Harilik Sugapea
- Harilik sugapea on mitmeaastane, kompaktne rohttaim.
- Seda kasvatatakse naturalistlikes ja looduslikel lilleaastel.
- See ei vaja erilist mulda ning kasvab hästi ka väheviljakal ja niiskel pinnasel, talub varju.
Head cabbage 'Nozomi'
White cabbage 'Nozomi' F1 is a very early hydride. For fresh use. The heads are bright green, weigh 1-1.5 kg, are stored long without cracking.
Hiidhirss 'Fluffy'
- Üheaastane dekoratiivne kõrreline.
- Kõrgus: 60 cm.
- Jänese saba meenutavad hallikasvalged, tihedad, kergelt kaardus õisikud ilmuvad juulis.
Hõbepael 'Silver Surfer'
- Väikeste ümarate hõbedaste lehtedega rippuv lehtdekoratiiv taim.
- Sobib kõikjale rippuma või roomama.
- Võrsed võivad kasvada kuni 1,5m pikkuseks.
Home garden grass 10kg
Home garden grass consists of fine-leaved species that become dense and low-growing lawn rugs. The mixture grows both in the sun and in the shade. Is durable and recovers well from damage. Well suited for home gardens, playgrounds, green spaces.
Home garden grass 3kg
Home garden grass consists of fine-leaved species that become dense and low-growing lawn rugs. The mixture grows both in the sun and in the shade. Is durable and recovers well from damage. Well suited for home gardens, playgrounds, green spaces.
Home garden grass 4kg
Home garden grass consists of fine-leaved species that become dense and low-growing lawn rugs. The mixture grows both in the sun and in the shade. Is durable and recovers well from damage. Well suited for home gardens, playgrounds, green spaces.
Home garden grass 5kg
Home garden grass consists of fine-leaved species that become dense and low-growing lawn rugs. The mixture grows both in the sun and in the shade. Is durable and recovers well from damage. Well suited for home gardens, playgrounds, green spaces.
Home garden grass Ornamental 20kg
Home garden grass Ornamental seed mix is a high-quality product that consists of fine-leaved species and gives you the best dense and low-growing lawn rug.
Home garden grass ornamental 7,5kg
The 'Ornamental' seed mix for home garden grass is a high-quality product consisting of fine-leaved species and giving you the best dense and low-growing lawn rug.
Home Garden Grass Sun 20kg
- From grass seed Sunshine grows drought-resistant and dense grass camaraderie.
- Grows well both in the sun and in the shade.
- The grass recovers well from damage.
- Stays green even during drought periods.
Home garden grass with white clover 5kg
- Home garden grass with white clover is a seed mixture for planting a lawn.
- Environmentally friendly, requires little watering and fertilization, and is easy to build.
- The seed mixture contains white clover, which itself fertilizes the lawn camaraderie by binding atmospheric nitrogen.
- Ideal for home gardens, parks and playgrounds.
Hüdrogeel Zeba SP 10g
- Toode on mikrokrüstallide kujul.
- Soovitatav segada substraadiga, eriti poti- ja rõdutaimede istutamisel.
- Imendab ja säilitab vett ning selles sisalduvaid toitaineid.
- Garanteerib taimedele vee kättesaadavuse põuaperioodidel.
- Hüdrogeel imab ja eraldab vett korduvalt.
- Mõjub positiivselt taimede juurdumisele ja idanemisele ning nende välimusele.
Hydrangea fertilizer 1kg box
Hydrangea fertilizer is a high-quality full-fledged fertilizer containing trace elements, suitable for fertilizing all types of hydrangea. Nitrogen strengthens the intense green color of the leaves, as well as improves the lush growth of the plant. Potassium contained in the fertilizer promotes the formation of large inflorescences, and also ensures a longer persistence of inflorescences on the bush. Phosphorus increases the resistance of plants to drought, frostbite and diseases.
Hydrangea Liquid Fertilizer 500ml
- Hydrangea liquid fertilizer is a fast-acting water-soluble full fertilizer with microelements for fertilizing all types and varieties of hydrangea, including garden, wooded, climbing, oak-leaved hydrangea and many other hydrangeas.
- Especially suitable for use for hydrangeas grown in pots.
- Hydrangea fertilizer is also recommended for fertilizing other sour-loving plants.
Hydrangea watering fertilizer 300g
Fast-acting water-soluble full fertilizer for watering hydrangeas. Accelerates the onset of flowering and promotes the formation of new flower buds. Magnesium contained in the fertilizer strengthens plants, ensures optimal growth and makes the flower color bright. Potassium contained in the fertilizer strengthens plants, makes the smell of flowers more intense, and increases the frost resistance and resistance of plants to adverse growing conditions and diseases.
Ice-melt Mayeri (calcium chloride) 4kg
- An effective and environmentally friendly means of melting ice and snow.
- Creates strong heat when exposed to ice and snow, which melts ice and snow in an instant.
- Prevents re-icing of surfaces.
- Can also be used to prevent the formation of ice.
- Does not damage concrete, stone pavement or asphalt.
- Operates at temperatures up to -30°C.
Iceberg lettuce 'Silvinas' F1
Iceberg lettuce 'Silvinas' has a mild taste, a dense head and dark green leaves. Ripens evenly and does not budge.
