Beans, Seeds, Vegetable seeds
Common bean 'Argus'
0 out of 5
'Argus' green Turkish bean is a variety with dark green pods and excellent taste! Height 45 cm. The length of the pods 14-15 cm. Also ideal for growing in a pot/container. Beans are plants that are demanding of light and heat.
0,76 €
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Beans, Seeds, Vegetable seeds
Common bean 'Fruidor'
0 out of 5
'Fruidor' garden bean e turkish bean is a yielding variety with delicate golden yellow pods, without fibers! Height 45 cm. The length of the pods 12-13 cm.
0,76 €
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Beans, Seeds, Vegetable seeds
Field bean Helbi
0 out of 5
- Very good tasting mid-early protein-rich field beans.
- Well suited for cooking dishes (including salt beans).
- Large pods and seeds.
- In the pod 4-6 grains.
- Strong erect stems of medium length.
- Used in home cooking, canning and freezing.
1,60 €
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Aeduba, Lilleseemned, Mitmesugused, Seemned
Õisuba Hestia
0 out of 5
- Kõrge saagikusega madalakasvuline aeduba sort.
- Taimed on väga dekoratiivsed, punavalgete õitega.
- Võib külvata otse mulda või istutada kasvuhoonesse ettekasvatatud taimedena.
- Seda sorti saab kasvatada nii pottides kui ka kastides.
- Kaunad on laiad, rohelised ja ilma kiududeta.
0,89 €
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