Nitrophoska 1kg
- Suitable for fertilizing tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, strawberries, perennial and summer flowers, garden and field crops, fruit trees, lawns, roses, conifers and all other outdoor and greenhouse plants.
- Contains all the nutrients necessary for the growth and development of plants in the appropriate proportions.
- The use of fertilizer ensures good plant growth, abundant flowering, as well as a high-quality harvest!
Nutrient solution for houseplants 40pcs 35ml
Innovative nutrient solution with a special composition for all flowering and leafy decorative houseplants. Regular use of the nutrient solution ensures viable fleshy leaves, a strong root system, as well as a long flowering period. A well-fed plant is also more resistant to diseases and pests. Carefully thought-out packaging is convenient and user-friendly. The nutrient solution is designed for use all year round.
Onion flower planting fertilizer 1kg
Granulated full fertilizer, which contains in a balanced ratio all the nutrients necessary for rooting and growth, provides the plant with the development of a strong root system, vigorous growth and subsequent abundant flowering.
Orchid medium 40pcs in 35ml ampoule
A special nutrient solution of innovative composition for all orchid species. Regular use of the nutrient solution ensures viable fleshy leaves, a strong root system, as well as a long flowering period. A well-fed plant is also more resistant to diseases and pests. The nutrient solution is designed to strengthen orchids all year round.
Orchid watering fertilizer 300g
- A fast-acting complete fertilizer with a balanced composition, specially developed for growing orchids, from which orchids assimilate nutrients very easily.
- Suitable for all orchid species.
- Contains all the trace elements essential for plants in a form that is easily assimilated by them.
- Activates flowering, the flowers of orchids are beautiful and lush.
- The plant blooms long and is healthy.
Organic liquid fertilizer for vegetables 350 ml
- 100% vegetable.
- More harvest.
- More flavor.
- 350ml = 35 l fertilizer solution.
- Organic fertilizer for garden and vegetable crops.
- Vegetable fertilizer concentrate, without mineral or animal additives.
- Fertilizer acts both on the leaves and on the roots.
- The use of fertilizer increases the yield and ensures the aroma and taste of flowers and fruits characteristic of the culture.
Orhidee väetisepulgad
- Orhidee väetisepulgad on spetsiaalne mineraalväetis orhideede, eriti kuukingade toitainetega varustamiseks.
- Väetisepulgad stimuleerivad taimede kasvu ja õiepungade teket tagades pika õitsemisaja.
- Toitained on aeglaselt lahustuvas vormis, mis võimaldab taimedel neid omastada järk-järgult vastavalt vajadusele.
- Seega ei ole karta üleväetamise ohtu.
Orhidee vedelväetis 500ml
- Orhidee vedelväetis on spetsiaalne mineraalväetis orhideede, eriti kuukingade toitainetega varustamiseks.
- Kiiretoimeline veeslahustuv mikroelementidega täisväetis kõikide orhideeliikide aastaringseks kastmisväetamiseks.
- Väetis on tasakaalustatud koostisega ja sisaldab kõiki taimedele olulisi põhitoitaineid sobivas vahekorras.
- Aktiveerib õitsemist, orhideede õied on lopsakad ja kirka õievärviga.
- Taimed õitsevad kaua ja rikkalikult ning on terved.
Perlka on looduslikest toorainetest toodetud aeglaselt vabanev lämmastikväetis puu- ja köögiviljadele.
Perlka on toodetud söest, lubjakivist ja õhulämmastikust ning koosneb: 19,8% lämmastikust (N), 50% lubjast (CaO), 1,5% MgO ja ditsüaandiamiidist, mis on tuntud nitrifikatsiooni inhibiitor. PERLKA- vähendab nälkjate arvukust ja nende mune;
- täiendab kasutatavate herbitsiidide mõju, mille tulemusena on tõrje efektiivsem;
- hoiab ära mulla kaudu levivaid haigusi, nagu kapsanuuter, ristõieliste mustmädanik (Phoma) ja valgemädanik (Sclerotinia);
- hoiab ära traatussi kahjustused kartuli mugulatel;
- aitab vähendada lubja kasutamist;
- parandab mulla viljakust.
