Autumn watering fertilizer 300g
- Fast-acting water-soluble autumn watering fertilizer.
- Phosphorus and potassium contribute to faster ripening of the crop and the strong development of the root system.
- The nutrients contained in the fertilizer are important for the good wintering of plants, the woodiness of shoots, as well as in preparation for next year's growth.
- Use in greenhouse/open ground to speed up the ripening of the crop.
- Well suited for post-planting plant care all year round and is an ideal watering fertilizer for mulched beds.
Blueberry liquid fertilizer 1l
- Liquid chlorine-free compound fertilizer enriched with micronutrients.
- Fertilizer improves plant growth, increases yields, as well as strengthens the root system.
- When fertilized, blueberry plants turn green, the color evens out, and the plants acquire a healthy appearance.
- Blueberry liquid fertilizer is for use in spring and summer.
- Fertilizer increases growth and increases yields.
Blueberry watering fertilizer 300g
Fast-acting water-soluble full fertilizer with microelements for watering blueberries and other sour-loving plants (wild berries, rhododendrons, mountain pines, heathers, etc.). Helps maintain the soil pH level necessary for the growth requirements of blueberry plants. Plants assimilate nutrients from fertilizer very easily, since the fertilizer has a balanced composition and contains trace elements in a well-assimilated form. Promotes flowering and fruiting, increases yields and prolongs the fruiting period. Rich in potassium, which promotes the growth of fruits and strengthens plants, accelerates the ripening of fruits, makes the aroma more intense and increases the frost resistance and resistance of plants to diseases.
Coniferous liquid fertilizer with bitter salt 1l
Liquid fertilizer enriched with bitter salt and micronutrients for conifers, sour-tolerant cultivated plants and evergreen trees/shrubs. Fertilizer improves plant growth and strengthens the root system. Magnesium (Mg) is present in the composition of chlorophyll in the plant, and therefore significantly affects the green color of the leaves and thorns of the plant.
Cucumber watering fertilizer 300g
Cucumber watering fertilizer is a fast-acting water-soluble full fertilizer with trace elements for watering greenhouse and open-air cucumbers. Fertilization improves plant growth and ensures abundant flowering, fruiting and high yields. The high content of potassium provides large and juicy fruits. Plants that have a balanced diet have good resistance to pests and fungal diseases.
Ferticare Hydro 6-14-30 25kg
Ferticare Hydro 6-14-30, soluble in water with a low chlorine content, contains magnesium (Mg), sulfur (S) and trace elements.
Thu-Sun2O5-K 2O 6-14-30 with trace elements The fertilizer is suitable for use as a watering fertilizer (also in drip irrigation systems) on an inactive growing medium (stone wool), hydroponics and peat substrate in greenhouses, and for watering low-nitrogen plants (strawberry, blackcurrant) and spraying through leaves in open ground. Since the product contains all the necessary micronutrients, there is usually no need to add additional micronutrients.Use
Ferticare Hydro 6-14-30 + trace elements have been developed primarily for fertilizing inactive growing substrates (stone wool, hydroponics), but it can be used for all types of substrates. The product is successfully used in drip irrigation and sprinkling systems. For the manufacture of the product used raw materials that are completely soluble in water. The nitrogen content is relatively low. The product contains only nitrate nitrogen and can be used mainly on low-fertile substrates. Ferticare Hydro and calcium nitrate (YaraLiva Calcinit) can be used to create different (with different nitrogen N to potassium K) watering fertilization programs to fertilize many different crops. If it is necessary to regulate the ratio of nutrients in the program, then all the products of Krista's product group can be used for this.Hydrangea Liquid Fertilizer 500ml
- Hydrangea liquid fertilizer is a fast-acting water-soluble full fertilizer with microelements for fertilizing all types and varieties of hydrangea, including garden, wooded, climbing, oak-leaved hydrangea and many other hydrangeas.
- Especially suitable for use for hydrangeas grown in pots.
- Hydrangea fertilizer is also recommended for fertilizing other sour-loving plants.
Hydrangea watering fertilizer 300g
Fast-acting water-soluble full fertilizer for watering hydrangeas. Accelerates the onset of flowering and promotes the formation of new flower buds. Magnesium contained in the fertilizer strengthens plants, ensures optimal growth and makes the flower color bright. Potassium contained in the fertilizer strengthens plants, makes the smell of flowers more intense, and increases the frost resistance and resistance of plants to adverse growing conditions and diseases.
