
Samblaeemaldiga muruväetis 7,5kg

0 out of 5

  • Baltic Agro samblaeemaldiga muruväetis aitab vabaneda samblast.
  • Sammal vallutab muru, kui muld on liiga tihe ja õhustamata, toitainetevaene, muru kasvab varjus või on tegemist liigniiske või happelise pinnasega.

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SCHULTZ Maasika - Viljapõõsaste ja Viljapuude Väetis 350g

0 out of 5

  • NPK 15-7-32 + 3MgO
  • Hästi tasakaalustatud, täis olulisi toitaineid SCHULTZ GARDEN väetis annab usaldusväärseid tulemusi kõikidele marjadele ja marjapuudele: maasikad, vaarikad, murakad, sõstrad, karusmarjad, jõhvikad, põldmarjad ja viljapuudele: õunapuud, pirnid, ploomid, kirsid, virsikud, aprikoosipuud.
  • Tagab nõuetekohase õitsemise ja marjade/viljade saamise, parandab marjade/viljade värvi ja maitset.
  • Stimuleerib taimede arengut - taimed muutuvad tugevamaks, saak on maitsev ja hea väljanägemisega.
  • Sisaldab õiges tasakaalus toitaineid, et tagada terve saak ja kindlad magusad viljad.

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SCHULTZ Õitsvate Taimede Kastmisväetis 350g

0 out of 5

  • Hästi tasakaalustatud NPK väetis 8:12:35+5MgO on kõrge kaaliumisisaldusega kontsentraat, mis on mõeldud kiireks õitsemiseks, rikkalikumate värvide saamiseks ja kõigi õitsvate ja viljakandvate taimede jõulise kasvu soodustamiseks.
  • Loodusena toidab taimi iga vihma korral, lahustades toitaineid ja jagades neid kõigile taimedele teie õues ja aias.
  • Sama saate teha iga kord, kui kastate, toites SCHULTZ GARDENi õitsemistoiduga.
  • Kõigile õitsvatele ja viljelevatele taimedele.

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SCHULTZ Universaalväetis 350g

0 out of 5

  • Universaalne taimetoit NPK 18-18-18+3MgO
  • Hästi tasakaalustatud, täis olulisi toitaineid sisaldav SCHULTZ GARDEN väetis, mis annab usaldusväärseid tulemusi kõikidele sise- ja välitaimedele.
  • Üldiseks kasutamiseks, et säilitada taimede toitainete tase, soodustada tervislikku kasvu ja head värvi, soodustada taimede stabiilset rajamist ning kasvada suuremaks ja ilusamaks.
  • Kõigile lilledele, toataimedele, roosidele, köögiviljadele, puudele ja põõsastele.

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Seaweed extract 1l

0 out of 5

  • Biostimulator made from algae for vegetables, herbs, fruit and ornamental plants.
  • Algae increase yields and regulate the growth and development of roots, leaves and fruits (improving quality indicators).
  • Regular use increases the resistance of plants to abiotic stress (night frost, drought, etc.).

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Spring garden fertilizer 10kg

0 out of 5

Spring garden fertilizer is suitable for fertilizing tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, strawberries, perennial and summer flowers, garden and field crops, fruit trees, lawns, roses, conifers and all other outdoor and greenhouse plants. Contains all the nutrients necessary for the growth and development of plants in the appropriate proportions. The use of fertilizer ensures good plant growth, abundant flowering, as well as a high-quality harvest!

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Spring garden fertilizer 15kg

0 out of 5

Full fertilizer for the garden for spring

Spring garden fertilizer is suitable for fertilizing tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, strawberries, perennial and summer flowers, garden and field crops, fruit trees, lawns, roses, conifers and all other outdoor and greenhouse plants. Contains all the nutrients necessary for the growth and development of plants in the appropriate proportions. The use of fertilizer ensures good plant growth, abundant flowering, as well as a high-quality harvest!

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Spring garden fertilizer 1kg

0 out of 5

Spring garden fertilizer is suitable for fertilizing tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, strawberries, perennial and summer flowers, garden and field crops, fruit trees, lawns, roses, conifers and all other outdoor and greenhouse plants. Contains all the nutrients necessary for the growth and development of plants in the appropriate proportions. The use of fertilizer ensures good plant growth, abundant flowering, as well as a high-quality harvest!

