vegetable plants. Strengthens plants and makes them resistant to diseases. Improves the quality, taste characteristics and keeping quality of potato tubers and root crops, increases yields.
Potato fertilizer 2kg
Potato fertilizer is a complex fertilizer containing calcium, magnesium and sulfur. Contains all the nutrients necessary for the development of potato and vegetable plants. Strengthens plants and makes them resistant to diseases. Improves the quality, taste characteristics and keeping quality of potato tubers and root crops, increases yields.
Potato fertilizer 4kg
Potato fertilizer is a complex fertilizer containing calcium, magnesium and sulfur. Contains all the nutrients necessary for the development of potato and vegetable plants. Strengthens plants and makes them resistant to diseases. Improves the quality, taste characteristics and keeping quality of potato tubers and root crops, increases yields.
Potato fertilizer 5kg
Potato fertilizer is a complex fertilizer containing calcium, magnesium and sulfur. Contains all the nutrients necessary for the development of potato and vegetable plants. Strengthens plants and makes them resistant to diseases. Improves the quality, taste characteristics and keeping quality of potato tubers and root crops, increases yields.
Solanum tuberosum
PP fabric bag 45 x 60 cm
PP fabric bag 57 x 95 cm
Precipitation meter 35cm
- Plastic measuring cylinder for measuring the amount of precipitation.
- The amount of precipitation is measured in millimetres and shows how thick a uniform layer of water would be formed by the amount of rain that fell on the horizontal surface.
- In the case of solid precipitation, they are melted and the amount of liquid water obtained is measured.
Pressure Spray 5l (Vilo)
- High quality 5 l pressure spray with safety valve and trigger locker.
- Very strong handle and high quality plastic pressure pump handle.
- Stainless steel 37 cm long spray tube with adjustable plastic nozzle.
- Sprays a straight waterfall or fog rain.
Pressure Spray Eros Viton 2l
The Eros Viton manual pressure spray is reinforced with a 2 liter liquid tank and is suitable for chemicals.
Previcur Energy 15ml fungitsiid haiguste tõrjevahend
Laia toimespektriga, süsteemse ja pikaajalise mõjuga fungitsiid.
- Previcur Energy sisaldab kahte toimeainet, mis täiendavad teineteist nii toimespektri kui tõrjeefektiivsuse osas.
- Propamokarb peatab seene rakumembraani moodustumise; pidurdab seene mütseeli kasvu, samuti seeneeoste moodustumist ja idanemist.
- Fosetüül tõstab taimede süsteemset resistentsust seenhaiguste vastu, stimuleerides taimede loomulikku kaitsesüsteemi.