A mixture of leafy greens
There are 4 varieties of lettuce with an attractive shape and piquant taste: leafhopper with red and green leaves, arugula and mituru.
Aasia lehtköögiviljade segu seemnelindil
- Seemnelindil erinevad aasia köögis tuntud lehtköögiviljad.
- Atraktiivse kuju ja pikantse maitsega.
- Kerge kasvatada, idanevad kiiresti.
- Võib kasvatada ka rõdukastis.
Fragaria vesca
Daucus carota L.
- Väga varajane sort.
- Vegetatsiooniperiood on 73-78 päeva alates külvamisest.
- Juured on ümmargused, magusad, lõhenemisvastupidavad, ei rohelise isegi siis, kui nad tõusevad pinnale.
- Võib kasutada värskelt, sobib hästi töötlemiseks ja külmutamiseks.
Aedtill 'Mammoth'
- Aedtill 'Mammoth' is a very yielding shrub dill.
- At the beginning of growth, a low-growing and abundantly leaf-giving variety, which later grows very tall.
- The leaf mass is delicate and fragrant.
- Suitable for use both fresh and dried, in preserves and as a seasoning for dishes.
Basil 'Genovese'
Classic Italian basil with large leaves. Fresh and dried leaves are used for food. The best basil for making pesto. 0.8 g.
Beetroot 'Kestrel' F1
Beetroot 'Kestrel' is a mid-late variety, the fruits have a beautiful rounded shape. Very good taste characteristics.
Beetroot 'Rodina' F1
Beetroot 'Rodina' F1 is a medium-ripening, high-yielding variety. Fruits cylindrical, deep red. Suitable for fresh consumption (slicing), preservation and processing.
Carrot 'Jerada' F1
Early Nantes-type variety. Long, even, smooth crunchy carrots with a pleasant taste. Consumed fresh, processed, can also be frozen.
Carrot 'Jõgeva Nantes' on seed tape
Carrot 'Jõgeva Nantes' is a medium-early variety bred in Estonia. Good preservation carrots with strong tops. Root crops have a smooth and shiny peel, very tasty and do not crack. Consumed fresh, processed, can be frozen.
Carrot 'Morelia' F1
Mid-early Nantes-type variety. Very good preservation carrots. Root crops have a smooth and shiny peel, dark orange, very tasty and do not crack. Strong tops allow for good mechanical harvesting. Consumed fresh, processed, can also be frozen.
Carrot 'Nantes 2' on seed tape
Carrot seeds on seed tape 4m. Easy to grow. Does not require thinning. Mid-early Nantes- type variety. Very good preservation carrots. Root crops have a smooth and shiny peel, dark orange, very tasty and do not crack. Prefers loosened, humus-rich and sandy soils.
Daucus carota L.
- Early variety grown for fresh consumption and short-term storage.
- The roots are peduncles, about 15-17 cm long.
- Carrots grow best on humus-rich soils, not on moist, loamy or sandy loam soils.
- Can be sown in the fall.
Brassica oleracea L.
- Early variety.
- Harvested 60 days after planting seedlings.
- The heads are medium in size, compact and white.
- They can be used fresh, canned or frozen.
Cherry tomato 'Black Cherry'
Early and high-growing very lush and super-yielding variety. Bears fruit until late autumn. Fruits dark, blackish-red, with a delicate shell, fragrant and sweet. Children's favorite! Weight 15-25g.
Cherry tomato 'Sweet Million' F1
The 'Sweet Million' F1 cherry tomato is a cherry tomato valued by very large bunches, the fruits of which are red, sweet, and do not crack.
- Medium early chili pepper variety.
- The fruits are elongated, pointed, dark red when ripe, spicy, weighing 25-30 g.
- Used as a spice.
- One plant gives 20-25 fruits.
Chilli pepper 'Yanka' F1
Medium early sivri-type sharp-tasting peppers with a very attractive color. Fruits whitish-green, orange and red when ripening. The fruits are 20-25 cm long and have an average weight (50-70g). Good cold and heat resistance. Sivr pepper is one of the most popular peppers used in Turkish cuisine.
Common bean 'Argus'
'Argus' green Turkish bean is a variety with dark green pods and excellent taste! Height 45 cm. The length of the pods 14-15 cm. Also ideal for growing in a pot/container. Beans are plants that are demanding of light and heat.
