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Rohelise, punase, sidrunbasiiliku seemnekettad

0 out of 5

  • Pakendis kolme erineva basiiliku seemneketast läbimõõduga 8 cm:
    • klassikaline suurte lehtedega Itaalia basiilik
    • punaseleheline basiilik
    • sidrunbasiilik
  • Sobivad aknalaual, rõdul, terrassil, kasvuhoones kasvatamiseks.

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Roller squash 'Cora' F1

0 out of 5

The fruits of the roll squash 'Cora' F1 are green.

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Roller squash 'Orelia' F1

0 out of 5

The fruits of the roll squash 'Orelia' F1 are yellow.

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Rooside vedelväetis 1l

0 out of 5

  • Kiiretoimeline vedel täisväetis erinevate roosiliikide kastmisväetamiseks.
  • Kiirendab õitsemise algust ja soodustab uute õiepungade moodustamist.
  • Roosid õitsevad rikkalikult ja pikalt.
  • Väetises sisalduv kaalium tugevdab taimi, muudab õite lõhna intensiivsemaks ning suurendab taimede külmakindlust ja vastupanuvõimet ebasoodsate kasvutingimuste ja haiguste suhtes.
  • Väetis on tasakaalustatud koostisega ja sisaldab kõiki taimedele olulisi põhilisi toiteelemente neile kergesti omastatavas vormis.

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Root barrier 0,65x25m

0 out of 5

Root barrier is a special rigid two-layer laminated material on one side, which is an effective solution for root-blocking. This material does not decay or rot, provides excellent protection against fungal diseases and fungi, and is resistant to acids or bases found in the ground. Depending on the place of use, it lasts 5-6 years. The root barrier is easily used to prevent the spread of plants that spread with root shoots, such as raspberry, deaf-leaved rosehip (rose), lilacs, pamphlets, Jerusalem artichoke, mint, irises, sakhalin flea grass, Canadian and autumn goldenrod, snowberry, mullet, goosefoot, lily of the valley, etc., to a neighbor's garden, lawn or other unwanted place. It is very suitable for preventing the lateral spread of trees – cherries, plums, aspens, alders, elms and other roots near buildings, near footpaths, bicycle paths, etc., and when establishing a peat garden.

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Root barrier mini roller 0,65x3,5m

0 out of 5

  • Root barrier is a special rigid two-layer laminated material on one side, which is an effective solution for root-blocking.
  • This material does not decay or rot, provides excellent protection against fungal diseases and fungi, and is resistant to acids or bases found in the ground.
  • Depending on the place of use, it lasts 5-6 years.
  • The root barrier is easily used to prevent the spread of plants that spread with root shoots, such as raspberry, deaf-leaved rosehip (rose), lilacs, pamphlets, Jerusalem artichoke, mint, irises, sakhalin flea grass, Canadian and autumn goldenrod, snowberry, mullet, goosefoot, lily of the valley, etc., to a neighbor's garden, lawn or other unwanted place.

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Root Nutrient 500ml

0 out of 5


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Root Nutrient Solution 1 L

0 out of 5


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Rose fertilizer 1kg

0 out of 5

  • Complex fertilizer with microelements for different types of roses.
  • Accelerates the onset of flowering, promotes the formation of new flower buds.
  • Magnesium and trace elements contained in the fertilizer strengthen plants, ensure optimal growth and make the flower color bright.
  • Roses bloom profusely and long.

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Rose fertilizer 1kg box

0 out of 5

  • Complex fertilizer with microelements for different types of roses accelerates the beginning of flowering, promotes the formation of new flower buds.
  • Magnesium and trace elements contained in the fertilizer strengthen plants, ensure optimal growth and make the flower color bright.
  • Roses bloom profusely and long.
  • Potassium contained in the fertilizer strengthens plants, makes the smell of flowers more intense, and increases the frost resistance of plants, as well as resistance to adverse growing conditions and diseases.

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Rose fertilizer long-acting 750g

0 out of 5

  • Baltic Agro's long-acting binding shell of rose fertilizer granules with microelements allows you to gradually release nutrients according to the needs of the plant over 3-4 months, which ensures a uniform supply of nutrients without over-fertilization.
  • Accelerates the onset of flowering and promotes the formation of new flower buds.
  • Magnesium and trace elements contained in the fertilizer strengthen plants, ensure optimal growth and make the flower color bright.
  • Roses bloom profusely and long.
  • Potassium contained in the fertilizer strengthens plants, makes the smell of flowers more intense, and increases the frost resistance and resistance of plants to adverse growing conditions and diseases.