Universaalne stimulaator
Liquid fertilizer for flowers 1l
- Baltic Agro liquid fertilizer for flowers is a fast-acting water-soluble full fertilizer with microelements that promotes plant development and abundant flowering.
- NPK fertilizer is suitable for watering all flowers, ornamental plants outdoors and in the greenhouse.
- Used for fertilizing summer flowers, balcony flowers, amplitudes, roses, ornamental trees and shrubs.
Liquid fertilizer for indoor and balcony flowers 1l
- Liquid fertilizer for indoor and balcony flowers is a fast-acting water-soluble full fertilizer with microelements for year-round watering fertilization of all indoor and balcony flowers.
- Contains, in appropriate proportions, all the basic nutrients and trace elements necessary for the growth and development of plants.
- The use of fertilizer for flowers with a bright floral color, lush flowers, abundant and prolonged flowering, strong root system and intense green leaf color.
- Plants that have a balanced diet have good resistance to pests and fungal diseases.
Liquid fertilizer for tomatoes 1l
- Baltic Agro's fast-acting liquid tomato fertilizer is suitable for tomatoes and peppers.
- Contains all the basic nutrients necessary for the growth and development of plants in an appropriate ratio.
- Fertilization improves growth, ensures abundant flowering and fruiting, and large, juicy and tasty fruits.
- Plants that have a balanced diet have good resistance to pests and fungal diseases.
Orchid watering fertilizer 300g
- A fast-acting complete fertilizer with a balanced composition, specially developed for growing orchids, from which orchids assimilate nutrients very easily.
- Suitable for all orchid species.
- Contains all the trace elements essential for plants in a form that is easily assimilated by them.
- Activates flowering, the flowers of orchids are beautiful and lush.
- The plant blooms long and is healthy.
Orhidee vedelväetis 500ml
- Orhidee vedelväetis on spetsiaalne mineraalväetis orhideede, eriti kuukingade toitainetega varustamiseks.
- Kiiretoimeline veeslahustuv mikroelementidega täisväetis kõikide orhideeliikide aastaringseks kastmisväetamiseks.
- Väetis on tasakaalustatud koostisega ja sisaldab kõiki taimedele olulisi põhitoitaineid sobivas vahekorras.
- Aktiveerib õitsemist, orhideede õied on lopsakad ja kirka õievärviga.
- Taimed õitsevad kaua ja rikkalikult ning on terved.
Raspberry liquid fertilizer 1l
- Fast-acting water-soluble full fertilizer with trace elements for fertilizing raspberries, garden blackberries, pamphlets, vampires, blackberries and field berries.
- Fertilizer is easily assimilated and contains in the appropriate ratio all the nutrients necessary for the growth and development of plants.
- Regular use of fertilizer ensures strong growth of plants, abundant flowering and a large and tasty harvest.
- The formation of abundant flower buds, a longer harvest period and large high-quality fruits are guaranteed.
- Plants that have a balanced diet have good resistance to pests and fungal diseases.
Rhododendron and Azalea Liquid Fertilizer 500ml
Liquid fertilizer for rhododendron and azalea is a fast-acting water-soluble full fertilizer with trace elements for fertilizing all rhododendron and azalea varieties and other sour-loving plants. Can be used in the cultivation of other plants belonging to the heather family, e.g. heathers, ergots, blueberries, winter brushes, flowering cloves, calmias, skimias, etc. Using liquid fertilizer for rhododendron and azalea, fertilized plants grow an abundance of flower buds that will break out next season. The frost resistance of plants also increases, and the storage of water in evergreen leaves improves.
Rooside vedelväetis 1l
- Kiiretoimeline vedel täisväetis erinevate roosiliikide kastmisväetamiseks.
- Kiirendab õitsemise algust ja soodustab uute õiepungade moodustamist.
- Roosid õitsevad rikkalikult ja pikalt.
- Väetises sisalduv kaalium tugevdab taimi, muudab õite lõhna intensiivsemaks ning suurendab taimede külmakindlust ja vastupanuvõimet ebasoodsate kasvutingimuste ja haiguste suhtes.
- Väetis on tasakaalustatud koostisega ja sisaldab kõiki taimedele olulisi põhilisi toiteelemente neile kergesti omastatavas vormis.