Pikatoimeline lilleväetis 750g - Lopsakad õied ja terved taimed kogu hooaja vältel!
- Toa-, rõdu- ja aialillede pikatoimeline väetis on pika mõjuajaga keskkonnasõbralik täisväetis.
- Sellest erilise struktuuriga väetisest omastab taim toitaineid järk-järgult 3 kuu vältel.
- Soodustab tugevat kasvu ja kauakestvat õitsemist kogu kasvuperioodi vältel.
Pikatoimeline muruväetis 4kg
- Pikaajalise toimega väetis murule
- Ühtlase ja kestva mõjuga granuleeritud täisväetis.
- Aitab murul püsida sametrohelisena ega kiirenda liigselt muru kasvamist.
- Aeglaselt lahustuv lämmastik laguneb mulla mikroorganismide toimel, tagades lämmastiku järk-järgulise ja keskkonnasõbraliku lahustumisprotsessi.
- Lisaks on väetises sobivas vahekorras fosforit ja kaaliumi.
Potassium sulfate 1kg
Potassium sulfate is a potash fertilizer with a very low chlorine content and is suitable for fertilizing garden crops that are sensitive to chlorine, such as potatoes, onions, beans, strawberries, raspberries, flowers, plum and cherry trees. With a lack of potassium, the leaves of the plant turn yellow from the edges of the leaf and turn brown. The edges of the sheet twist from top to bottom.
Potato fertilizer 15kg
- Potato fertilizer is a complex fertilizer containing calcium, magnesium and sulfur.
- Contains all the nutrients necessary for the development of potato and vegetable plants.
- Strengthens plants and makes them resistant to diseases.
- Improves the quality, taste characteristics and keeping quality of potato tubers and root crops, increases yields.
Potato fertilizer 1kg
Potato fertilizer is a complex fertilizer containing calcium, magnesium and sulfur. Contains all the nutrients necessary for the development of potato and vegetable plants. Strengthens plants and makes them resistant to diseases. Improves the quality, taste characteristics and keeping quality of potato tubers and root crops, increases yields.
Potato fertilizer 2kg
Potato fertilizer is a complex fertilizer containing calcium, magnesium and sulfur. Contains all the nutrients necessary for the development of potato and vegetable plants. Strengthens plants and makes them resistant to diseases. Improves the quality, taste characteristics and keeping quality of potato tubers and root crops, increases yields.
Potato fertilizer 4kg
Potato fertilizer is a complex fertilizer containing calcium, magnesium and sulfur. Contains all the nutrients necessary for the development of potato and vegetable plants. Strengthens plants and makes them resistant to diseases. Improves the quality, taste characteristics and keeping quality of potato tubers and root crops, increases yields.
Potato fertilizer 5kg
Potato fertilizer is a complex fertilizer containing calcium, magnesium and sulfur. Contains all the nutrients necessary for the development of potato and vegetable plants. Strengthens plants and makes them resistant to diseases. Improves the quality, taste characteristics and keeping quality of potato tubers and root crops, increases yields.
Qrop Complex Top K 12-6-24 25 kg
- Sisaldab kõiki makro- ja mikrotoitaineid tasakaalus kultuuri vajadusega.
- Peamine koostisosa kaaliumnitraat on põllukultuuri kasvuks ja arenguks eelistatud kaaliumiallikas.
- Sisaldab lämmastikku nitraadi (75%) ja ammooniumi (25%) kujul. Nitraate omastatakse koheselt ning need parandavad koheselt toitaineliste katioonide (K+, Ca2+, Mg2+ ja mikrotoitained) omastamist mullast. Ammoonium on mullast kättesaadav pikema perioodi jooksul.