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Rose fertilizer sticks

0 out of 5

High-quality fertilizer sticks for fertilizing all types of roses (e.g. precious, bed, daisy or climbing roses). Fertilizer sticks stimulate the growth of roses and the formation of flower buds. Nutrients are in a slowly soluble form, which allows plants to assimilate cloves gradually as needed. Thus, there is no fear of the risk of over-fertilization.

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Rose organic fertilizer 1kg

0 out of 5

  • Organic rose fertilizer
  • Environmentally friendly fertilizer with a uniform and lasting effect.
  • Balanced fertilization promotes the formation of new flower buds, accelerates the onset of flowering, provides a bright floral color and abundant and prolonged flowering.
  • Suitable for all flowering plants.
  • Organics improves soil fertility and invigorates the activity of soil organisms.
  • Does not contain chemical additives.

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Rose watering fertilizer 300g

0 out of 5

Fast-acting water-soluble full fertilizer with trace elements for watering various species of roses. Fertilizer has a balanced composition and contains all the trace elements essential for plants in a form that is easily assimilated by them. Accelerates the onset of flowering and promotes the formation of new flower buds. Magnesium and trace elements contained in the fertilizer strengthen plants, ensure optimal growth and make the flower color bright. Roses bloom profusely and long. Potassium contained in the fertilizer strengthens plants, makes the smell of flowers more intense, and increases the frost resistance and resistance of plants to adverse growing conditions and diseases.

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0 out of 5

Tõhus ja vastupidav rotilõks, mis on lihtne kasutada ja sobib korduvalt kasutamiseks.

Original price was: 5,99 €.Current price is: 4,99 €.
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Rukkilill 'Double Mixture'

0 out of 5

  • Populaarne üheaastane suvelill.
  • Täidisõielised valgete, siniste, roosade toonide segu.
  • Kõrgus: 50 cm.
  • Õitseb sügiskülmadeni.

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Rukkilill 50g

0 out of 5

  • Armastatud ja levinud üheaastane põllulill, hea mee- ja ravimtaim.
  • Kasutatakse ka erinevate lilleseemnesegude koostises.
  • Meelitab aeda mesilasi ja liblikaid.
  • Sobib hästi lõikelilleks.
  • Kuivatatud siniseid õielehti kasutatakse kookide ja tortide kaunistamiseks.
  • Õitseb: juuni-august.

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0 out of 5

  • Rukkilill 'Rose Shade' on üheaastane lill.
  • Taim on kaunistatud topeltõitega, mis on erksavärvilised ning õitsevad rikkalikult ja pikka aega.
  • Rukkililled on kergesti kasvatatavad ning sobivad suurepäraselt lõikelilledeks.
  • Nad on populaarsed nii tavalistes lilleaedades kui ka etnograafilistes aedades.
  • See taim ei ole mulla suhtes eriti nõudlik, kuid eelistab vett hästi läbilaskvat ja õhulist pinnast.

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0 out of 5

Field cabbage e arugula is a one-year-old piquant salad and herb. Juicy leaves can be eaten both raw and steamed. With them, food is garnished, added to salads, soups, seasoned meat dishes. The leaves of field cabbage are rich in vitamins, minerals, trace elements and other beneficial substances. Sow arugula in several stages so that young fresh leaves can be constantly taken.

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Saaremaa lime 1,2kg

0 out of 5

  • Protects tree trunks from sunburn, mitigating the harmful effects of sharp fluctuations in temperature, which leads to cracking of the bark of trees.
  • Also destroys pests and their eggs, because it contains slaked lime.

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Saaremaa lime 5kg

0 out of 5

  • Protects tree trunks from sunburn, mitigating the harmful effects of sharp fluctuations in temperature, which leads to cracking of the bark of trees.
  • Also destroys pests and their eggs, because it contains slaked lime.

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Sääsepeletuspulk BROS 4tk

0 out of 5

BROS - sääskedepulgad välitingimustes (terrassid, aiad, rõdud). Võitleb kärbeste ja sääskede vastu. 4-st tükist koosnev komplekt kaitseb kuni 60 m² pinda. Mõju on juba 10 minutit pärast süttimist ja pakuvad mitu tundi kaitset putukate vastu.

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Sääskede spiraalid 10 tk

0 out of 5

  • Insektitsiid sääskede ja muude lendavate putukate tõrjeks
  • Pakendis 10 spiraali koos metallist alustega
  • Iga spiraal kaitseb kuni 7,5 m2 suurust ala, sõltuvalt ilmastikutingimustest
  • Ei purune, ei pudene
  • Tapab kiiresti putukad
  • Ei eralda inimestele kahjulikke kergestisüttivaid aineid
  • Mugav matkamiseks, kalastamiseks ja loodusesse
  • Valmistatud 95% taaskasutatud materjalidest

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Saekett RY100

0 out of 5


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Samblaeemaldiga muruväetis 10kg

0 out of 5

  • Baltic Agro samblaeemaldiga muruväetis aitab vabaneda samblast.
  • Sammal vallutab muru, kui muld on liiga tihe ja õhustamata, toitainetevaene, muru kasvab varjus või on tegemist liigniiske või happelise pinnasega.