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Spring garden fertilizer 3kg

0 out of 5

Spring garden fertilizer is suitable for fertilizing tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, strawberries, perennial and summer flowers, garden and field crops, fruit trees, lawns, roses, conifers and all other outdoor and greenhouse plants. Contains all the nutrients necessary for the growth and development of plants in the appropriate proportions. The use of fertilizer ensures good plant growth, abundant flowering, as well as a high-quality harvest!

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Spring garden fertilizer 4kg

0 out of 5

Spring garden fertilizer is suitable for fertilizing tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, strawberries, perennial and summer flowers, garden and field crops, fruit trees, lawns, roses, conifers and all other outdoor and greenhouse plants. Contains all the nutrients necessary for the growth and development of plants in the appropriate proportions. The use of fertilizer ensures good plant growth, abundant flowering, as well as a high-quality harvest!

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Spring lawn fertilizer 10 kg

0 out of 5

  • Nitrogen-rich lawn fertilizer that stimulates growth and density.
  • In spring, it is suitable to use lawn fertilizer with a higher nitrogen content or spring lawn fertilizer to stimulate lawn and promote growth.
  • This special fertilizer makes the lawn denser and more resistant to drought and weeds.

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Spring lawn fertilizer 15kg

0 out of 5

  • Nitrogen-rich lawn fertilizer that stimulates growth and density.
  • In spring, it is suitable to use lawn fertilizer with a higher nitrogen content or spring lawn fertilizer to stimulate lawn and promote growth.
  • This special fertilizer makes the lawn denser and more resistant to drought and weeds.

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Spring lawn fertilizer 2kg

0 out of 5

  • Nitrogen-rich lawn fertilizer that stimulates growth and density.
  • In spring, it is suitable to use lawn fertilizer with a higher nitrogen content or spring lawn fertilizer to stimulate lawn and promote growth.
  • This special fertilizer makes the lawn denser and more resistant to drought and weeds.

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Spring lawn fertilizer 4kg

0 out of 5

  • Nitrogen-rich lawn fertilizer that stimulates growth and density.
  • In spring, it is suitable to use lawn fertilizer with a higher nitrogen content or spring lawn fertilizer to stimulate lawn and promote growth.
  • This special fertilizer makes the lawn denser and more resistant to drought and weeds.

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Spring lawn fertilizer 5kg

0 out of 5

  • Nitrogen-rich lawn fertilizer that stimulates growth and density.
  • In spring, it is suitable to use lawn fertilizer with a higher nitrogen content or spring lawn fertilizer to stimulate lawn and promote growth.
  • This special fertilizer makes the lawn denser and more resistant to drought and weeds.

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Spring organic fertilizer 10l

0 out of 5

Environmentally friendly fertilizer with a uniform and lasting effect. Suitable for fertilizing tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, strawberries, perennial and summer flowers, garden and field crops, fruit trees, lawns, roses, conifers and all other outdoor and greenhouse plants. Balanced fertilization ensures good plant growth, abundant flowering, as well as a high-quality harvest. Organics improves soil fertility and invigorates the activity of soil organisms. Does not contain chemical additives.

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Strawberry and berry fertilizer 1kg

0 out of 5

Strawberry and berry fertilizer is suitable for fertilizing berry crops of strawberry, raspberry, currant, sea buckthorn, chokeberry, gooseberry and others. Strengthens the plant, increases yields and prolongs the fruiting period. Ripened berries are tasty and healthy.

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Strawberry and berry fertilizer 2kg

0 out of 5

Strawberry and berry fertilizer is suitable for fertilizing berry crops of strawberry, raspberry, currant, sea buckthorn, chokeberry, gooseberry and others. Strengthens the plant, increases yields and prolongs the fruiting period. Ripened berries are tasty and healthy.

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Strawberry and berry fertilizer 4kg

0 out of 5

Strawberry and berry fertilizer is suitable for fertilizing berry crops of strawberry, raspberry, currant, sea buckthorn, chokeberry, gooseberry and others. Strengthens the plant, increases yields and prolongs the fruiting period. Ripened berries are tasty and healthy.

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Strawberry fertilizer 1kg per box

0 out of 5

  • Strawberry fertilizer is suitable for fertilizing strawberry and other berry crops.
  • Promotes flowering and fruiting, increases yields and prolongs the fruiting period.
  • Rich in potassium, which promotes the growth of fruits and strengthens plants, accelerates the ripening of fruits, makes the aroma more intense and increases the frost resistance and resistance of plants to diseases.