- Sisaldab taimele olulisi toitaineid kaltsiumi ja magneesiumi.
- Toodetakse rangeid kvaliteedistandardeid järgides. Iga graanul on kõrge toitainete puhtusastmega ja praktiliselt ei sisalda saasteaineid, kloori, naatriumi ega raskemetalle.
- On väikese sulfaadisisaldusega. Sulfaadi kogunemine mulda võib põhjustada soolastressi.
- Omab suurepäraseid käitlemisomadusi, toote mittehügroskoopsed graanulid on vabalt voolavad.
Raspberry liquid fertilizer 1l
- Fast-acting water-soluble full fertilizer with trace elements for fertilizing raspberries, garden blackberries, pamphlets, vampires, blackberries and field berries.
- Fertilizer is easily assimilated and contains in the appropriate ratio all the nutrients necessary for the growth and development of plants.
- Regular use of fertilizer ensures strong growth of plants, abundant flowering and a large and tasty harvest.
- The formation of abundant flower buds, a longer harvest period and large high-quality fruits are guaranteed.
- Plants that have a balanced diet have good resistance to pests and fungal diseases.
Raudsulfaat samblavaba muru 3kg
- Raudsulfaat ehk raudvitriol aitab muru tugevdada ning seeläbi saadakse tihedam roheline murupind.
- Raudvitrioli rauasisaldusel on oluline roll taimedes toituvates bioloogilistes protsessides, parandades muru kasvu.
- Raudvitriol põhineb looduslikel mineraalidel ja ei kõrveta muru.
- Muru tugevdamiseks tuleb muru kevadel või sügisel lubjata ning muru kasvu soodustamiseks väetada muruväetisega kevadel, suvel ning sügisel.
Replanting and rooting fertilizer Pralumus 50g
- Allows you to replant plants stress-free, reducing transpiration.
- Increases the number and strength of the roots of seedlings and cuttings.
- Strengthens damaged or poorly developed root system.
- Improves the rooting percentage of cuttings.
- Contains macro- and micronutrients, as well as biostimulants.
- Promotes better absorption of water and nutrients - nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus by the plant.
- The dissolving forms of phosphorus reskest become more accessible to the plant and the efficiency of photosynthesis increases.
- Plants better tolerate growth stress due to unfavorable growing conditions.
Rhododendron and Azalea Liquid Fertilizer 500ml
Liquid fertilizer for rhododendron and azalea is a fast-acting water-soluble full fertilizer with trace elements for fertilizing all rhododendron and azalea varieties and other sour-loving plants. Can be used in the cultivation of other plants belonging to the heather family, e.g. heathers, ergots, blueberries, winter brushes, flowering cloves, calmias, skimias, etc. Using liquid fertilizer for rhododendron and azalea, fertilized plants grow an abundance of flower buds that will break out next season. The frost resistance of plants also increases, and the storage of water in evergreen leaves improves.
Rhododendron fertilizer 1kg box
- High-quality rhododendron fertilizer is suitable for rhododendrons, azaleas, hydrangeas, cultivated blueberries, heather and other peat garden plants growing in an acidic environment.
- The special composition maintains optimal soil acidity.
Roheliste taimede väetisepulgad 20 tk
Rooside vedelväetis 1l
- Kiiretoimeline vedel täisväetis erinevate roosiliikide kastmisväetamiseks.
- Kiirendab õitsemise algust ja soodustab uute õiepungade moodustamist.
- Roosid õitsevad rikkalikult ja pikalt.
- Väetises sisalduv kaalium tugevdab taimi, muudab õite lõhna intensiivsemaks ning suurendab taimede külmakindlust ja vastupanuvõimet ebasoodsate kasvutingimuste ja haiguste suhtes.
- Väetis on tasakaalustatud koostisega ja sisaldab kõiki taimedele olulisi põhilisi toiteelemente neile kergesti omastatavas vormis.