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Samblaeemaldiga muruväetis 15kg

0 out of 5

  • Baltic Agro samblaeemaldiga muruväetis aitab vabaneda samblast.
  • Sammal vallutab muru, kui muld on liiga tihe ja õhustamata, toitainetevaene, muru kasvab varjus või on tegemist liigniiske või happelise pinnasega.

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Samblaeemaldiga muruväetis 4kg

0 out of 5

  • Baltic Agro samblaeemaldiga muruväetis aitab vabaneda samblast.
  • Sammal vallutab muru, kui muld on liiga tihe ja õhustamata, toitainetevaene, muru kasvab varjus või on tegemist liigniiske või happelise pinnasega.

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Samblaeemaldiga muruväetis 7,5kg

0 out of 5

  • Baltic Agro samblaeemaldiga muruväetis aitab vabaneda samblast.
  • Sammal vallutab muru, kui muld on liiga tihe ja õhustamata, toitainetevaene, muru kasvab varjus või on tegemist liigniiske või happelise pinnasega.

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Scaly red clover Rokali

0 out of 5

Scaly red clover Rokali

  • One-year-old plant.
  • Suitable for both bed ornamental plants and flower meadow mixes.
  • Binds atmospheric nitrogen, is a good soil improver.
  • Bright red inflorescences are up to 5 cm long.
  • Attracts butterflies, bees and bumblebees.
  • Good honey plant.

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SCHULTZ Maasika - Viljapõõsaste ja Viljapuude Väetis 350g

0 out of 5

  • NPK 15-7-32 + 3MgO
  • Hästi tasakaalustatud, täis olulisi toitaineid SCHULTZ GARDEN väetis annab usaldusväärseid tulemusi kõikidele marjadele ja marjapuudele: maasikad, vaarikad, murakad, sõstrad, karusmarjad, jõhvikad, põldmarjad ja viljapuudele: õunapuud, pirnid, ploomid, kirsid, virsikud, aprikoosipuud.
  • Tagab nõuetekohase õitsemise ja marjade/viljade saamise, parandab marjade/viljade värvi ja maitset.
  • Stimuleerib taimede arengut - taimed muutuvad tugevamaks, saak on maitsev ja hea väljanägemisega.
  • Sisaldab õiges tasakaalus toitaineid, et tagada terve saak ja kindlad magusad viljad.

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SCHULTZ Õitsvate Taimede Kastmisväetis 350g

0 out of 5

  • Hästi tasakaalustatud NPK väetis 8:12:35+5MgO on kõrge kaaliumisisaldusega kontsentraat, mis on mõeldud kiireks õitsemiseks, rikkalikumate värvide saamiseks ja kõigi õitsvate ja viljakandvate taimede jõulise kasvu soodustamiseks.
  • Loodusena toidab taimi iga vihma korral, lahustades toitaineid ja jagades neid kõigile taimedele teie õues ja aias.
  • Sama saate teha iga kord, kui kastate, toites SCHULTZ GARDENi õitsemistoiduga.
  • Kõigile õitsvatele ja viljelevatele taimedele.

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SCHULTZ Universaalväetis 350g

0 out of 5

  • Universaalne taimetoit NPK 18-18-18+3MgO
  • Hästi tasakaalustatud, täis olulisi toitaineid sisaldav SCHULTZ GARDEN väetis, mis annab usaldusväärseid tulemusi kõikidele sise- ja välitaimedele.
  • Üldiseks kasutamiseks, et säilitada taimede toitainete tase, soodustada tervislikku kasvu ja head värvi, soodustada taimede stabiilset rajamist ning kasvada suuremaks ja ilusamaks.
  • Kõigile lilledele, toataimedele, roosidele, köögiviljadele, puudele ja põõsastele.

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Score 250 EC 2ml (viljapuude seenhaiguste tõrjeks)

0 out of 5

  • Laia toimespektriga süsteemne fungitsiid.
Kasutusala: õuna-, pirni-,ploomi-, kirsipuu ja teiste seemne- ja luuviljaliste seenhaiguste tõrjeks.

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0 out of 5

Armeria maritima (Miller) Willd.

  • Perennial species of flowering plant that brings flowers in the first year after sowing.
  • One of the most popular flowering plants of the carpet type, which is grown in dwarf flower gardens, rock gardens.
  • The plant is not demanding to special soil conditions, can grow on poor soils.
  • The flowers are bright, forming a magnificent contrast with greenery.

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