Common bean 'Fruidor'
'Fruidor' garden bean e turkish bean is a yielding variety with delicate golden yellow pods, without fibers! Height 45 cm. The length of the pods 12-13 cm.
Coriander Santo
- Coriander Santo
- One-year-old herb.
- One of the best and most yielding varieties of coriander.
- Large leaf mass, great taste!
Cucumber 'Conductor' F1
Cucumber 'Conductor' F1 is a medium-early, self-fertile, short- and smooth-fruited high-yielding variety. The fruits are free of bitter substances. Resistant to mosaic disease and powdery mildew.
Cucumber grass
- One-year-old herb, medicinal and honey plant.
- Cucumber-scented leaves and young shoots are used in salads, soups, sauces, for garnishing edible flowers.
- As a medicinal plant with a metabolism-enhancing, cold-relieving effect.
- Also suitable for a beauty garden.
- Height: 50-60 cm.
- Eggplant - medium early variety.
- The fruits are large, with a dark purple peel.
- The flesh of the fruit is firm and white.
- The fruits are picked when the peel is shiny. (NB! Later they may become bitter.)
Field bean Helbi
- Very good tasting mid-early protein-rich field beans.
- Well suited for cooking dishes (including salt beans).
- Large pods and seeds.
- In the pod 4-6 grains.
- Strong erect stems of medium length.
- Used in home cooking, canning and freezing.
Head cabbage 'Nozomi'
White cabbage 'Nozomi' F1 is a very early hydride. For fresh use. The heads are bright green, weigh 1-1.5 kg, are stored long without cracking.
Iceberg lettuce 'Silvinas' F1
Iceberg lettuce 'Silvinas' has a mild taste, a dense head and dark green leaves. Ripens evenly and does not budge.
Kale 'Dwarf Green Curled'
Kale 'Dwarf Green Curled' is a very decorative kale variety with green curly leaves. Kale has the highest nutritional value of cabbages, contains a lot of protein, minerals and vitamins.
Solanum tuberosum
- otikasvatuskomplekt võimaldab teil nautida värsket basiilikut aastaringselt.
- Lõhnav basiilik 'Italiano Classico' on suurte aromaatsete lehtedega ja kasvab kuni 30-40 cm kõrgeks.
- Toiduks kasutatakse värskeid ja kuivatatud lehti või lehtede ja õite segu.
- Potikasvatuskomplekt annab teile võimaluse nautida tšillipipraid.
- Tšillipipra sort ʻDe Cayenneʼ on kompaktne ja väga dekoratiivne.
- Viljad on punased ja vürtsika maitsega.
- Kasutatakse vürtsina.
- Sobib konserveerimiseks ja kuivatamiseks.
- Potikasvatuskomplekt võimaldab teil nautida värsket pune aastaringselt.
- Need on ravim-, maitse-, dekoratiiv- ja meetaimed.
- Värsked ja kuivatatud lehed parandavad liha-, muna- ja kalaroogade, salatite ja suppide maitset.
- Potikasvatuskomplekt võimaldab teil nautida värsket piparmünti aastaringselt.
- See on populaarne ravimtaim, millel on värske piparmündi aroom ja maitsev maitse.
- See täiendab mitmesuguseid roogasid, alates teedest kuni magustoitudeni.
- Potikasvatuskomplekt annab võimaluse nautida värskeid tomateid.
- Tomatid "Tiny Tim" on kompaktsed, madalakasvulised taimed, mida saab kasvatada potis aastaringselt.
- Nad toodavad palju väikeseid ja maitsvaid tomateid.
Kirsstomat 'Tutti Frutti' F1
- Suurepärase magusa maitsega varane kirsstomatisort!
- Kõrgekasvuline, haiguskindel ja väga saagikas sort kasvuhoones kasvatamiseks.
- Väikesed punased ovaalsed viljad kaaluga 15-20 g.
Köögitaimed - 12 seemnesortide komplekt
- 12 maitsetaime pakuvad teie köögis palju erinevaid maitseaineid!
- Sõltuvalt sordist saab ürte kasvatada aknalaual, potis või peenral.
- Seed-fast premium-seemned.
- GMO-vabad ja lihvimata.