Parsley 'Bravour'
Parsley 'Bravour is a low-growing curlypetersell with decorative aromatic leaves. Two-year-old herb 25 cm high. Leaves fragrant, dark green and shiny. The leaves are used as a seasoning for dishes fresh or stored in the refrigerator for winter use.
Parsley 'Gigante d'Italia'
Parsley 'Gigante d'Italia' is a fast-growing, smooth-leaved leafpeterel. The leaves are smooth, dark green, small, beautiful and even. Used to flavor dishes fresh or stored in the refrigerator for winter use.
Parsnip White Gem
Parsnip White Gem
- Very valuable undemanding root crop.
- One of the most popular and reliable varieties!
- Suitable for soups, stews, omelets, purees.
Patisson DISCO
- Patisson DISCO is a medium early shrub variety.
- The shape of the fruit is plate-shaped.
- The flesh of the fruit is white and tastes better than artichoke or zucchini.
- The taste is pleasantly young with the taste of mushroom and cucumber.
Pea 'Avola'
Pea 'Avola' is a very early pea variety with good taste, both for fresh consumption and for preparing dishes. Height 40-50 cm. Resistant to wilting disease.
Pea 'Maxigolt'
The mid-early pea variety 'Maxigolt' with very sweet dark green grains is suitable for both fresh consumption and the preparation of dishes. Growth time 50-60 days.
Pea Aamisepp
Pea Aamisepp is bred in Estonia.
- Aamisepp is a very tasty high-growing (100-140 cm) mid-early pea variety.
- Gives pods for a long time.
- Pods large, with a blunt tip.
- In the pod large grains up to 8 pcs.
- Relatively resistant to spot inflammation.
Pea Creation
- Pea 'Looming' is a highly yielding low-growing (50-60 cm) medium-ripening pea variety bred in Estonia.
- Pod dark green, with a pointed tip, in a grain pod up to 11 pcs.
- Pea-spot inflammation resistance average.
Pea Utrillo
- Pea Utrillo is a late pea variety with good taste, both for fresh consumption and for the preparation of dishes.
- Height 75 cm.
- Yielding and large-leaved.
Peiulill 'Disco Granada'
Easy-to-grow one-year-old summer flower. Simple flowers with a spectacular color combination with a diameter of 4–5 cm. Blooms until the autumn frosts. Height: 25 cm. Planted in flower beds, pots, balcony boxes.
Peiulill 'Disco Orange'
Easy-to-grow one-year-old summer flower. Orange simple flowers with a diameter of 4–5 cm. Blooms until autumn frosts. Height: 25 cm. Planted in flower beds, pots, balcony boxes.
Peiulill 'Disco Red'
Easy-to-grow one-year-old summer flower. Simple flowers with a spectacular color combination with a diameter of 4–5 cm. Blooms until the autumn frosts. Height: 25 cm. Planted in flower beds, pots, balcony boxes.
Peiulill 'Discovery Orange'
Easy-to-grow one-year-old summer flower. Spectacular spherical flowers with a diameter of 8–10 cm. Blooms until the autumn frosts. Height: 25-30 cm. Planted in flower beds, pots, balcony boxes.
Peiulill 'Discovery Yellow'
Easy-to-grow one-year-old summer flower. Spectacular spherical flowers with a diameter of 8–10 cm. Blooms until the autumn frosts. Height: 25-30 cm. Planted in flower beds, pots, balcony boxes.
Peiulill 'Safari Bolero'
Easy-to-grow one-year-old summer flower. Filling flowers with a spectacular color combination with a diameter of 5–6 cm. Blooms until the autumn frosts. Height: 25 cm. Planted in flower beds, pots, balcony boxes.
Peiulill 'Safari Red'
Easy-to-grow one-year-old summer flower. Filling flowers with a spectacular color combination with a diameter of 5–6 cm. Blooms until the autumn frosts. Height: 25 cm. Planted in flower beds, pots, balcony boxes.
Peiulill 'Safari Yellow Fire'
Easy-to-grow one-year-old summer flower. Filling flowers with a spectacular color combination with a diameter of 5–6 cm. Blooms until the autumn frosts. Height: 25 cm. Planted in flower beds, pots, balcony boxes.
Peiulill 'Safari Yellow'
Easy-to-grow one-year-old summer flower. Bright yellow filling flowers with a diameter of 5–6 cm. Blooms until the autumn frosts. Height: 25 cm. Planted in flower beds, pots, balcony boxes.
Peiulill 'Super Hero Orange'
Easy-to-grow one-year-old summer flower. Bright orange filling flowers with a diameter of 4-5 cm. Blooms until the autumn frosts. Height: 20 cm. Planted in flower beds, pots, balcony boxes.