Root Nutrient 500ml
Root Nutrient Solution 1 L
Rose watering fertilizer 300g
Fast-acting water-soluble full fertilizer with trace elements for watering various species of roses. Fertilizer has a balanced composition and contains all the trace elements essential for plants in a form that is easily assimilated by them. Accelerates the onset of flowering and promotes the formation of new flower buds. Magnesium and trace elements contained in the fertilizer strengthen plants, ensure optimal growth and make the flower color bright. Roses bloom profusely and long. Potassium contained in the fertilizer strengthens plants, makes the smell of flowers more intense, and increases the frost resistance and resistance of plants to adverse growing conditions and diseases.
SCHULTZ Maasika - Viljapõõsaste ja Viljapuude Väetis 350g
- NPK 15-7-32 + 3MgO
- Hästi tasakaalustatud, täis olulisi toitaineid SCHULTZ GARDEN väetis annab usaldusväärseid tulemusi kõikidele marjadele ja marjapuudele: maasikad, vaarikad, murakad, sõstrad, karusmarjad, jõhvikad, põldmarjad ja viljapuudele: õunapuud, pirnid, ploomid, kirsid, virsikud, aprikoosipuud.
- Tagab nõuetekohase õitsemise ja marjade/viljade saamise, parandab marjade/viljade värvi ja maitset.
- Stimuleerib taimede arengut - taimed muutuvad tugevamaks, saak on maitsev ja hea väljanägemisega.
- Sisaldab õiges tasakaalus toitaineid, et tagada terve saak ja kindlad magusad viljad.
SCHULTZ Õitsvate Taimede Kastmisväetis 350g
- Hästi tasakaalustatud NPK väetis 8:12:35+5MgO on kõrge kaaliumisisaldusega kontsentraat, mis on mõeldud kiireks õitsemiseks, rikkalikumate värvide saamiseks ja kõigi õitsvate ja viljakandvate taimede jõulise kasvu soodustamiseks.
- Loodusena toidab taimi iga vihma korral, lahustades toitaineid ja jagades neid kõigile taimedele teie õues ja aias.
- Sama saate teha iga kord, kui kastate, toites SCHULTZ GARDENi õitsemistoiduga.
- Kõigile õitsvatele ja viljelevatele taimedele.
SCHULTZ Universaalväetis 350g
- Universaalne taimetoit NPK 18-18-18+3MgO
- Hästi tasakaalustatud, täis olulisi toitaineid sisaldav SCHULTZ GARDEN väetis, mis annab usaldusväärseid tulemusi kõikidele sise- ja välitaimedele.
- Üldiseks kasutamiseks, et säilitada taimede toitainete tase, soodustada tervislikku kasvu ja head värvi, soodustada taimede stabiilset rajamist ning kasvada suuremaks ja ilusamaks.
- Kõigile lilledele, toataimedele, roosidele, köögiviljadele, puudele ja põõsastele.
Seaweed extract 1l
- Biostimulator made from algae for vegetables, herbs, fruit and ornamental plants.
- Algae increase yields and regulate the growth and development of roots, leaves and fruits (improving quality indicators).
- Regular use increases the resistance of plants to abiotic stress (night frost, drought, etc.).
Sowing and planting fertilizer (in a bucket) 1 kg
- Granulated nitrogen fertilizer with biostimulator properties.
- Thanks to the unique production process, the fertilizer contains three fractions of organic nitrogen – fast, medium and slow release, which provides plants with a balanced supply of nitrogen throughout the growing season.
- Approved for organic cultivation.
- Improves root development and absorption of nutrients.
- Promotes photosynthesis and balanced growth of plants.
- Improves the resistance of plants to stress from the environment.
- Increases soil fertility.
Strawberry watering fertilizer 300g
Fast-acting water-soluble full fertilizer with microelements for watering strawberries, raspberries, currants, sea buckthorn, chokeberry, gooseberry and other berry crops. Plants assimilate nutrients from fertilizer very easily, since the fertilizer has a balanced composition and contains trace elements in a well-assimilated form. Promotes flowering and fruiting, increases yields and prolongs the fruiting period. Rich in potassium, which promotes the growth of fruits and strengthens plants, accelerates the ripening of fruits, makes the aroma more intense and increases the frost resistance and resistance of plants to diseases.