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Strawberry watering fertilizer 300g

0 out of 5

Fast-acting water-soluble full fertilizer with microelements for watering strawberries, raspberries, currants, sea buckthorn, chokeberry, gooseberry and other berry crops. Plants assimilate nutrients from fertilizer very easily, since the fertilizer has a balanced composition and contains trace elements in a well-assimilated form. Promotes flowering and fruiting, increases yields and prolongs the fruiting period. Rich in potassium, which promotes the growth of fruits and strengthens plants, accelerates the ripening of fruits, makes the aroma more intense and increases the frost resistance and resistance of plants to diseases.

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Sügisene aiaväetis

0 out of 5

  • Tugevdab juurestikku:
    • Fosfor keskendub juurte arengule, aidates neil sügavamale tungida ja paremini toitaineid omastada.
    • Tugev juurestik on taimede vastupanuvõime alus.
  • Suurendab külmakindlust:
    • Kaalium aitab taimedel reguleerida veemajandust ning suurendab nende vastupanuvõimet külma, haiguste ja stressi suhtes.
  • Paneb aluse järgmise aasta õiteilule:
    • Sügisene väetamine annab taimedele vajaliku energia, et moodustada õiepungi juba sügisel.
    • Nii on kevadel oodata rikkalikku õitsemist ja head saaki.

2,34 24,49 
Select optionsThis product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
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Sügisene muruväetis 15kg

0 out of 5

Sügisene muruväetis sisaldab vähesel määral lämmastikku ja sobib väga hästi meie aia uhkuse, rohelise muruvaiba, sügiseseks hooldamiseks.

  • Erinevalt aiataimedest vajab muru väikesel hulgal lämmastikku juurtesse toitainete varumisel talveks.
  • Vähem vastuvõtlik haigustele ja seentele, nt lumest jäämise tõttu
  • Tugevdada muru talvel külma ja tallamise vastu, nii et see jätab vähem ruumi samblikule.

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Sügisene muruväetis 4kg

0 out of 5

  • Sügisene muruväetis sisaldab vähesel määral lämmastikku ja sobib väga hästi meie aia uhkuse, rohelise muruvaiba, sügiseseks hooldamiseks.
  • Erinevalt aiataimedest vajab muru väikesel hulgal lämmastikku juurtesse toitainete varumisel talveks.
  • Vähem vastuvõtlik haigustele ja seentele, nt lumest jäämise tõttu
  • Tugevdada muru talvel külma ja tallamise vastu, nii et see jätab vähem ruumi samblikule.

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Sügisväetis Plantena Max 3-8-20 25kg

0 out of 5

Sügisväetis Plantena Max N-P2O5-K2O    3-8-20

  • Granuleeritud NPK sügisväetis Plantena Max 3-8-20 sisaldab kaltsiumit, magneesiumit, väävlit ja boori ning sobib eelkõige mitmeaastaste aiakultuuride sügiseseks väetamiseks.
  • Sügisväetis Plantena Max 3-8-20 on eelkõige mitmeaastaste aiakultuuride sügisväetis.
  • Aitab muuta taimed haigustele ja talvekülmale vastupidavamaks ning valmistada ette järgmise aasta kasvuks, rikkalikuks õitsemiseks ja saagi moodustumiseks.
  • Sobib hästi ka aia rajamisel taimede istutamiseelseks väetiseks ning  pinnase ettevalmistamiseks muru rajamisel, kui muru külvatakse sügisel.
  • Kevadväetisena sobib kasutamiseks vähese lämmastikutarbega taimedele (maasikas, mustsõstar, kiviktaimla taimed. Põhiväetisena sobib ka vähese lämmastikutarbega aedviljadele (näiteks kaunviljad) ja seemnekartulile.
  • Väetise toime on kõige tõhusam, kui väetis külvatakse niiskele mullale.

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Sulphur 200g

0 out of 5

Sulfur promotes flowering, the formation of productive shoots and fruiting, in addition, when combined with sulfur, the assimilation of nitrogen from the soil improves by 15-25%. Sulfur also affects the quality of the crop. Sulfur has a repellent effect against various fungal diseases, and is also used as a disinfector in greenhouses.  

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Superphosphate 1kg

0 out of 5

  • Superphosphate, or phosphorus fertilizer, has a positive effect on the development of the root system, helps fruits ripen correctly, fruits and vegetables grow stronger and larger and have better taste characteristics.