Root Nutrient 500ml
Rose fertilizer 1kg
- Complex fertilizer with microelements for different types of roses.
- Accelerates the onset of flowering, promotes the formation of new flower buds.
- Magnesium and trace elements contained in the fertilizer strengthen plants, ensure optimal growth and make the flower color bright.
- Roses bloom profusely and long.
Rose fertilizer 1kg box
- Complex fertilizer with microelements for different types of roses accelerates the beginning of flowering, promotes the formation of new flower buds.
- Magnesium and trace elements contained in the fertilizer strengthen plants, ensure optimal growth and make the flower color bright.
- Roses bloom profusely and long.
- Potassium contained in the fertilizer strengthens plants, makes the smell of flowers more intense, and increases the frost resistance of plants, as well as resistance to adverse growing conditions and diseases.
Rose fertilizer long-acting 750g
- Baltic Agro's long-acting binding shell of rose fertilizer granules with microelements allows you to gradually release nutrients according to the needs of the plant over 3-4 months, which ensures a uniform supply of nutrients without over-fertilization.
- Accelerates the onset of flowering and promotes the formation of new flower buds.
- Magnesium and trace elements contained in the fertilizer strengthen plants, ensure optimal growth and make the flower color bright.
- Roses bloom profusely and long.
- Potassium contained in the fertilizer strengthens plants, makes the smell of flowers more intense, and increases the frost resistance and resistance of plants to adverse growing conditions and diseases.
Rose fertilizer sticks
High-quality fertilizer sticks for fertilizing all types of roses (e.g. precious, bed, daisy or climbing roses). Fertilizer sticks stimulate the growth of roses and the formation of flower buds. Nutrients are in a slowly soluble form, which allows plants to assimilate cloves gradually as needed. Thus, there is no fear of the risk of over-fertilization.
Rose watering fertilizer 300g
Fast-acting water-soluble full fertilizer with trace elements for watering various species of roses. Fertilizer has a balanced composition and contains all the trace elements essential for plants in a form that is easily assimilated by them. Accelerates the onset of flowering and promotes the formation of new flower buds. Magnesium and trace elements contained in the fertilizer strengthen plants, ensure optimal growth and make the flower color bright. Roses bloom profusely and long. Potassium contained in the fertilizer strengthens plants, makes the smell of flowers more intense, and increases the frost resistance and resistance of plants to adverse growing conditions and diseases.
Saaremaa lime 1,2kg
- Protects tree trunks from sunburn, mitigating the harmful effects of sharp fluctuations in temperature, which leads to cracking of the bark of trees.
- Also destroys pests and their eggs, because it contains slaked lime.
Saaremaa lime 5kg
- Protects tree trunks from sunburn, mitigating the harmful effects of sharp fluctuations in temperature, which leads to cracking of the bark of trees.
- Also destroys pests and their eggs, because it contains slaked lime.
Samblaeemaldiga muruväetis 10kg
- Baltic Agro samblaeemaldiga muruväetis aitab vabaneda samblast.
- Sammal vallutab muru, kui muld on liiga tihe ja õhustamata, toitainetevaene, muru kasvab varjus või on tegemist liigniiske või happelise pinnasega.
Samblaeemaldiga muruväetis 15kg
- Baltic Agro samblaeemaldiga muruväetis aitab vabaneda samblast.
- Sammal vallutab muru, kui muld on liiga tihe ja õhustamata, toitainetevaene, muru kasvab varjus või on tegemist liigniiske või happelise pinnasega.
Samblaeemaldiga muruväetis 4kg
- Baltic Agro samblaeemaldiga muruväetis aitab vabaneda samblast.
- Sammal vallutab muru, kui muld on liiga tihe ja õhustamata, toitainetevaene, muru kasvab varjus või on tegemist liigniiske või happelise pinnasega.