Toalillede vedelväetis 500ml
- Kiiretoimeline vedelväetis toalillede kastmisväetamiseks sobib nii õitsvatele kui lehtdekoratiivsetele taimede: tõlvlehikute, sulgvõhkade, nefroleebi, nõelköie, luuderohu, pelargoonide, flamingolillede, rooside, varjukannikeste, tups-rohtliilia, havisaba, ebakrootoni, fatsia, priimulate, kalanhoede, kellukate, luuderohu, draakonipuude, alpikannide jt toataimede kastmisväetamiseks.
- Sisaldab kõiki taimede kasvuks ja arenguks vajalikke põhitoitaineid sobivas vahekorras.
Toataimede kastmisväetis 300g
- Kiiretoimeline veeslahustuv mikroelementidega täisväetis toataimede kastmisväetiseks.
- tõlvlehikute
- sulgvõhkade
- nõelköie
- nefroleepide
- luuderohu
- rooside
- pelargoonide
- flamingolillede
- havisabade
- fatsiate
- priimulate
- kalanhoede
- draakonipuude
- alpikannide
- jt toataimede kastmisväetamiseks.
Tomato watering fertilizer 300g
- Fast-acting water-soluble full fertilizer with trace elements for watering greenhouse and open-air tomatoes and peppers.
- Contains all the basic nutrients necessary for the growth and development of plants in an appropriate proportion, as well as trace elements in an easily assimilated form.
- The high content of potassium provides large and juicy fruits.
- Fertilization improves growth, ensures abundant flowering, fruiting, as well as a tasty and large harvest.
- Plants that have a balanced diet have good resistance to pests and fungal diseases.
Universaalne Lahustuv Lisaväetis 150g
- NPK (Mg) 14-11-25 (+4)+(B, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Zn)
- Kompleksväetis kõikide taimede täiendavaks väetamiseks.
- Lahustada väetis vees ja kasutada külvi (istutamise), aktiivse kasvu ja õitsemise ajal.
- B.1.1. NPK mineraalväetis magneesiumi ja mikroelementidega (boor, vask, raud, mangaan, molübdeen, tsink).
- Väetises sisalduvad toimeained on täielikult vees lahustuvad.
Universal watering fertilizer 300g
Fast-acting water-soluble full fertilizer with microelements for watering or foliar fertilizing of all houseplants, amplitude and balcony flowers, roses, ornamental trees and shrubs, vegetables and fruit trees and berry crops. Gives flowers a bright floral color, lush flowers, abundant and prolonged flowering, a strong root system and intense green leaf color. Berry and vegetable crops grow a tasty and rich harvest.
Vegetable fertilizer for flower berries 1l
Fast-acting water-soluble full fertilizer with microelements for watering roses, strawberries, summer flowers, house, balcony, amplitude, greenhouse and open ground plants (tomato, cucumber, carrot, cabbage, potatoes, lettuce, herbs), ornamental and berry bushes and fruit trees. Contains all the basic nutrients and trace elements necessary for the growth and development of plants in an appropriate ratio. The use of fertilizer gives the flowers a bright floral color, lush flowers, abundant and prolonged flowering, a strong root system, as well as an intense green leaf color. Berry and vegetable crops grow a tasty and great harvest. Plants that have a balanced diet have good resistance to pests and fungal diseases.
Viinamarja kastmisväetis 300g
Kiiretoimeline veeslahustuv mikroelementidega väetis viinapuude väetamiseks. Väetamine parandab taimede kasvu, tagab rikkaliku õitsemise ja viljumise ning annab maitsva saagi. Tasakaalustatult toitunud taimed on kahjurite ja haiguste suhtes hea vastpanuvõimega. Väetis sisaldab kõiki taimede kasvuks ja arenguks vajalikke põhitoitaineid sobivas vahekorras ning mikroelemente kergesti omastatavas vormis.
Vito full fertilizer 450ml
The balanced full fertilizer VITO is well suited for watering vegetables and indoor and balcony flowers.
Watering fertilizer for flower berries and vegetables 1kg
- Suitable for watering or foliar fertilizing of all summer flowers, ornamental trees, roses, shrubs, room, balcony, greenhouse and open ground plants.
- Activates flowering and increases yields.
- Contains all the trace elements necessary for plants.