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Superphosphate 4kg

0 out of 5

Superphosphate, or phosphorus fertilizer, has a positive effect on the development of the root system, helps fruits ripen correctly, fruits and vegetables grow stronger and larger and have better taste characteristics.

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Suvelillede väetisetabletid - Lopsakas õitsemine kogu suveks!

0 out of 5

  • Pikaajalise mõjuga väetis, mis sobib kasutamiseks suvelille amplites ja rõdukastides, potitaimedele, istikutele, ilupõõsastele, lillepeenras.
  • Soodustab tugevat kasvu ja kauakestvat õitsemist kogu kasvuhooaja vältel.
  • Väetisespetsiaalne siduv struktuur võimaldab vabastada toitaineid järk-järgult vastavalt taime vajadusele 6 kuu jooksul.
  • Sisaldab kõiki olulisi põhi- ja mikrotoitaineid taimede lopsakaks kasvuks.
  • N-P2O5-K2O (MgO+SO3) 14-9-15 (2+13)

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Suvine muruväetis 5kg

0 out of 5

Ühtlase ja kestva mõjuga granuleeritud täisväetis, mis aitab murul püsida sametrohelisena ega kiirenda liigselt muru kasvamist. Väetises on toitained tasakaalustatud ja murutaimedele sobivas vahekorras. Muudab muru kauniks, murutaimede juurestiku tugevamaks ja muru vastupidavaks haiguste, põua ja sammaldumise suhtes.  

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Toalillede vedelväetis 500ml

0 out of 5

  • Kiiretoimeline vedelväetis toalillede kastmisväetamiseks sobib nii õitsvatele kui lehtdekoratiivsetele taimede: tõlvlehikute, sulgvõhkade, nefroleebi, nõelköie, luuderohu, pelargoonide, flamingolillede, rooside, varjukannikeste, tups-rohtliilia, havisaba, ebakrootoni, fatsia, priimulate, kalanhoede, kellukate, luuderohu, draakonipuude, alpikannide jt toataimede kastmisväetamiseks.
  • Sisaldab kõiki taimede kasvuks ja arenguks vajalikke põhitoitaineid sobivas vahekorras.

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Toataimede kastmisväetis 300g

0 out of 5

  • Kiiretoimeline veeslahustuv mikroelementidega täisväetis toataimede kastmisväetiseks.
Sobib nii õitsvatele kui lehtdekoratiivsetele taimedele:
  • tõlvlehikute
  • sulgvõhkade
  • nõelköie
  • nefroleepide
  • luuderohu
  • rooside
  • pelargoonide
  • flamingolillede
  • havisabade
  • fatsiate
  • priimulate
  • kalanhoede
  • draakonipuude
  • alpikannide
  • jt toataimede kastmisväetamiseks.

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Tomato fertilizer 1kg

0 out of 5

  • Tomato fertilizer is a granulated chlorine-free full fertilizer for fertilizing tomatoes.
  • Fertilization improves growth, provides abundant flowering, fruiting and high yields.
  • Fertilized plants are resistant to diseases and unsuitable growing conditions.

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Tomato fertilizer 1kg per box

0 out of 5

  • Tomato fertilizer is a granulated chlorine-free full fertilizer for fertilizing tomatoes.
  • Fertilization improves growth, provides abundant flowering, fruiting and high yields.
  • Fertilized plants are resistant to diseases and unsuitable growing conditions.

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Tomato fertilizer sticks

0 out of 5

Tomato fertilizer sticks contain nutrients in a slowly soluble form, which allows the plant to assimilate them gradually as needed. Thus, there is no fear of the risk of over-fertilization. Tomato seedlings need fertile water-permeable soil, a lot of light, heat and nutrients for growth. Fertilizer sticks provide tomato plants with a balanced level of nutrients in the soil for several months. The result is a rich and tasty harvest. During growth, remove the side shoots that come from the leaf axils.

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Tomato watering fertilizer 300g

0 out of 5

  • Fast-acting water-soluble full fertilizer with trace elements for watering greenhouse and open-air tomatoes and peppers.
  • Contains all the basic nutrients necessary for the growth and development of plants in an appropriate proportion, as well as trace elements in an easily assimilated form.
  • The high content of potassium provides large and juicy fruits.
  • Fertilization improves growth, ensures abundant flowering, fruiting, as well as a tasty and large harvest.
  • Plants that have a balanced diet have good resistance to pests and fungal diseases.

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