Grave grass 80 g
- Decorative narrow-leaved lawn variety with dark green plants, which is bred and grown in Estonia.
- Being undemanding in terms of growing conditions, it is well suited for cemeteries and semi-shaded environments under large trees.
Home garden grass 10kg
Home garden grass consists of fine-leaved species that become dense and low-growing lawn rugs. The mixture grows both in the sun and in the shade. Is durable and recovers well from damage. Well suited for home gardens, playgrounds, green spaces.
Home garden grass 3kg
Home garden grass consists of fine-leaved species that become dense and low-growing lawn rugs. The mixture grows both in the sun and in the shade. Is durable and recovers well from damage. Well suited for home gardens, playgrounds, green spaces.
Home garden grass 4kg
Home garden grass consists of fine-leaved species that become dense and low-growing lawn rugs. The mixture grows both in the sun and in the shade. Is durable and recovers well from damage. Well suited for home gardens, playgrounds, green spaces.
Home garden grass 5kg
Home garden grass consists of fine-leaved species that become dense and low-growing lawn rugs. The mixture grows both in the sun and in the shade. Is durable and recovers well from damage. Well suited for home gardens, playgrounds, green spaces.
Home garden grass Ornamental 20kg
Home garden grass Ornamental seed mix is a high-quality product that consists of fine-leaved species and gives you the best dense and low-growing lawn rug.
Home garden grass ornamental 7,5kg
The 'Ornamental' seed mix for home garden grass is a high-quality product consisting of fine-leaved species and giving you the best dense and low-growing lawn rug.
Home Garden Grass Sun 20kg
- From grass seed Sunshine grows drought-resistant and dense grass camaraderie.
- Grows well both in the sun and in the shade.
- The grass recovers well from damage.
- Stays green even during drought periods.
Home garden grass with white clover 5kg
- Home garden grass with white clover is a seed mixture for planting a lawn.
- Environmentally friendly, requires little watering and fertilization, and is easy to build.
- The seed mixture contains white clover, which itself fertilizes the lawn camaraderie by binding atmospheric nitrogen.
- Ideal for home gardens, parks and playgrounds.
Kassimuru - Looduslik maiuspala sinu kassituttavale!
- Kiiresti kasvav kassimuru on lopsakas ja roheliselt särav taim, mis pakub värsket ja tervislikku söödalisandit nii papagoidele kui ka teistele lemmikloomadele.
- Selle pehmed ja mahlased lehed on ideaalne närimis- ja maiustusmaterjal, pakkudes lemmikloomadele looduslikku kiudainet ja vajalikke toitaineid.
- Kassimuru kasvatamine on lihtne ja kiire.
- Enne idanemist tuleks seemned paigutada sooja kohta akna lähedale, et tagada piisav valgus ja soojus.
Kassimuru 140g
- Aitab väljutada karvapalle.
- Aitab kaasa heale seedimisele.
- Pehmete võrsetega kassimuru söömine aitab kassidel väljutada karvapalle ning on hea nende seedimisele.
- Lisaks vähendab see mürgiste toataimede närimise ohtu toakassidel või keemiliste ainetega töödeldud taimede närimist õuekassidel.
- Maheoder.
Koduaiamuru 1kg
- Koduaiamuru koosneb peenelehelistest liikidest, millest saab tiheda ja madalakasvulise muruvaiba.
- Segu kasvab nii päikese käes kui varjus.
- On vastupidav ja taastub kahjustustest hästi.
- Sobib hästi koduaedadesse, mänguväljakutele, haljasaladele.
Koduaiamuru valge ristikuga 1kg
- Koduaiamuru valge ristikuga on seemnesegu muru rajamiseks.
- Keskkonnasõbralik, vajab vähe kastmist ja väetamist ning on lihtsalt rajatav.
- Seemnesegu sisaldab valget ristikut, mis ise väetab murukamarat, sidudes õhulämmastikku.
- Sobib ideaalselt koduaedadesse, parkidesse ja mänguväljakutele.
Landscaping mix lawn seed ROAD 20kg
Landscaping mix is a mixture of lawn seeds for creating lawns on roadsides, slopes, green spaces, parks, under trees.
Lawn seed III class mix 20kg
Seed mixture for landscaping in a package of 20 kg.
Lawn seed mix for urban greenery 20kg
The renovation mix is suitable for repairing existing home garden turf, landscaping roadsides, restoring sports grasses.
Lawn seed Robustica 1kg
Lawn seed mixture 'Robustica' for ordinary home garden lawn.
Lawn seed Robustica 20kg
- Lawn seed 'Robustica' is a mixture of lawn seeds for an ordinary home garden lawn.
- The mixture grows both in the sun and in the shade.
- Is durable and recovers well from damage.
- Well suited for home gardens, playgrounds, green spaces.
Lawn Seed Sport Turfline 20kg
A seed mix consisting of thallus-resistant and narrow-leaved species that gives you the best durability lawn rug.
Lawn Seed Sport Turfline 7,5kg
A seed mix consisting of thallus-resistant and narrow-leaved species that gives you the best durability lawn rug.
Lawn seed Sportmaster 10kg
- Lawn seed Sportmaster (Masterline, DLF) is a high-quality blend consisting of trampling-resistant and narrow-leaved species and gives you the best durability lawn rug.
- A lawn mixture with extremely high trampling resistance, suitable for football and sports fields with intensive use.
- Recovers very quickly.
- With a higher need for care, needs regular fertilizing and watering.
Low-growing lawn Mini 20kg
- In the mini grass seed mixture there are slow-growing low plants.
- This lawn requires 30% less pruning, and the lawn owner has more free time.
- The result is a dark, dense and fine-leaved lawn.
Renovation mix 10kg
The renovation mix is suitable for repairing existing home garden turf, landscaping roadsides, restoring sports grasses.
Renovation mix 500g
The renovation mix is suitable for repairing existing home garden turf, landscaping roadsides, restoring sports grasses.
Renovation mix 5kg
The renovation mix is suitable for repairing existing home garden turf, landscaping roadsides, restoring sports grasses.
Renoveerimissegu 1kg
Renoveerimissegu sobib olemasoleva koduaiamuru parandamiseks, teeäärte haljastamiseks, spordimurude taastamiseks.
Shade grass 1kg
The shade grass seed mix consists of narrow-leaved species and gives you the best density shade-tolerant lawn rug. Shade grass grows especially well in shady areas in home gardens and parks. The mixture is winter and trampling-resistant.
Shade grass park 20kg
- The shade grass seed mix consists of narrow-leaved species and gives you the best density shade-tolerant lawn rug.
- Shade grass grows especially well in shady areas in home gardens and parks.
- The mixture is winter and trampling-resistant.
Sports grass 5kg
The 'Sports Grass' seed mix consists of trampling-resistant and narrow-leaved species and gives you the best durability lawn rug.
Sports grass grass seeds 10kg
The 'Sports Grass' seed mix consists of trampling-resistant and narrow-leaved species and gives you the best durability lawn rug.
Sports grass grass seeds 1kg
The 'Sports Grass' seed mix consists of trampling-resistant and narrow-leaved species and gives you the best durability lawn rug.
Sports grass Playground 20kg
This high-quality product consists of trampling-resistant and narrow-leaved species and gives you the best durability lawn rug.
White clover RIVENDER 300g
- The small-leaved white clover variety 'Rivendel' is frost-resistant, trampling-resistant, light-requiring and fertilizes lawn camaraderie by binding atmospheric nitrogen.