Imbtoru Multibar 50m
Irritec Multibar tilgutustoru, ø 16 mm, 33 cm tilgutusvahe, 2,1 l/h, 50 m rull
- Irritec Multibar survekompenseeriv tilgutustoru
- 16 mm välisläbimõõt
- 1,1 mm seina paksus
- Tilguti tootlikkus 2,1 l/h
- Tilguti vahekaugus 33 cm
- Soovitatav filtreerimine: 125 µm
- 50 m rull
Incarnate 300g
Incarnation- e. crimson clover is a one-year-old clover. Differs from other species of clover in its decorativeness. Excellent catch culture, ornamental and honey plant.
Insect netting for plants 2.2×10 m
- Insect screen protects vegetables from plant pests.
- White insect screen for plants is made of strong polyamide fabric (180 microns).
Insect screen 1.4x5m - Protect your plants from insects!
- Insect screen protects vegetables from plant pests.
- Environmentally friendly, reduces the need to use pesticides.
- Keeps flies, aphids, fleas and beetles under mechanical control.
- Lets air and water through and protects from wind, hail and heavy rain.
- Protects against birds and animals.
Insect screen for plants 3x5m
Insect screen protects vegetables from plant pests.
- Environmentally friendly, reduces the need to use pesticides.
- Keeps flies, aphids, fleas and beetles under mechanical control.
- Lets air and water through and protects from wind, hail and heavy rain.
- Protects against birds and animals.
Iron Sulphate 300g
Spraying with a solution of iron sulfate in early spring before the outbreak of buds repels scab on the apple and pear tree, fruit rot, leaf spot on fruit trees and berry bushes, gooseberry-powdery mildew, currant felt rust, gooseberry inflammation, rose powdery mildew, rose roses. Iron sulfate well destroys mosses and lichens both from tree trunks and from lawns.
Iron Sulphate 800g
Spraying with a solution of iron sulfate in early spring before the outbreak of buds repels scab on the apple and pear tree, fruit rot, leaf spot on fruit trees and berry bushes, gooseberry-powdery mildew, currant felt rust, gooseberry inflammation, rose powdery mildew, rose roses. Iron sulfate well destroys mosses and lichens both from tree trunks and from lawns.
Jääsulataja 3 kg (kaltsiumkloriid)
- Efektiivne ja kiiretoimeline jääsulataja 3 kg ämbris.
- Kaltsiumkloriid sulatab jää ja lume temperatuuril kuni -30°C.
- Sobib kasutamiseks kõnniteedel, treppidel, sissesõiduteedel ja muudel väikestel pindadel.
- Lihtne kasutada ja hoiustada.
Jänesesaba 'Bunny'
- Vähenõudlik üheaastane dekoratiivne kõrreline.
- Kõrgus: 45 cm.
- Jänese saba meenutavad hallikasvalged õisikud ilmuvad juulis.
- Efektne nii peenras, lillepottides ja -konteinerites, sobib ka lõikelilleks ja kuivatamiseks.
Kaalimagneesium 1kg
- Sobib tomatite, kurkide, kartulite, maasikate, vaarikate, mustkate, püsi ja suvelillede, aia- ja põlluviljade, viljapuude, muru, rooside, okaspuude ja koikide teiste õue- ja kasvuhoonetaimede väetamiseks.
- Kaalimagneesium on suure magneesiumi ja väävli sisaldusega kaaliumväetis.
- Toitained esinevad väetises sulfaatidena ja on vees lahustuvad ning seetoltu koheselt taimedele kättesaadavad.
Käärid Tucano XL
- Tucano XL teleskooplõikur on varustatud sisemise mehhanismiga, mida juhivad rihmarattad ja Dyneema-trossid.
- Need kontrollivad tera liikumist.
- See on kaetud TOP SHIELD-tehnoloogiaga, mis on mittekleepuv materjal, mis võimaldab paremini puitu tungida.
- Lõikepea on reguleeritav kuni 180° ja pikkus on 1,87-2,97 m.
- Ovaalne pressitud alumiiniumvarras annab tootele ergonoomilisuse ja suure jäikuse.
Kaktusmiks 0,3g
Kale 'Dwarf Green Curled'
Kale 'Dwarf Green Curled' is a very decorative kale variety with green curly leaves. Kale has the highest nutritional value of cabbages, contains a lot of protein, minerals and vitamins.
Sedum reflexum L.
- Üheaastane, vähenõudlik lill, mis moodustab tiheda vaiba.
- Need lilled on kuivamist taluvad, neid võib kasvatada viljatuseta, kuivas mullas.
- Kivililled ei heida lehti ega õisi, seetõttu näevad nad korralikud välja ja on vähe hooldust nõudvad.
Kaltsiumnitraat 1kg
Kaltsiumnitraat on kiire mõjuga vees lahustuv kaltsiumiga lämmastikväetis kasvuhoone- ja aiataimede kastmisväetamiseks või lehtede kaudu väetamiseks.
Kanakaka granules 10l
Natural fertilizer, Kanakaka granules, improves soil structure and invigorates the work of soil microorganisms. Kanakaka granules provide the plant with strong growth and abundant flowering, as well as increase the yield. A high content of organic matter helps maintain soil fertility and improves the soil's ability to retain moisture. Granules (2-5 mm) contain in their natural form all the basic and micronutrients that plants need.