Peiulill 'Super Hero Spry'
Easy-to-grow one-year-old summer flower. Filling flowers with a spectacular color combination with a diameter of 4-5 cm. Blooms until the autumn frosts. Height: 20 cm. Planted in flower beds, pots, balcony boxes.
Petunia nana compacta
- Annual flowers.
- Petunias of this group are characterized by abundantly blooming, vibrant flowers.
- They are grown in flower gardens and balconies.
- Seeds are very small, germinate in 17-20 days at a temperature of from +18 to +20 o C.
- Do not cover with soil.
Petunia hybrida
- One-year-old 25-38 cm tall, compact flower.
- Produces bright flowers 8-9 cm high.
- Gives more flowers than other varieties.
- Long-flowering, compact plants.
- More resistant to adverse growing conditions and diseases than other varieties of petunias.
- Pelletized seeds - covered with a binding mixture of organic and mineral fertilizers.
Petuunia 'Celebrity Burgundy Frost'
- Madalakasvuline ja kompaktne hübriidpetuunia sort multiflora sordirühmast.
- Efektse mustriga õied.
- Väga hea vihmataluvus.
Petuunia 'Celebrity Burgundy Star'
- Madalakasvuline ja kompaktne hübriidpetuunia sort multiflora sordirühmast.
- Efektse mustriga õied.
- Väga hea vihmataluvus.
Petuunia 'Celebrity Regular Mix'
- Madalakasvuline ja kompaktne hübriidpetuunia sort.
- Erinevate värvide segu.
- Väga hea vihmataluvus.
- Kõrgus: 30 cm.
Petuunia 'Celebrity Strawberry Ice'
- Madalakasvuline ja kompaktne hübriidpetuunia sort multiflora sordirühmast.
- Efektse mustriga õied.
- Väga hea vihmataluvus.
Euphorbia Polychroma
- Mitmeaastane, 40 cm pikkune õis.
- Põõsastetaimed, mille kollased õied täiendavad ideaalselt rohelist lehestikku.
- Lill jääb kaunistuseks kogu hooaja jooksul.
- Kasvatatakse lilleaedades ja kiviaedades koos mitmeaastaste lilledega.
- See on üks kõige vähem nõudlikumaid lilli, mida saab kasvatada kehvas liivapinnasesse.
- Kõik taime osad on mürgised.
Pink clover 300g
Pink clover is an excellent green fertilizer culture and soil fertility improver. The cultivation of green fertilizer crops from legumes is the main way to naturally enrich the soil with nitrogen. Good honey plant. Honey productivity 120kg/ha. Honey resembles white clover honey in taste and properties. Seeding rate 12g/10m2. Seeding depth: 1-2 cm.
Plastic pot 9 cm – for sowing
- Capacity: 0.3 l
- Diameter: 9 cm
- Material: plastic
- Color: Brown
- See on varajane, saagikas ja haigustele vastupidav porgandi hübriidsort.
- Nii juurte välispind kui ka sisu on iseloomuliku punase värvusega.
- Magusad ja krõmpsud porgandid on suurepärase maitsega ning sobivad nii värskelt söömiseks kui ka salatite ja mahlade valmistamiseks.
- Seda sorti saab kasvatada ka sügiseseks saagikoristuseks või säilitamiseks - sel juhul tuleks seemned külvata 20. maist kuni 10. juunini.
Solanum tuberosum
Рrimula veris L.
- Mitmeaastane, 15-30 cm kõrgune, dekoratiivsed õied.
- Õied on 3-5 cm läbimõõduga, erksad, kahevärvilised ja ühevärvilised, priimula vaibad on väga atraktiivsed hõredate puude, madalate viljapuude all.
- Sobib hästi kiviaedadesse, potti.
- Istutatakse kobaratena lillepeenardesse.
Pruudisõlg ‘Giant Scarlet’
- Suurepärane lõike- ja peenralill!
- Suured erkpunased täidisõied läbimõõduga 10-12 cm meelitavad liblikaid.
Pumpkin 'Flynn' F1
Pumpkin 'Flynn' F1 is a variety with beautiful rounded orange fruits. Fruits 20-22 cm in diameter and weighing 3.0-3.8 kg. The variety is medium powdery mildew resistant.
Cucurbita pepo L.
- Variety with medium early bushes.
- The vegetation period is 52 days.
- The fruits are round, with a thin green peel and excellent taste.
- The fruits are suitable for fresh use, preservation, frying, steaming, stuffing, canning.
- Grow well on fertile soil, in a sunny place.
Punapeet 'Cardeal' F1 seemnelindil
- Peediseemned seemnelindil, lihtne kasvatada.
- Keskvarajane, kõrge suhkrusisaldusega ja väga hea säilivusega sort.
- Ühtlased tumepunased ümarad viljad.